cms: title: 'Content mananger system' loading: 'Loading…' menu: empty_menu: 'Empty menu.' js: request: error: "An error occured." panel: history: title: 'Last updated' navs: 'Navigations' filters: 'Filter' page: back: 'Back' form: tab: metas: 'SEO' blocks: 'Content' permissions: 'Advanced settings' sitemap: 'Sitemap' preview: 'Preview' help: 'Help' open: 'Open' varnish: "Empty The Varnish's cash" metas: edit: cancel: 'Cancel' save: "Save SEO's settings" blocks: edit: cancel: 'Cancel' save: 'Save the content' permissions: edit: cancel: 'Cancel' save: 'Save the advanced settings' sitemap: edit: cancel: 'Cancel' save: "Save sitemap's settings" noblock: 'No editable content.' invalid: "The form is not valid." saved: 'Datas saved.' node: error: unselected: 'Select a navigation to continue.' type: badge: alias: 'alias' external: 'ext.' internal: 'int.' action: move: 'Move this item' add: 'Add an item' edit: 'Edit this élément' edit_page: 'Edit the page' remove: 'Remove this item' can_not_remove: 'You can not remove this item because of alias.' can_not_edit: 'No associated page' move_context_menu: 'Move' add_context_menu: 'Add' edit_context_menu: 'Edit' edit_page_context_menu: 'Edit the page' remove_context_menu: 'Remove' panel: menus: 'Tree' history: 'History' form: updated: 'Item updated.' errors: 'There are errors.' remove: confirmation: 'You are going to remove an item. Do you confirm?' title: 'Removal request' cancel: 'Cancel' save: 'Remove' edit: cancel: 'Exit' save: 'Save' title: "Edit this element" status: 'Visibility settings' visible: 'Visible in the menu' accessible: 'Accessible content' permissions: "Access restrictions" tab: configuration: 'Settings' advanded_settings: 'Advanced settings' permissions: 'Status and permissions' page: 'Associate with an orphan page' newpage: 'Generate a new page' keeppage: 'Keep the current page' nopage: 'No page' alias: 'Create an alias' url: 'Internet link' move: cancel: 'Exit' save: 'Save' title: "Move: " position: above: 'Move below' after: 'Move after' before: 'Move before' add: cancel: 'Cancel' save: 'Save' title: 'New item' position: above: 'Add below' after: 'Add after' before: 'Add before' tab: page: 'Associate with an orphan page' newpage: 'Generate a new page' keeppage: 'Keep the current page' nopage: 'No page' alias: 'Create an alias' url: 'Internet link'