var id = function (id){ return document.getElementById(id); }; var tf = new TableFilter('demo', { base_path: '../dist/tablefilter/', col_0: 'multiple', col_1: 'select', col_2: 'checklist', load_filters_on_demand: true }); tf.init(); var flt1 = tf.getFilterElement(0); var flt2 = tf.getFilterElement(1); var flt3 = null; var flt3ContId = tf.feature('checkList').prfx + '2_' +; var flt3Cont = id(flt3ContId); function buildChecklist(tf, colIdx){ var checkList = tf.feature('checkList');; checkList.containers[colIdx].onclick = null; checkList.containers[colIdx].title = ''; } module('Sanity checks'); test('Select type filters exist', function() { deepEqual(tf.loadFltOnDemand, true, 'loadFltOnDemand property'); notEqual(flt1, null, 'Filter 1 element exists'); notEqual(flt2, null, 'Filter 2 element exists'); deepEqual(flt3, null, 'Filter 3 element exists'); deepEqual(tf.getFilterType(0), 'multiple', 'Expected filter type 1'); deepEqual(tf.getFilterType(1), 'select', 'Expected filter type 2'); deepEqual(tf.getFilterType(2), 'checklist', 'Expected filter type 3'); }); module('UI Filter elements'); test('Filters are empty', function() { deepEqual(flt1.options.length, 1, 'Number of options for filter 1'); deepEqual(flt2.options.length, 1, 'Number of options for filter 2'); deepEqual(flt1.options[0].text, 'Clear', 'Filter 1 text'); deepEqual(flt2.options[0].text, 'Clear', 'Filter 2 text'); deepEqual(flt3Cont.innerHTML, 'Click to load filter data', 'Filter 3 text'); }); test('Filters are populated after activation', function() { flt1.focus(); flt2.focus(); buildChecklist(tf, 2); flt3 = tf.getFilterElement(2); deepEqual(flt1.options.length, 3, 'Number of options for filter 1'); deepEqual(flt2.options.length, 7, 'Number of options for filter 2'); deepEqual(flt3.childNodes.length, 8, 'Number of options for filter 3'); }); test('TableFilter re-initialised with grid layout', function() { tf.destroy(); deepEqual(tf.isInitialized(), false, 'Filters removed'); tf = null; tf = new TableFilter('demo', { base_path: '../dist/tablefilter/', col_0: 'multiple', col_1: 'select', col_2: 'checklist', load_filters_on_demand: true, grid_layout: true }); tf.init(); flt1 = tf.getFilterElement(0); flt2 = tf.getFilterElement(1); flt3 = null; flt3ContId = tf.feature('checkList').prfx + '2_' +; flt3Cont = id(flt3ContId); }); module('Behaviour with grid layout'); test('Selet type filters exist', function() { deepEqual(tf.loadFltOnDemand, true, 'loadFltOnDemand property'); notEqual(flt1, null, 'Filter 1 element exists'); notEqual(flt2, null, 'Filter 2 element exists'); deepEqual(flt3, null, 'Filter 3 element exists'); deepEqual(tf.getFilterType(0), 'multiple', 'Expected filter type 1'); deepEqual(tf.getFilterType(1), 'select', 'Expected filter type 2'); deepEqual(tf.getFilterType(2), 'checklist', 'Expected filter type 3'); }); module('UI Filter elements'); test('Filters are empty', function() { deepEqual(flt1.options.length, 1, 'Number of options for filter 1'); deepEqual(flt2.options.length, 1, 'Number of options for filter 2'); deepEqual(flt1.options[0].text, 'Clear', 'Filter 1 text'); deepEqual(flt2.options[0].text, 'Clear', 'Filter 2 text'); deepEqual(flt3Cont.innerHTML, 'Click to load filter data', 'Filter 3 text'); }); test('Filters are populated after activation', function() { flt1.focus(); flt2.focus(); buildChecklist(tf, 2); flt3 = tf.getFilterElement(2); deepEqual(flt1.options.length, 3, 'Number of options for filter 1'); deepEqual(flt2.options.length, 7, 'Number of options for filter 2'); deepEqual(flt3.childNodes.length, 8, 'Number of options for filter 3'); }); test('Filters can filter table', function() { tf.setFilterValue(0, 'Sydney'); tf.setFilterValue(1, 'Canberra'); tf.setFilterValue(2, '286'); tf.filter(); deepEqual(tf.getValidRows().length, 1, 'Number of results'); }); test('TableFilter removed', function() { tf.destroy(); deepEqual(tf.isInitialized(), false, 'Filters removed'); tf = null; });