Resolve issues identified by Valgrind (#910)

* Resolve issues identified by 'valgrind' where possible
This commit is contained in:
abraunegg 2020-05-20 11:37:11 +10:00 committed by GitHub
parent 9933d459ed
commit 206ab8f516
No known key found for this signature in database
7 changed files with 478 additions and 235 deletions

View File

@ -1,66 +1,68 @@
import core.stdc.stdlib: EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE, exit;
import std.file, std.string, std.regex, std.stdio, std.process, std.algorithm.searching, std.getopt, std.conv;
import std.file, std.string, std.regex, std.stdio, std.process, std.algorithm.searching, std.getopt, std.conv, std.path;
import std.algorithm.sorting: sort;
import selective;
static import log;
final class Config
public string refreshTokenFilePath;
public string deltaLinkFilePath;
public string databaseFilePath;
public string databaseFilePathDryRun;
public string uploadStateFilePath;
public string syncListFilePath;
public string homePath;
public string configDirName;
// application defaults
public string defaultSyncDir = "~/OneDrive";
public string defaultSkipFile = "~*|.~*|*.tmp";
public string defaultSkipDir = "";
public string configFileSyncDir;
public string configFileSkipFile;
public string configFileSkipDir;
// application set items
public string refreshTokenFilePath = "";
public string deltaLinkFilePath = "";
public string databaseFilePath = "";
public string databaseFilePathDryRun = "";
public string uploadStateFilePath = "";
public string syncListFilePath = "";
public string homePath = "";
public string configDirName = "";
public string configFileSyncDir = "";
public string configFileSkipFile = "";
public string configFileSkipDir = "";
private string userConfigFilePath = "";
// was the application just authorised - paste of response uri
public bool applicationAuthorizeResponseUri = false;
private string userConfigFilePath;
// hashmap for the values found in the user config file
// ARGGGG D is stupid and cannot make hashmap initializations!!!
// private string[string] foobar = [ "aa": "bb" ] does NOT work!!!
private string[string] stringValues;
private bool[string] boolValues;
private long[string] longValues;
public auto configRegex = ctRegex!(`^(\w+)\s*=\s*"(.*)"\s*$`);
this(string confdirOption)
// default configuration - entries in config file ~/.config/onedrive/config
// an entry here means it can be set via the config file if there is a coresponding read and set in update_from_args()
stringValues["sync_dir"] = defaultSyncDir;
stringValues["skip_file"] = defaultSkipFile;
stringValues["skip_dir"] = defaultSkipDir;
stringValues["log_dir"] = "/var/log/onedrive/";
stringValues["drive_id"] = "";
stringValues["user_agent"] = "";
boolValues["upload_only"] = false;
boolValues["check_nomount"] = false;
boolValues["check_nosync"] = false;
boolValues["download_only"] = false;
stringValues["sync_dir"] = defaultSyncDir;
stringValues["skip_file"] = defaultSkipFile;
stringValues["skip_dir"] = defaultSkipDir;
stringValues["log_dir"] = "/var/log/onedrive/";
stringValues["drive_id"] = "";
stringValues["user_agent"] = "";
boolValues["upload_only"] = false;
boolValues["check_nomount"] = false;
boolValues["check_nosync"] = false;
boolValues["download_only"] = false;
boolValues["disable_notifications"] = false;
boolValues["disable_upload_validation"] = false;
boolValues["enable_logging"] = false;
boolValues["force_http_11"] = false;
boolValues["force_http_2"] = false;
boolValues["local_first"] = false;
boolValues["no_remote_delete"] = false;
boolValues["skip_symlinks"] = false;
boolValues["debug_https"] = false;
boolValues["skip_dotfiles"] = false;
boolValues["dry_run"] = false;
boolValues["sync_root_files"] = false;
longValues["verbose"] = log.verbose; // might be initialized by the first getopt call!
longValues["monitor_interval"] = 45,
longValues["skip_size"] = 0,
longValues["min_notify_changes"] = 5;
boolValues["enable_logging"] = false;
boolValues["force_http_11"] = false;
boolValues["force_http_2"] = false;
boolValues["local_first"] = false;
boolValues["no_remote_delete"] = false;
boolValues["skip_symlinks"] = false;
boolValues["debug_https"] = false;
boolValues["skip_dotfiles"] = false;
boolValues["dry_run"] = false;
boolValues["sync_root_files"] = false;
longValues["verbose"] = log.verbose; // might be initialized by the first getopt call!
longValues["monitor_interval"] = 45;
longValues["skip_size"] = 0;
longValues["min_notify_changes"] = 5;
longValues["monitor_log_frequency"] = 5;
// Number of n sync runs before performing a full local scan of sync_dir
// By default 10 which means every ~7.5 minutes a full disk scan of sync_dir will occur
@ -73,9 +75,19 @@ final class Config
boolValues["skip_dir_strict_match"] = false;
// Allow for a custom Client ID / Application ID to be used to replace the inbuilt default
// This is a config file option ONLY
stringValues["application_id"] = "";
stringValues["application_id"] = "";
// allow for resync to be set via config file
boolValues["resync"] = false;
boolValues["resync"] = false;
// display_memory = true | false
// - It may be desirable to display the memory usage of the application to assist with diagnosing memory issues with the application
// - This is especially beneficial when debugging or performing memory tests with Valgrind
boolValues["display_memory"] = false;
// monitor_max_loop = long value
// - It may be desirable to, when running in monitor mode, force monitor mode to 'quit' after X number of loops
// - This is especially beneficial when debugging or performing memory tests with Valgrind
longValues["monitor_max_loop"] = 0;
// Determine the users home directory.
