abraunegg 7cf2912d2d
Rework directory layout and refactor MD files for readability (#523)
* Move lots of stuff into contrib directory to clean up root folder
* Update autoconf files for new location of some files
* Refactor README split and move to docs directory
* Update INSTALL.md
* Update Makefile.in
* Install docs from new location
* Uninstall docs correctly
* Update Dockerfile
* Fix up Dockerfile spacing
* Move systemd stuff to contrib
* Move docker specific stuff to contrib/docker, update docs
* Fix Alpine and Stretch docker files
* Update configure after changed file locations
* Update INSTALL.md to include pkg-config as requirement
* Move also entrypoint.sh to contrib/docker
* Update 'min-notif-changes' to 'min-notify-changes' which was missed in PR #467
* Update to add --sync-root-files to usage.md and man page
* Update usage.md to include --auth-files ARG details
2019-06-11 18:40:05 +10:00

31 lines
1 KiB

pkgrel=1 #patch-level (Increment this when patch is applied)
pkgdesc="A free OneDrive Client for Linux. This is a fork of the https://github.com/skilion/onedrive repository"
arch=("i686" "x86_64")
depends=("curl" "gcc-libs" "glibc" "sqlite")
makedepends=("dmd" "git" "tar")
prepare() {
cd "$srcdir"
wget "https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/archive/v$pkgver.tar.gz" -O "$pkgname-$pkgver-patch-$pkgrel.tar.gz" #Pull last commit release
tar -xzf "$pkgname-$pkgver-patch-$pkgrel.tar.gz" --one-top-level="$pkgname-$pkgver-patch-$pkgrel" --strip-components 1
build() {
cd "$pkgname-$pkgver-patch-$pkgrel"
git init #Create .git folder required from Makefile
git add * #Create .git/index
git commit --allow-empty-message -m "" #Create .git/refs/heads/master
git tag v$pkgver #Add version tag
make PREFIX=/usr onedrive
package() {
cd "$pkgname-$pkgver-patch-$pkgrel"
make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install