abraunegg 7cf2912d2d
Rework directory layout and refactor MD files for readability (#523)
* Move lots of stuff into contrib directory to clean up root folder
* Update autoconf files for new location of some files
* Refactor README split and move to docs directory
* Update INSTALL.md
* Update Makefile.in
* Install docs from new location
* Uninstall docs correctly
* Update Dockerfile
* Fix up Dockerfile spacing
* Move systemd stuff to contrib
* Move docker specific stuff to contrib/docker, update docs
* Fix Alpine and Stretch docker files
* Update configure after changed file locations
* Update INSTALL.md to include pkg-config as requirement
* Move also entrypoint.sh to contrib/docker
* Update 'min-notif-changes' to 'min-notify-changes' which was missed in PR #467
* Update to add --sync-root-files to usage.md and man page
* Update usage.md to include --auth-files ARG details
2019-06-11 18:40:05 +10:00

866 B

Show how to access a Sharepoint group drive in Office 365 business or education

Obtaining the Sharepoint Site Details

  1. Login to OneDrive and under 'Shared Libraries' obtain the shared library name
  2. Run the following command using the 'onedrive' client
onedrive --get-O365-drive-id '<your library name>'
  1. This will return the following:
Initializing the Synchronization Engine ...
Office 365 Library Name Query: <your library name>
SiteName: <your library name>
drive_id: b!6H_y8B...xU5
URL:      <your site URL>

Configuring the onedrive client

Once you have obtained the 'drive_id' above, add to your 'onedrive' configuration file (~/.config/onedrive/config)the following:

drive_id = "insert the drive id from above here"

The OneDrive client will now sync this SharePoint shared library to your local system.