// Need to avoid using ~ here as expandTilde() below does not interpret correctly when running under init.d or systemd scripts
@ -131,17 +143,29 @@ final class Config
// configDirBase contains the correct path so we do not need to check for presence of '~'
configDirName = configDirBase ~ "/onedrive";
// Config directory options all determined
// configDirName has a trailing /
log.vlog("Using Config Dir: ", configDirName);
if (!exists(configDirName)) mkdirRecurse(configDirName);
refreshTokenFilePath = configDirName ~ "/refresh_token";
deltaLinkFilePath = configDirName ~ "/delta_link";
databaseFilePath = configDirName ~ "/items.sqlite3";
databaseFilePathDryRun = configDirName ~ "/items-dryrun.sqlite3";
uploadStateFilePath = configDirName ~ "/resume_upload";
userConfigFilePath = configDirName ~ "/config";
syncListFilePath = configDirName ~ "/sync_list";
// Update application set variables based on configDirName
refreshTokenFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(configDirName ~ "/refresh_token");
deltaLinkFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(configDirName ~ "/delta_link");
databaseFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(configDirName ~ "/items.sqlite3");
databaseFilePathDryRun = buildNormalizedPath(configDirName ~ "/items-dryrun.sqlite3");
uploadStateFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(configDirName ~ "/resume_upload");
userConfigFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(configDirName ~ "/config");
syncListFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(configDirName ~ "/sync_list");
// Debug Output for application set variables based on configDirName
log.vdebug("refreshTokenFilePath = ", refreshTokenFilePath);
log.vdebug("deltaLinkFilePath = ", deltaLinkFilePath);
log.vdebug("databaseFilePath = ", databaseFilePath);
log.vdebug("databaseFilePathDryRun = ", databaseFilePathDryRun);
log.vdebug("uploadStateFilePath = ", uploadStateFilePath);
log.vdebug("userConfigFilePath = ", userConfigFilePath);
log.vdebug("syncListFilePath = ", syncListFilePath);
bool initialize()
@ -403,15 +427,38 @@ final class Config
longValues[key] = value;
// load a configuration file
private bool load(string filename)
scope(failure) return false;
// configure function variables
auto file = File(filename, "r");
auto r = regex(`^(\w+)\s*=\s*"(.*)"\s*$`);
foreach (line; file.byLine()) {
line = stripLeft(line);
if (line.length == 0 || line[0] == ';' || line[0] == '#') continue;
auto c = line.matchFirst(r);
string lineBuffer;
// configure scopes
// - failure
scope(failure) {
// close file if open
if (file.isOpen()){
// close open file
return false;
// - exit
scope(exit) {
// close file if open
if (file.isOpen()){
// close open file
// read file line by line
auto range = file.byLine();
foreach (line; range) {
lineBuffer = stripLeft(line).to!string;
if (lineBuffer.length == 0 || lineBuffer[0] == ';' || lineBuffer[0] == '#') continue;
auto c = lineBuffer.matchFirst(configRegex);
if (!c.empty) {
c.popFront(); // skip the whole match
string key = c.front.dup;
@ -444,7 +491,7 @@ final class Config
} else {
log.log("Malformed config line: ", line);
log.log("Malformed config line: ", lineBuffer);
return false;
@ -452,7 +499,6 @@ final class Config
void outputLongHelp(Option[] opt)
auto argsNeedingOptions = [

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import std.file;
import std.datetime;
import std.process;
import std.conv;
import core.memory;
import core.sys.posix.pwd, core.sys.posix.unistd, core.stdc.string : strlen;
import std.algorithm : splitter;
version(Notifications) {
@ -201,3 +202,25 @@ private string getUserName()
return "unknown";
void displayMemoryUsagePreGC()
// Display memory usage
writeln("\nMemory Usage pre GC (bytes)");
writeln("memory usedSize = ", GC.stats.usedSize);
writeln("memory freeSize = ", GC.stats.freeSize);
// uncomment this if required, if not using LDC 1.16 as this does not exist in that version
//writeln("memory allocatedInCurrentThread = ", GC.stats.allocatedInCurrentThread, "\n");
void displayMemoryUsagePostGC()
// Display memory usage
writeln("\nMemory Usage post GC (bytes)");
writeln("memory usedSize = ", GC.stats.usedSize);
writeln("memory freeSize = ", GC.stats.freeSize);
// uncomment this if required, if not using LDC 1.16 as this does not exist in that version
//writeln("memory allocatedInCurrentThread = ", GC.stats.allocatedInCurrentThread, "\n");

View File

@ -21,11 +21,72 @@ int main(string[] args)
// Disable buffering on stdout
stdout.setvbuf(0, _IONBF);
// configuration directory
// main function variables
string confdirOption;
string currentConfigHash;
string currentSyncListHash;
string previousConfigHash;
string previousSyncListHash;
string configHashFile;
string syncListHashFile;
string configBackupFile;
string syncDir;
bool configOptionsDifferent = false;
bool syncListConfigured = false;
bool syncListDifferent = false;
bool syncDirDifferent = false;
bool skipFileDifferent = false;
bool skipDirDifferent = false;
bool online = false;
bool performSyncOK = false;
bool onedriveInitialised = false;
bool displayMemoryUsage = false;
// Define scopes
scope(exit) {
// Display memory details
if (displayMemoryUsage) {
// if initialised, shut down the HTTP instance
if (onedriveInitialised) {
// Make sure the .wal file is incorporated into the main db before we exit
// free API instance
oneDrive = null;
// Perform Garbage Cleanup
// Display memory details
if (displayMemoryUsage) {
scope(failure) {
// Display memory details
if (displayMemoryUsage) {
// if initialised, shut down the HTTP instance
if (onedriveInitialised) {
// Make sure the .wal file is incorporated into the main db before we exit
// free API instance
oneDrive = null;
// Perform Garbage Cleanup
// Display memory details
if (displayMemoryUsage) {
// read in application options as passed in
try {
// print the version and exit
bool printVersion = false;
auto opt = getopt(
@ -36,19 +97,22 @@ int main(string[] args)
"verbose|v+", "Print more details, useful for debugging (repeat for extra debugging)", &log.verbose,
"version", "Print the version and exit", &printVersion
// print help and exit
if (opt.helpWanted) {
args ~= "--help";
// print the version and exit
if (printVersion) {
std.stdio.write("onedrive ", import("version"));
writeln("onedrive ", strip(import("version")));
} catch (GetOptException e) {
// option errors
log.error("Try 'onedrive -h' for more information");
} catch (Exception e) {
// error
// generic error
log.error("Try 'onedrive -h' for more information");
@ -62,6 +126,9 @@ int main(string[] args)
// set memory display
displayMemoryUsage = cfg.getValueBool("display_memory");
// update configuration from command line args
@ -69,33 +136,24 @@ int main(string[] args)
// 1. sync_list file modification
