0])] private $isQuick = false; #[ORM\Column(type: 'string', length: 255, nullable: true)] private $quickUrl; #[ORM\Column(type: 'string', length: 255, nullable: true)] private $quickImage; #[ORM\Column(type: 'string', length: 255, nullable: true)] private $quickVideo; #[ORM\Column(type: 'integer', nullable: true)] private $quickVideoWidth; #[ORM\Column(type: 'integer', nullable: true)] private $quickVideoHeight; #[ORM\Column(type: 'boolean', options: ['default' => 0])] private $quickShowVideo = false; #[ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity: Comment::class, mappedBy: 'post', orphanRemoval: true)] private $comments; #[ORM\Column(type: 'text', nullable: true)] private $notebook; #[ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity: PostFollow::class, mappedBy: 'post', orphanRemoval: true)] private $postFollows; #[ORM\Column(type: 'string', length: 255, nullable: true)] private $image2; #[ORM\Column(type: 'array')] private $parameters = []; #[ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity: self::class, inversedBy: 'deprecatedPosts')] private $recommandedPost; #[ORM\OneToMany(mappedBy: 'recommandedPost', targetEntity: self::class)] private $deprecatedPosts; public function __construct() { $this->categories = new ArrayCollection(); $this->comments = new ArrayCollection(); $this->postFollows = new ArrayCollection(); $this->deprecatedPosts = new ArrayCollection(); } public function getId(): ?int { return $this->id; } public function getTitle(): ?string { return $this->title; } public function setTitle(?string $title): self { $this->title = $title; return $this; } public function getContent(): ?string { if ('editorjs' === $this->getContentFormat()) { return $this->content ?? '[]'; } return $this->content; } public function setContent(?string $content): self { $this->content = $content; return $this; } public function getStatus(): ?int { return $this->status; } public function setStatus(int $status): self { $this->status = $status; return $this; } public function getImage() { return FileAttribute::handleFile($this->image); } public function setImage(?string $image, bool $force = false): self { if (false === $force && null === $image) { return $this; } $this->image = $image; return $this; } public function getSlug(): ?string { return $this->slug; } public function setSlug(?string $slug): self { $this->slug = $slug; return $this; } public function getPublishedAt(): ?\DateTimeInterface { return $this->publishedAt; } public function setPublishedAt(?\DateTimeInterface $publishedAt): self { $this->publishedAt = $publishedAt; return $this; } public function getImageCaption(): ?string { return $this->imageCaption; } public function setImageCaption(?string $imageCaption): self { $this->imageCaption = $imageCaption; return $this; } /** * @return Collection|Category[] */ public function getCategories(): Collection { return $this->categories; } public function addCategory(Category $category): self { if (!$this->categories->contains($category)) { $this->categories[] = $category; } return $this; } public function removeCategory(Category $category): self { $this->categories->removeElement($category); return $this; } public function getContentFormat(): ?string { return $this->contentFormat; } public function setContentFormat(string $contentFormat): self { $this->contentFormat = $contentFormat; return $this; } public function getTags(): ?array { $tags = []; foreach ($this->tags as $tag) { if (is_string($tag)) { $tags[] = ['label' => $tag]; } else { $tags[] = $tag; } } usort($tags, function ($a, $b) { return $a['label'] < $b['label'] ? -1 : 1; }); return $tags; } public function setTags(?array $tags): self { $this->tags = $tags; return $this; } public function getIsQuick(): ?bool { return $this->isQuick; } public function setIsQuick(bool $isQuick): self { $this->isQuick = $isQuick; return $this; } public function getQuickUrl(): ?string { return $this->quickUrl; } public function setQuickUrl(?string $quickUrl): self { $this->quickUrl = $quickUrl; return $this; } public function getQuickImage(): ?string { return $this->quickImage; } public function setQuickImage(?string $quickImage): self { $this->quickImage = $quickImage; return $this; } public function getQuickVideo(): ?string { return $this->quickVideo; } public function setQuickVideo(?string $quickVideo): self { $this->quickVideo = $quickVideo; return $this; } public function getQuickVideoWidth(): ?int { return $this->quickVideoWidth; } public function setQuickVideoWidth(?int $quickVideoWidth): self { $this->quickVideoWidth = $quickVideoWidth; return $this; } public function getQuickVideoHeight(): ?int { return $this->quickVideoHeight; } public function setQuickVideoHeight(?int $quickVideoHeight): self { $this->quickVideoHeight = $quickVideoHeight; return $this; } /** * @return Collection|Comment[] */ public function getComments(array $criteria = []): Collection { $collection = new ArrayCollection(); foreach ($this->comments as $comment) { if (isset($criteria['isActive']) && $comment->getIsActive() !== $criteria['isActive']) { continue; } if (isset($criteria['isFirstLevel']) && $criteria['isFirstLevel'] !== (null === $comment->getParentComment())) { continue; } if (isset($criteria['id']) && $comment->getId() !== $criteria['id']) { continue; } $collection->add($comment); } return $collection; } public function addComment(Comment $comment): self { if (!$this->comments->contains($comment)) { $this->comments[] = $comment; $comment->setPost($this); } return $this; } public function removeComment(Comment $comment): self { if ($this->comments->removeElement($comment)) { // set the owning side to null (unless already changed) if ($comment->getPost() === $this) { $comment->setPost(null); } } return $this; } public function getNotebook(): ?string { return $this->notebook; } public function setNotebook(?string $notebook): self { $this->notebook = $notebook; return $this; } /** * @return Collection|PostFollow[] */ public function getPostFollows(): Collection { return $this->postFollows; } public function addPostFollow(PostFollow $postFollow): self { if (!$this->postFollows->contains($postFollow)) { $this->postFollows[] = $postFollow; $postFollow->setPost($this); } return $this; } public function removePostFollow(PostFollow $postFollow): self { if ($this->postFollows->removeElement($postFollow)) { // set the owning side to null (unless already changed) if ($postFollow->getPost() === $this) { $postFollow->setPost(null); } } return $this; } public function getQuickShowVideo(): ?bool { return $this->quickShowVideo; } public function setQuickShowVideo(bool $quickShowVideo): self { $this->quickShowVideo = $quickShowVideo; return $this; } public function getImage2(): ?string { return $this->image2; } public function setImage2(?string $image2): self { $this->image2 = $image2; return $this; } public function getParameters(): ?array { $params = is_array($this->parameters) ? $this->parameters : []; $names = array_map(fn (array $param): string => $param['name'], $params); $defaultParams = [ ['name' => 'podcast', 'value' => 0], ]; foreach ($defaultParams as $defaultParam) { if (!in_array($defaultParam['name'], $names)) { $params[] = $defaultParam; } } return $params; } public function setParameters(array $parameters): self { $this->parameters = $parameters; return $this; } public function getParameter($name): ?string { return array_filter( $this->getParameters(), function (array $param) use ($name): bool { return $name === $param['name']; } )[0]['value'] ?? null; } public function getRecommandedPost(): ?self { return $this->recommandedPost; } public function setRecommandedPost(?self $recommandedPost): self { $this->recommandedPost = $recommandedPost; return $this; } /** * @return Collection */ public function getDeprecatedPosts(): Collection { return $this->deprecatedPosts; } public function addDeprecatedPost(self $deprecatedPost): self { if (!$this->deprecatedPosts->contains($deprecatedPost)) { $this->deprecatedPosts[] = $deprecatedPost; $deprecatedPost->setRecommandedPost($this); } return $this; } public function removeDeprecatedPost(self $deprecatedPost): self { if ($this->deprecatedPosts->removeElement($deprecatedPost)) { // set the owning side to null (unless already changed) if ($deprecatedPost->getRecommandedPost() === $this) { $deprecatedPost->setRecommandedPost(null); } } return $this; } }