{% set full = full is defined and full %}
{% if post.isQuick %}
{% set image = post.quickImage %} {% set url = post.quickUrl %} {% set title = post.title %} {% set content = post.content %} {% if false and post.quickVideo and post.quickVideoHeight and post.quickVideoWidth %}
{% elseif post.quickImage %} {% endif %}

{{- title -}}

{{ url }}

{% if post.contentFormat == 'html' %} {{- post.content|post -}} {% endif %} {% if post.contentFormat == 'markdown' %} {{- post.content|markdown('post') -}} {% endif %} {% if not full %}

{{- 'Lien permanent' -}}

{% endif %}
{% else %} {% if not full %}

{{- post.title -}}

{% endif %}
{% if post.contentFormat == 'html' %} {{- post.content|post -}} {% endif %} {% if post.contentFormat == 'markdown' %} {{- post.content|markdown('post')|lazy_load -}} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if full %} {#

{% set hasActiveComments = post.hasActiveComments(true) %} {% if hasActiveComments %}
{% for comment in post.orderedComments(true) %} {{ include('DeblanBlogBundle:skin2018:_comment.html.twig', {comment: comment, level: 1}) }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if hasActiveComments %}
{% endif %}
Ajouter un commentaire
{{ form_label(form.author) }} {{ form_widget(form.author) }} {{ form_errors(form.author) }}
{{ form_label(form.website) }} {{ form_widget(form.website) }} {{ form_errors(form.website) }}
{{ form_label(form.email) }} {{ form_widget(form.email) }} {{ form_errors(form.email) }}

{{- 'Votre commentaire - Vous pouvez utiliser du markdown ' }} [?]

{{ form_errors(form.content) }} {{ form_widget(form.content, {attr: {cols: 30, rows: 10}}) }}
{{ form_errors(form.follow) }} {{ form_widget(form.follow) }} {{ form_label(form.follow) }}
{{ form_rest(form) }}
#} {% if not post.isQuick %} {% set ld = { '@context': 'http://schema.org/', '@type': 'BlogPosting', 'headline': post.title, 'author': { '@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Simon Vieille' }, 'publisher': { '@type': 'Organization', 'name': 'Deblan blog', 'logo': { '@type': 'imageObject', 'url': absolute_url(asset('build/images/logo.png')) } }, 'datePublished': post.publishedAt|date("c"), 'dateModified': post.updatedAt|date("c"), 'image': absolute_url(asset(post.image)) } %} {% endif %} {% endif %}