// 2. config file modification - but only if sync_dir, skip_dir, skip_file or drive_id was modified
// 3. CLI input overriding configured config file option
configHashFile = buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/.config.hash");
syncListHashFile = buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/.sync_list.hash");
configBackupFile = buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/.config.backup");
string currentConfigHash;
string currentSyncListHash;
string previousConfigHash;
string previousSyncListHash;
string configHashFile = cfg.configDirName ~ "/.config.hash";
string syncListHashFile = cfg.configDirName ~ "/.sync_list.hash";
string configBackupFile = cfg.configDirName ~ "/.config.backup";
bool configOptionsDifferent = false;
bool syncListConfigured = false;
bool syncListDifferent = false;
bool syncDirDifferent = false;
bool skipFileDifferent = false;
bool skipDirDifferent = false;
if ((exists(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config")) && (!exists(configHashFile))) {
// Does a config file exist with a valid hash file
if ((exists(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config"))) && (!exists(configHashFile))) {
// Hash of config file needs to be created
std.file.write(configHashFile, computeQuickXorHash(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config"));
std.file.write(configHashFile, computeQuickXorHash(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config")));
if ((exists(cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list")) && (!exists(syncListHashFile))) {
// Does a sync_list file exist with a valid hash file
if ((exists(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list"))) && (!exists(syncListHashFile))) {
// Hash of sync_list file needs to be created
std.file.write(syncListHashFile, computeQuickXorHash(cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list"));
std.file.write(syncListHashFile, computeQuickXorHash(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list")));
// If hash files exist, but config files do not ... remove the hash, but only if --resync was issued as now the application will use 'defaults' which 'may' be different
if ((!exists(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config")) && (exists(configHashFile))) {
if ((!exists(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config"))) && (exists(configHashFile))) {
// if --resync safe remove config.hash and config.backup
if (cfg.getValueBool("resync")) {
@ -103,28 +161,29 @@ int main(string[] args)
if ((!exists(cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list")) && (exists(syncListHashFile))) {
// If sync_list hash file exists, but sync_list file does not ... remove the hash, but only if --resync was issued as now the application will use 'defaults' which 'may' be different
if ((!exists(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list"))) && (exists(syncListHashFile))) {
// if --resync safe remove sync_list.hash
if (cfg.getValueBool("resync")) safeRemove(syncListHashFile);
// Read config hashes if they exist
if (exists(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config")) currentConfigHash = computeQuickXorHash(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config");
if (exists(cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list")) currentSyncListHash = computeQuickXorHash(cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list");
if (exists(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config"))) currentConfigHash = computeQuickXorHash(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config"));
if (exists(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list"))) currentSyncListHash = computeQuickXorHash(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list"));
if (exists(configHashFile)) previousConfigHash = readText(configHashFile);
if (exists(syncListHashFile)) previousSyncListHash = readText(syncListHashFile);
// Was sync_list updated?
// Was sync_list file updated?
if (currentSyncListHash != previousSyncListHash) {
// Debugging output to assist what changed
log.vdebug("sync_list file has been updated, --resync needed");
syncListDifferent = true;
// Was config updated?
// Was config file updated between last execution ang this execution?
if (currentConfigHash != previousConfigHash) {
// config file was updated, however we only want to trigger a --resync requirement if sync_dir, skip_dir, skip_file or drive_id was modified
log.vdebug("config file has been updated, checking if --resync needed");
log.log("config file has been updated, checking if --resync needed");
if (exists(configBackupFile)) {
// check backup config what has changed for these configuration options if anything
// # sync_dir = "~/OneDrive"
@ -136,13 +195,14 @@ int main(string[] args)
stringValues["skip_file"] = "";
stringValues["skip_dir"] = "";
stringValues["drive_id"] = "";
auto file = File(configBackupFile, "r");
auto r = regex(`^(\w+)\s*=\s*"(.*)"\s*$`);
foreach (line; file.byLine()) {
line = stripLeft(line);
if (line.length == 0 || line[0] == ';' || line[0] == '#') continue;
auto c = line.matchFirst(r);
auto configBackupFileHandle = File(configBackupFile, "r");
string lineBuffer;
auto range = configBackupFileHandle.byLine();
// read configBackupFile line by line
foreach (line; range) {
lineBuffer = stripLeft(line).to!string;
if (lineBuffer.length == 0 || lineBuffer[0] == ';' || lineBuffer[0] == '#') continue;
auto c = lineBuffer.matchFirst(cfg.configRegex);
if (!c.empty) {
c.popFront(); // skip the whole match
string key = c.front.dup;
@ -170,6 +230,11 @@ int main(string[] args)
// close file if open
if (configBackupFileHandle.isOpen()){
// close open file
} else {
// no backup to check
log.vdebug("WARNING: no backup config file was found, unable to validate if any changes made");
@ -194,16 +259,16 @@ int main(string[] args)
// Is there a backup of the config file if the config file exists?
if ((exists(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config")) && (!exists(configBackupFile))) {
if ((exists(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config"))) && (!exists(configBackupFile))) {
// create backup copy of current config file
std.file.copy(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config", configBackupFile);
std.file.copy(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config"), configBackupFile);
// config file set options can be changed via CLI input, specifically these will impact sync and --resync will be needed:
// --syncdir ARG
// --skip-file ARG
// --skip-dir ARG
if (exists(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config")) {
if (exists(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config"))) {
// config file exists
// was the sync_dir updated by CLI?
