abraunegg 037a6b43e1
Support multiple 'document libraries' within a single Shared Library Site (#1350)
* Support providing the 'drive_id' for multiple 'document libraries' within a single Shared Library Site
2021-03-17 18:23:01 +11:00

3.3 KiB

How to configure OneDrive SharePoint Shared Library sync

Syncing a OneDrive SharePoint library requires additional configuration for your 'onedrive' client:

  1. Login to OneDrive and under 'Shared Libraries' obtain the shared library name
  2. Query that shared library name using the client to obtain the required configuration details
  3. Create a unique local folder which will be the SharePoint Library 'root'
  4. Configure the client's config file with the required 'drive_id'
  5. Test the configuration using '--dry-run'
  6. Sync the SharePoint Library as required

Listing available OneDrive SharePoint Libraries

  1. Login to the OneDrive web interface and determine which shared library you wish to configure the client for: shared_libraries

Query that shared library name using the client to obtain the required configuration details

  1. Run the following command using the 'onedrive' client
onedrive --get-O365-drive-id '<your site name to search>'

This will return something similar to the following:

Configuration file successfully loaded
Configuring Global Azure AD Endpoints
Initializing the Synchronization Engine ...
Office 365 Library Name Query: <your site name to search>
Site Name:    <your site name>
Library Name: <your library name>
drive_id:     b!6H_y8B...xU5
Library URL:  <your library URL>

If there are no matches to the site you are attempting to search, the following will be displayed:

Configuration file successfully loaded
Configuring Global Azure AD Endpoints
Initializing the Synchronization Engine ...
Office 365 Library Name Query: blah

ERROR: The requested SharePoint site could not be found. Please check it's name and your permissions to access the site.

The following SharePoint site names were returned:
 * <site name 1>
 * <site name 2>
 * <site name X>

This list of site names can be used as a basis to search for the correct site for which you are searching

Configure the client's config file with the required 'drive_id' & 'sync_dir' options

  1. Create a new local folder to store the SharePoint Library data in
mkdir ~/SharePoint_My_Library_Name

Note: Do not use spaces in the directory name, use '_' as a replacement

Update your 'onedrive' configuration file (~/.config/onedrive/config) with the following:

sync_dir = "~/SharePoint_My_Library_Name"
  1. Once you have obtained the 'drive_id' above, add to your 'onedrive' configuration file (~/.config/onedrive/config) the following:
drive_id = "insert the drive_id value from above here"

The OneDrive client will now be configured to sync this SharePoint shared library to your local system.

Note: After changing drive_id, you must perform a full re-synchronization by adding --resync to your existing command line.

Test the configuration using '--dry-run'

  1. Test your new configuration using the --dry-run option to validate the the new configuration

Sync the SharePoint Library as required

  1. Sync the SharePoint Library to your system with either --synchronize or --monitor operations

How to configure multiple OneDrive SharePoint Shared Library sync

Refer to ./advanced-usage.md for configuration assistance.