abraunegg 7cf2912d2d
Rework directory layout and refactor MD files for readability (#523)
* Move lots of stuff into contrib directory to clean up root folder
* Update autoconf files for new location of some files
* Refactor README split and move to docs directory
* Update INSTALL.md
* Update Makefile.in
* Install docs from new location
* Uninstall docs correctly
* Update Dockerfile
* Fix up Dockerfile spacing
* Move systemd stuff to contrib
* Move docker specific stuff to contrib/docker, update docs
* Fix Alpine and Stretch docker files
* Update configure after changed file locations
* Update INSTALL.md to include pkg-config as requirement
* Move also entrypoint.sh to contrib/docker
* Update 'min-notif-changes' to 'min-notify-changes' which was missed in PR #467
* Update to add --sync-root-files to usage.md and man page
* Update usage.md to include --auth-files ARG details
2019-06-11 18:40:05 +10:00

43 lines
1.4 KiB

# BASH completion code for OneDrive Linux Client
# (c) 2019 Norbert Preining
# License: GPLv3+ (as with the rest of the OneDrive Linux client project)
local cur prev
options='--check-for-nomount --check-for-nosync --debug-https --disable-notifications --display-config --display-sync-status -d --download-only --disable-upload-validation --dry-run --enable-logging --force-http-1.1 --local-first --logout -m --monitor --no-remote-delete --print-token --resync --skip-dot-files --skip-symlinks --synchronize --upload-only -v --verbose --version -h --help'
argopts='--create-directory --get-O365-drive-id --remove-directory --single-directory --source-directory'
# Loop on the arguments to manage conflicting options
for (( i=0; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-1; i++ )); do
#exclude some mutually exclusive options
[[ ${COMP_WORDS[i]} == '--synchronize' ]] && options=${options/--monitor}
[[ ${COMP_WORDS[i]} == '--monitor' ]] && options=${options/--synchronize}
case "$prev" in
return 0
return 0
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$options $argopts" -- $cur))
return 0
# notreached
return 0
complete -F _onedrive onedrive