if (cfg.configFileSyncDir != "") {
@ -249,18 +314,18 @@ int main(string[] args)
// --resync issued, update hashes of config files if they exist
if (!cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) {
// not doing a dry run, update hash files if config & sync_list exist
if (exists(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config")) {
if (exists(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config"))) {
// update hash
log.vdebug("updating config hash as --resync issued");
std.file.write(configHashFile, computeQuickXorHash(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config"));
std.file.write(configHashFile, computeQuickXorHash(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config")));
// create backup copy of current config file
log.vdebug("making backup of config file as --resync issued");
std.file.copy(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config", configBackupFile);
std.file.copy(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config"), configBackupFile);
if (exists(cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list")) {
if (exists(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list"))) {
// update sync_list hash
log.vdebug("updating sync_list hash as --resync issued");
std.file.write(syncListHashFile, computeQuickXorHash(cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list"));
std.file.write(syncListHashFile, computeQuickXorHash(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list")));
@ -271,9 +336,6 @@ int main(string[] args)
if (cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) {
log.log("DRY-RUN Configured. Output below shows what 'would' have occurred.");
// Are we able to reach the OneDrive Service
bool online = false;
// dry-run database setup
if (cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) {
@ -299,7 +361,6 @@ int main(string[] args)
// sync_dir environment handling to handle ~ expansion properly
string syncDir;
if ((environment.get("SHELL") == "") && (environment.get("USER") == "")){
log.vdebug("sync_dir: No SHELL or USER environment variable configuration detected");
// No shell or user set, so expandTilde() will fail - usually headless system running under init.d / systemd or potentially Docker
@ -338,15 +399,16 @@ int main(string[] args)
// Configure whether notifications are used
log.setNotifications(cfg.getValueBool("monitor") && !cfg.getValueBool("disable_notifications"));
// upgrades
if (exists(cfg.configDirName ~ "/items.db")) {
// Application upgrades - skilion version etc
if (exists(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/items.db"))) {
if (!cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) {
safeRemove(cfg.configDirName ~ "/items.db");
safeRemove(buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/items.db"));
log.logAndNotify("Database schema changed, resync needed");
cfg.setValueBool("resync", true);
// Handle --resync and --logout to remove local files
if (cfg.getValueBool("resync") || cfg.getValueBool("logout")) {
if (cfg.getValueBool("resync")) log.vdebug("--resync requested");
log.vlog("Deleting the saved status ...");
@ -362,11 +424,11 @@ int main(string[] args)
// Display current application configuration, no application initialisation
if (cfg.getValueBool("display_config")){
string userConfigFilePath = cfg.configDirName ~ "/config";
string userSyncList = cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list";
string userConfigFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config");
string userSyncList = buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list");
// Display application version
writeln("onedrive version = ", strip(import("version")));
@ -381,8 +443,6 @@ int main(string[] args)
// Config Options
writeln("Config option 'check_nosync' = ", cfg.getValueBool("check_nosync"));
writeln("Config option 'sync_dir' = ", syncDir);
writeln("Config option 'skip_dir' = ", cfg.getValueString("skip_dir"));
@ -394,8 +454,6 @@ int main(string[] args)
writeln("Config option 'log_dir' = ", cfg.getValueString("log_dir"));
writeln("Config option 'classify_as_big_delete' = ", cfg.getValueLong("classify_as_big_delete"));
// Is config option drive_id configured?
if (cfg.getValueString("drive_id") != ""){
writeln("Config option 'drive_id' = ", cfg.getValueString("drive_id"));
@ -422,6 +480,7 @@ int main(string[] args)
// If the user is still using --force-http-1.1 advise its no longer required
if (cfg.getValueBool("force_http_11")) {
log.log("NOTE: The use of --force-http-1.1 is depreciated");
@ -442,39 +501,40 @@ int main(string[] args)
// Initialize OneDrive, check for authorization
log.vlog("Initializing the OneDrive API ...");
oneDrive = new OneDriveApi(cfg);
onedriveInitialised = oneDrive.init();
oneDrive.printAccessToken = cfg.getValueBool("print_token");
if (!oneDrive.init()) {
if (!onedriveInitialised) {
log.error("Could not initialize the OneDrive API");
// workaround for segfault in on exit
// Use exit scopes to shutdown API
// if --synchronize or --monitor not passed in, configure the flag to display help & exit
auto performSyncOK = false;
if (cfg.getValueBool("synchronize") || cfg.getValueBool("monitor")) {
performSyncOK = true;
// create-directory, remove-directory, source-directory, destination-directory
// are activities that dont perform a sync no error message for these items either
// these are activities that dont perform a sync, so to not generate an error message for these items either
if (((cfg.getValueString("create_directory") != "") || (cfg.getValueString("remove_directory") != "")) || ((cfg.getValueString("source_directory") != "") && (cfg.getValueString("destination_directory") != "")) || (cfg.getValueString("get_file_link") != "") || (cfg.getValueString("get_o365_drive_id") != "") || cfg.getValueBool("display_sync_status")) {
performSyncOK = true;
// Were acceptable sync operations provided? Was --synchronize or --monitor passed in
if (!performSyncOK) {
// was the application just authorised?
if (cfg.applicationAuthorizeResponseUri) {
// Application was just authorised
log.log("\nApplication has been successfully authorised, however no additional command switches were provided.\n");
log.log("Please use --help for further assistance in regards to running this application.\n");
// Use exit scopes to shutdown API
} else {
// Application was not just authorised
log.log("\n--synchronize or --monitor switches missing from your command line input. Please add one (not both) of these switches to your command line or use --help for further assistance.\n");
log.log("No OneDrive sync will be performed without one of these two arguments being present.\n");
// Use exit scopes to shutdown API
@ -483,7 +543,7 @@ int main(string[] args)
if (cfg.getValueBool("synchronize") && cfg.getValueBool("monitor")) {
writeln("\nERROR: --synchronize and --monitor cannot be used together\n");
writeln("Refer to --help to determine which command option you should use.\n");
// Use exit scopes to shutdown API
@ -499,6 +559,7 @@ int main(string[] args)
itemDb = new ItemDatabase(cfg.databaseFilePathDryRun);
// configure the sync direcory based on syncDir config option
log.vlog("All operations will be performed in: ", syncDir);
if (!exists(syncDir)) {
log.vdebug("syncDir: Configured syncDir is missing. Creating: ", syncDir);
@ -508,7 +569,7 @@ int main(string[] args)
} catch (std.file.FileException e) {
// Creating the sync directory failed
log.error("ERROR: Unable to create local OneDrive syncDir - ", e.msg);
// Use exit scopes to shutdown API
@ -526,6 +587,11 @@ int main(string[] args)
log.vdebug("sync_list: ", line);
// close syncListFile if open
if (syncListFile.isOpen()){
// close open file
@ -563,12 +629,12 @@ int main(string[] args)
// All skip_file entries are valid
log.vdebug("skip_file: ", cfg.getValueString("skip_file"));
// Initialize the sync engine
auto sync = new SyncEngine(cfg, oneDrive, itemDb, selectiveSync);
try {
if (!initSyncEngine(sync)) {
// Use exit scopes to shutdown API
} else {
if (cfg.getValueString("get_file_link") == "") {
@ -579,7 +645,7 @@ int main(string[] args)
} catch (CurlException e) {
if (!cfg.getValueBool("monitor")) {
log.log("\nNo Internet connection.");
// Use exit scopes to shutdown API
@ -612,7 +678,7 @@ int main(string[] args)
// we were asked to check the mounts
if (exists(syncDir ~ "/.nosync")) {
log.logAndNotify("ERROR: .nosync file found. Aborting synchronization process to safeguard data.");
// Use exit scopes to shutdown API
@ -650,13 +716,10 @@ int main(string[] args)
// Are we displaying the sync status of the client?
if (cfg.getValueBool("display_sync_status")) {
string remotePath = "/";
string localPath = ".";
// Are we doing a single directory check?
if (cfg.getValueString("single_directory") != ""){
// Need two different path strings here
remotePath = cfg.getValueString("single_directory");
localPath = cfg.getValueString("single_directory");
@ -672,7 +735,7 @@ int main(string[] args)
if (!exists(cfg.getValueString("single_directory"))){
// the requested directory does not exist ..
log.logAndNotify("ERROR: The requested local directory does not exist. Please check ~/OneDrive/ for requested path");
// Use exit scopes to shutdown API
@ -759,12 +822,14 @@ int main(string[] args)
// monitor loop
bool performMonitor = true;
ulong monitorLoopFullCount = 0;
immutable auto checkInterval = dur!"seconds"(cfg.getValueLong("monitor_interval"));
immutable auto logInterval = cfg.getValueLong("monitor_log_frequency");
immutable auto fullScanFrequency = cfg.getValueLong("monitor_fullscan_frequency");
auto lastCheckTime = MonoTime.currTime();
auto logMonitorCounter = 0;
auto fullScanCounter = 0;
immutable long logInterval = cfg.getValueLong("monitor_log_frequency");
immutable long fullScanFrequency = cfg.getValueLong("monitor_fullscan_frequency");
MonoTime lastCheckTime = MonoTime.currTime();
long logMonitorCounter = 0;
long fullScanCounter = 0;
bool fullScanRequired = false;
bool syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = false;
// if sync list is configured, set to true
@ -773,7 +838,7 @@ int main(string[] args)
syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = true;
while (true) {
while (performMonitor) {
if (!cfg.getValueBool("download_only")) {
try {
@ -785,6 +850,13 @@ int main(string[] args)
auto currTime = MonoTime.currTime();
if (currTime - lastCheckTime > checkInterval) {
// Increment monitorLoopFullCount
// Display memory details at start of loop
if (displayMemoryUsage) {
// log monitor output suppression
logMonitorCounter += 1;
if (logMonitorCounter > logInterval) {
@ -812,7 +884,7 @@ int main(string[] args)
try {
if (!initSyncEngine(sync)) {
// Use exit scopes to shutdown API
try {
@ -845,19 +917,31 @@ int main(string[] args)
syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = false;
lastCheckTime = MonoTime.currTime();
// Display memory details before cleanup
if (displayMemoryUsage) {
// Perform Garbage Cleanup
// Display memory details after cleanup
if (displayMemoryUsage) {
// Developer break via config option
if (cfg.getValueLong("monitor_max_loop") > 0) {
// developer set option to limit --monitor loops
if (monitorLoopFullCount == (cfg.getValueLong("monitor_max_loop"))) {
performMonitor = false;
log.log("Exiting after ", monitorLoopFullCount, " loops due to developer set option");
// Workaround for segfault in on exit
// Make sure the .wal file is incorporated into the main db before we exit
// --dry-run temp database cleanup
if (cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) {
if (exists(cfg.databaseFilePathDryRun)) {
@ -867,6 +951,8 @@ int main(string[] args)
// Exit application
// Use exit scopes to shutdown API
@ -1054,8 +1140,7 @@ extern(C) nothrow @nogc @system void exitHandler(int value) {
log.log("Got termination signal, shutting down db connection");
// make sure the .wal file is incorporated into the main db
// workaround for segfault in on exit
// Use exit scopes to shutdown OneDrive API
} catch(Exception e) {}

View File

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ final class OneDriveApi
private Config cfg;
private string refreshToken, accessToken;
private SysTime accessTokenExpiration;
/* private */ HTTP http;
private HTTP http;
// if true, every new access token is printed
bool printAccessToken;
@ -147,6 +147,20 @@ final class OneDriveApi
// Shutdown OneDrive HTTP construct
void shutdown()
// reset any values to defaults, freeing any set objects
http.onSend = null;
http.onReceive = null;
http.onReceiveHeader = null;
http.onReceiveStatusLine = null;
http.contentLength = 0;
// shut down the curl instance
bool init()
// Update clientId if application_id is set in config file
@ -266,6 +280,8 @@ final class OneDriveApi
JSONValue getDefaultDrive()
const(char)[] url;
url = driveUrl;
return get(driveUrl);
@ -273,17 +289,22 @@ final class OneDriveApi
JSONValue getDefaultRoot()
return get(driveUrl ~ "/root");
const(char)[] url;
url = driveUrl ~ "/root";
return get(url);
JSONValue viewChangesById(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id, const(char)[] deltaLink)
const(char)[] url = deltaLink;
if (url == null) {
const(char)[] url;
// configure deltaLink to query
if (deltaLink.empty) {
url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/items/" ~ id ~ "/delta";
url ~= "?select=id,name,eTag,cTag,deleted,file,folder,root,fileSystemInfo,remoteItem,parentReference,size";
} else {
url = deltaLink;
return get(url);
@ -409,18 +430,29 @@ final class OneDriveApi
JSONValue uploadFragment(const(char)[] uploadUrl, string filepath, long offset, long offsetSize, long fileSize)
// open file as read-only in binary mode
auto file = File(filepath, "rb");;
string contentRange = "bytes " ~ to!string(offset) ~ "-" ~ to!string(offset + offsetSize - 1) ~ "/" ~ to!string(fileSize);
// function scopes
scope(exit) {
http.onSend = null;
http.onReceive = null;
http.onReceiveHeader = null;
http.onReceiveStatusLine = null;
http.contentLength = 0;
// close file if open
if (file.isOpen()){
// close open file
http.method = HTTP.Method.put;
http.url = uploadUrl;
import std.conv;
string contentRange = "bytes " ~ to!string(offset) ~ "-" ~ to!string(offset + offsetSize - 1) ~ "/" ~ to!string(fileSize);
http.addRequestHeader("Content-Range", contentRange);
auto file = File(filepath, "rb");;
http.onSend = data => file.rawRead(data).length;
http.contentLength = offsetSize;
auto response = perform();
@ -524,10 +556,12 @@ final class OneDriveApi
private JSONValue get(const(char)[] url, bool skipToken = false)
scope(exit) http.clearRequestHeaders();
log.vdebug("Request URL = ", url);
http.method = HTTP.Method.get;
http.url = url;
if (!skipToken) addAccessTokenHeader(); // HACK: requestUploadStatus
auto response = perform();
JSONValue response;
response = perform();
// OneDrive API Response Debugging if --https-debug is being used
if (.debugResponse){
@ -550,14 +584,35 @@ final class OneDriveApi
// Threshold for displaying download bar
long thresholdFileSize = 4 * 2^^20; // 4 MiB
// open file as write in binary mode
auto file = File(filename, "wb");
// function scopes
scope(exit) {
http.onSend = null;
http.onReceive = null;
http.onReceiveHeader = null;
http.onReceiveStatusLine = null;
http.contentLength = 0;
// Reset onProgress to not display anything for next download
http.onProgress = delegate int(size_t dltotal, size_t dlnow, size_t ultotal, size_t ulnow)
return 0;
// close file if open
if (file.isOpen()){
// close open file
scope(exit) http.clearRequestHeaders();
http.method = HTTP.Method.get;
http.url = url;
auto f = File(filename, "wb");
http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) {
return data.length;
@ -604,14 +659,12 @@ final class OneDriveApi
// try and catch any curl error
// Reset onProgress to not display anything for next download
http.onProgress = delegate int(size_t dltotal, size_t dlnow, size_t ultotal, size_t ulnow)
return 0;
// Reset onProgress to not display anything for next download done using exit scope
} catch (CurlException e) {
// free progress bar memory
p = null;
} else {
// No progress bar
try {
@ -661,16 +714,29 @@ final class OneDriveApi
private JSONValue upload(string filepath, string url)
// open file as read-only in binary mode
auto file = File(filepath, "rb");
// function scopes
scope(exit) {
http.onSend = null;
http.onReceive = null;
http.onReceiveHeader = null;
http.onReceiveStatusLine = null;
http.contentLength = 0;
// close file if open
if (file.isOpen()){
// close open file
http.method = HTTP.Method.put;
http.url = url;
http.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
auto file = File(filepath, "rb");
http.onSend = data => file.rawRead(data).length;
http.contentLength = file.size;
auto response = perform();
@ -704,6 +770,8 @@ final class OneDriveApi
scope(exit) http.onReceive = null;
char[] content;
JSONValue json;
http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) {
content ~= data;
// HTTP Server Response Code Debugging if --https-debug is being used
@ -713,8 +781,6 @@ final class OneDriveApi
return data.length;
JSONValue json;
try {
// Get the HTTP Response headers - needed for correct 429 handling
@ -723,18 +789,17 @@ final class OneDriveApi
if (.debugResponse){
log.vdebug("onedrive.perform() => HTTP Response Headers: ", responseHeaders);
// is retry-after in the response headers
if ("retry-after" in http.responseHeaders) {
// retry-after as in the response headers
// Set the value
// Set the retry-after value
log.vdebug("onedrive.perform() => Received a 'Retry-After' Header Response with the following value: ", http.responseHeaders["retry-after"]);
log.vdebug("onedrive.perform() => Setting retryAfterValue to: ", http.responseHeaders["retry-after"]);
.retryAfterValue = to!ulong(http.responseHeaders["retry-after"]);
} catch (CurlException e) {
// Parse and display error message received from OneDrive
log.error("ERROR: OneDrive returned an error with the following message:");
auto errorArray = splitLines(e.msg);
string errorMessage = errorArray[0];

View File

@ -176,7 +176,8 @@ struct Statement
row.length = 0;
} else if (rc == SQLITE_ROW) {
int count = sqlite3_data_count(pStmt);
int count = 0;
count = sqlite3_data_count(pStmt);
row = new const(char)[][count];
foreach (size_t i, ref column; row) {

View File

@ -97,13 +97,11 @@ private bool hasSha1Hash(const ref JSONValue item)
return ("sha1Hash" in item["file"]["hashes"]) != null;
private bool isDotFile(string path)
private bool isDotFile(const(string) path)
// always allow the root
if (path == ".") return false;
path = buildNormalizedPath(path);
auto paths = pathSplitter(path);
auto paths = pathSplitter(buildNormalizedPath(path));
foreach(base; paths) {
if (startsWith(base, ".")){
return true;
@ -177,7 +175,7 @@ private Item makeItem(const ref JSONValue driveItem)
return item;
private bool testFileHash(string path, const ref Item item)
private bool testFileHash(const(string) path, const ref Item item)
if (item.crc32Hash) {
if (item.crc32Hash == computeCrc32(path)) return true;
@ -504,7 +502,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
// download all new changes from a specified folder on OneDrive
void applyDifferencesSingleDirectory(string path)
void applyDifferencesSingleDirectory(const(string) path)
log.vlog("Getting path details from OneDrive ...");
JSONValue onedrivePathDetails;
@ -600,7 +598,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
// create a directory on OneDrive without syncing
auto createDirectoryNoSync(string path)
auto createDirectoryNoSync(const(string) path)
// Attempt to create the requested path within OneDrive without performing a sync
log.vlog("Attempting to create the requested path within OneDrive");
@ -610,7 +608,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
// delete a directory on OneDrive without syncing
auto deleteDirectoryNoSync(string path)
auto deleteDirectoryNoSync(const(string) path)
// Use the global's as initialised via init() rather than performing unnecessary additional HTTPS calls
const(char)[] rootId = defaultRootId;
@ -697,14 +695,18 @@ final class SyncEngine
private void applyDifferences(string driveId, const(char)[] id, bool performFullItemScan)
log.vlog("Applying changes of Path ID: " ~ id);
// function variables
const(char)[] idToQuery;
JSONValue changes;
JSONValue changesAvailable;
// Query the name of this folder id
JSONValue idDetails;
string syncFolderName;
string syncFolderPath;
string syncFolderChildPath;
JSONValue idDetails = parseJSON("{}");
string deltaLink;
string deltaLinkAvailable;
// Query the name of this folder id
try {
idDetails = onedrive.getPathDetailsById(driveId, id);
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
@ -862,8 +864,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
// Control this via performFullItemScan
// Get the current delta link
string deltaLink = "";
string deltaLinkAvailable = itemdb.getDeltaLink(driveId, id);
deltaLinkAvailable = itemdb.getDeltaLink(driveId, id);
// if sync_list is not configured, syncListConfigured should be false
log.vdebug("syncListConfigured = ", syncListConfigured);
// oneDriveFullScanTrigger should be false unless set by actions on OneDrive and only if sync_list or skip_dir is used
@ -883,16 +884,18 @@ final class SyncEngine
if (!performFullItemScan){
// performFullItemScan == false
// use delta link
deltaLink = deltaLinkAvailable;
log.vdebug("performFullItemScan is false, using the deltaLink as per database entry");
if (deltaLinkAvailable == ""){
deltaLink = "";
log.vdebug("deltaLink was requested to be used, but contains no data - resulting API query will be treated as a full scan of OneDrive");
} else {
deltaLink = deltaLinkAvailable;
log.vdebug("deltaLink contains valid data - resulting API query will be treated as a delta scan of OneDrive");
} else {
// performFullItemScan == true
// do not use delta-link
deltaLink = "";
log.vdebug("performFullItemScan is true, not using the database deltaLink so that we query all objects on OneDrive to compare against all local objects");
@ -901,7 +904,6 @@ final class SyncEngine
// If we used the 'id' passed in & when using --single-directory with a business account we get:
// 'HTTP request returned status code 501 (Not Implemented): can only be called on the root.'
// To view changes correctly, we need to use the correct path id for the request
const(char)[] idToQuery;
if (driveId == defaultDriveId) {
// The drive id matches our users default drive id
idToQuery = defaultRootId.dup;
@ -911,6 +913,8 @@ final class SyncEngine
// Use the 'id' that was passed in (folderId)
idToQuery = id;
// what path id are we going to query?
log.vdebug("path idToQuery = ", idToQuery);
// query for changes = onedrive.viewChangesById(driveId, idToQuery, deltaLink);
try {
@ -1387,9 +1391,9 @@ final class SyncEngine
} else {
log.vdebug("onedrive.viewChangesByDriveId call returned an invalid JSON Object");
// delete items in idsToDelete
if (idsToDelete.length > 0) deleteItems();
// empty the skipped items
@ -1525,7 +1529,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
// check the item type
string path;
string path = "";
if (!unwanted) {
if (isItemFile(driveItem)) {
log.vdebug("The item we are syncing is a file");
@ -1705,7 +1709,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
// download an item that was not synced before
private void applyNewItem(Item item, string path)
private void applyNewItem(const ref Item item, const(string) path)
if (exists(path)) {
// path exists locally
@ -1717,11 +1721,13 @@ final class SyncEngine
// file is not in sync with the database
// is the local file technically 'newer' based on UTC timestamp?
SysTime localModifiedTime = timeLastModified(path).toUTC();
SysTime itemModifiedTime = item.mtime;
// HACK: reduce time resolution to seconds before comparing
itemModifiedTime.fracSecs =;
localModifiedTime.fracSecs =;
item.mtime.fracSecs =;
// is the local modified time greater than that from OneDrive?
if (localModifiedTime > item.mtime) {
if (localModifiedTime > itemModifiedTime) {
// local file is newer than item on OneDrive based on file modified time
// Is this item id in the database?
if (itemdb.idInLocalDatabase(item.driveId,{
@ -1872,7 +1878,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
// downloads a File resource
private void downloadFileItem(Item item, string path)
private void downloadFileItem(const ref Item item, const(string) path)
assert(item.type == ItemType.file);
write("Downloading file ", path, " ... ");
@ -2072,20 +2078,21 @@ final class SyncEngine
// returns true if the given item corresponds to the local one
private bool isItemSynced(Item item, string path)
private bool isItemSynced(const ref Item item, const(string) path)
if (!exists(path)) return false;
final switch (item.type) {
case ItemType.file:
if (isFile(path)) {
SysTime localModifiedTime = timeLastModified(path).toUTC();
SysTime itemModifiedTime = item.mtime;
// HACK: reduce time resolution to seconds before comparing
item.mtime.fracSecs =;
itemModifiedTime.fracSecs =;
localModifiedTime.fracSecs =;
if (localModifiedTime == item.mtime) {
if (localModifiedTime == itemModifiedTime) {
return true;
} else {
log.vlog("The local item has a different modified time ", localModifiedTime, " remote is ", item.mtime);
log.vlog("The local item has a different modified time ", localModifiedTime, " remote is ", itemModifiedTime);
if (testFileHash(path, item)) {
return true;
@ -2113,7 +2120,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
foreach_reverse (i; idsToDelete) {
Item item;
if (!itemdb.selectById(i[0], i[1], item)) continue; // check if the item is in the db
string path = itemdb.computePath(i[0], i[1]);
const(string) path = itemdb.computePath(i[0], i[1]);
log.log("Trying to delete item ", path);
if (!dryRun) {
// Actually process the database entry removal
@ -2170,7 +2177,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
// scan the given directory for differences and new items
void scanForDifferences(string path)
void scanForDifferences(const(string) path)
// scan for changes in the path provided
log.vlog("Uploading differences of ", path);
@ -2178,6 +2185,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
if (itemdb.selectByPath(path, defaultDriveId, item)) {
log.vlog("Uploading new items of ", path);
@ -2188,7 +2196,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
private void uploadDifferences(Item item)
private void uploadDifferences(const ref Item item)
// see if this we were supposed to have deleted
// match early and return
@ -2255,7 +2263,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
private void uploadDirDifferences(Item item, string path)
private void uploadDirDifferences(const ref Item item, const(string) path)
assert(item.type == ItemType.dir);
if (exists(path)) {
@ -2284,7 +2292,8 @@ final class SyncEngine
} else {
// we are in a --dry-run situation, directory appears to have deleted locally - this directory may never have existed as we never downloaded it ..
// Check if path does not exist in database
if (!itemdb.selectByPath(path, defaultDriveId, item)) {
Item databaseItem;
if (!itemdb.selectByPath(path, defaultDriveId, databaseItem)) {
// Path not found in database
log.vlog("The directory has been deleted locally");
if (noRemoteDelete) {
@ -2311,7 +2320,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
private void uploadRemoteDirDifferences(Item item, string path)
private void uploadRemoteDirDifferences(const ref Item item, const(string) path)
assert(item.type == ItemType.remote);
if (exists(path)) {
@ -2344,7 +2353,8 @@ final class SyncEngine
} else {
// we are in a --dry-run situation, directory appears to have deleted locally - this directory may never have existed as we never downloaded it ..
// Check if path does not exist in database
if (!itemdb.selectByPathWithRemote(path, defaultDriveId, item)) {
Item databaseItem;
if (!itemdb.selectByPathWithRemote(path, defaultDriveId, databaseItem)) {
// Path not found in database
log.vlog("The directory has been deleted locally");
if (noRemoteDelete) {
@ -2372,7 +2382,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
// upload local file system differences to OneDrive
private void uploadFileDifferences(Item item, string path)
private void uploadFileDifferences(const ref Item item, const(string) path)
// Reset upload failure - OneDrive or filesystem issue (reading data)
uploadFailed = false;
@ -2381,11 +2391,12 @@ final class SyncEngine
if (exists(path)) {
if (isFile(path)) {
SysTime localModifiedTime = timeLastModified(path).toUTC();
SysTime itemModifiedTime = item.mtime;
// HACK: reduce time resolution to seconds before comparing
item.mtime.fracSecs =;
itemModifiedTime.fracSecs =;
localModifiedTime.fracSecs =;
if (localModifiedTime != item.mtime) {
if (localModifiedTime != itemModifiedTime) {
log.vlog("The file last modified time has changed");
string eTag = item.eTag;
if (!testFileHash(path, item)) {
@ -2689,7 +2700,8 @@ final class SyncEngine
} else {
// We are in a --dry-run situation, file appears to have deleted locally - this file may never have existed as we never downloaded it ..
// Check if path does not exist in database
if (!itemdb.selectByPath(path, defaultDriveId, item)) {
Item databaseItem;
if (!itemdb.selectByPath(path, defaultDriveId, databaseItem)) {
// file not found in database
log.vlog("The file has been deleted locally");
if (noRemoteDelete) {
@ -2722,24 +2734,27 @@ final class SyncEngine
// upload new items to OneDrive
private void uploadNewItems(string path)
private void uploadNewItems(const(string) path)
import std.range : walkLength;
import std.uni : byGrapheme;
// If the path is greater than allowed characters, then one drive will return a '400 - Bad Request'
// Need to ensure that the URI is encoded before the check is made
// 400 Character Limit for OneDrive Business / Office 365
// 430 Character Limit for OneDrive Personal
auto maxPathLength = 0;
import std.range : walkLength;
import std.uni : byGrapheme;
if (accountType == "business"){
// Business Account
maxPathLength = 400;
} else {
long maxPathLength = 0;
long pathWalkLength = path.byGrapheme.walkLength;
// Configure maxPathLength based on account type
if (accountType == "personal"){
// Personal Account
maxPathLength = 430;
} else {
// Business Account / Office365
maxPathLength = 400;
// A short lived file that has disappeared will cause an error - is the path valid?
if (!exists(path)) {
log.log("Skipping item - has disappeared: ", path);
@ -2755,8 +2770,8 @@ final class SyncEngine
if(path.byGrapheme.walkLength < maxPathLength){
// path is less than maxPathLength
if(pathWalkLength < maxPathLength){
// path length is less than maxPathLength
// skip dot files if configured
if (cfg.getValueBool("skip_dotfiles")) {
@ -2846,6 +2861,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
// This item passed all the unwanted checks
// We want to upload this new item
if (isDir(path)) {
Item item;
if (!itemdb.selectByPath(path, defaultDriveId, item)) {
@ -2862,7 +2878,8 @@ final class SyncEngine
try {
auto entries = dirEntries(path, SpanMode.shallow, false);
foreach (DirEntry entry; entries) {
string thisPath =;
} catch (FileException e) {
// display the error message
@ -2871,7 +2888,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
} else {
// This item is a file
auto fileSize = getSize(path);
long fileSize = getSize(path);
// Can we upload this file - is there enough free space? -
// However if the OneDrive account does not provide the quota details, we have no idea how much free space is available
if ((!quotaAvailable) || ((remainingFreeSpace - fileSize) > 0)){
@ -3104,7 +3121,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
// upload a new file to OneDrive
private void uploadNewFile(string path)
private void uploadNewFile(const(string) path)
// Reset upload failure - OneDrive or filesystem issue (reading data)
uploadFailed = false;
@ -3810,7 +3827,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
// delete an item on OneDrive
private void uploadDeleteItem(Item item, string path)
private void uploadDeleteItem(Item item, const(string) path)
log.log("Deleting item from OneDrive: ", path);
bool flagAsBigDelete = false;
@ -3909,9 +3926,11 @@ final class SyncEngine
// update the item's last modified time
private void uploadLastModifiedTime(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id, const(char)[] eTag, SysTime mtime)
string itemModifiedTime;
itemModifiedTime = mtime.toISOExtString();
JSONValue data = [
"fileSystemInfo": JSONValue([
"lastModifiedDateTime": mtime.toISOExtString()
"lastModifiedDateTime": itemModifiedTime
@ -4072,7 +4091,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
// delete an item by it's path
void deleteByPath(string path)
void deleteByPath(const(string) path)
Item item;
if (!itemdb.selectByPath(path, defaultDriveId, item)) {
@ -4243,7 +4262,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
// Query the OneDrive 'drive' to determine if we are 'in sync' or if there are pending changes
void queryDriveForChanges(string path) {
void queryDriveForChanges(const(string) path) {
// Function variables
int validChanges = 0;
@ -4416,7 +4435,7 @@ final class SyncEngine
// Create a fake OneDrive response suitable for use with saveItem
JSONValue createFakeResponse(string path) {
JSONValue createFakeResponse(const(string) path) {
import std.digest.sha;
// Generate a simulated JSON response which can be used
// At a minimum we need:

View File

@ -125,11 +125,15 @@ Regex!char wild2regex(const(char)[] pattern)
// returns true if the network connection is available
bool testNetwork()
try {
HTTP http = HTTP("");
http.dnsTimeout = (dur!"seconds"(5));
http.method = HTTP.Method.head;
// Use low level HTTP struct
auto http = HTTP();
http.url = "";
http.dnsTimeout = (dur!"seconds"(5));
http.method = HTTP.Method.head;
// Attempt to contact the Microsoft Online Service
try {
return true;
} catch (SocketException) {
return false;