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{% block widget_attributes %}
{% spaceless %}
id="{{ id }}" name="{{ full_name }}"{% if read_only %} readonly="readonly"{% endif %}{% if disabled %} disabled="disabled"{% endif %}{% if required %} required="required"{% endif %}{% if max_length %} maxlength="{{ max_length }}"{% endif %}{% if pattern %} pattern="{{ pattern }}"{% endif %}
{% for attrname, attrvalue in attr %}{% if attrname in ['placeholder', 'title', 'data-help'] %}{{ attrname }}="{{ attrvalue|trans({}, translation_domain) }}" {% else %}{{ attrname }}="{{ attrvalue }}" {% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% endspaceless %}
{% endblock widget_attributes %}
{% block file_widget %}
{# {% set dir = attr.upload_dir is defined ? attr.upload_dir ~ '/' : '/' %} #}
{% if is not null %}
{% set filename = %}
{% elseif form.parent is defined and is not null %}
{% set method = 'get' ~ name|capitalize ~ 'AsFile' %}
{% set filename = attribute(, method, []) %}
{% else %}
{% set filename = null %}
{% endif %}
{% if filename %}
{% set is_image = filename.__toString()|replace({'.png': '', '.jpg': '', '.jpeg': '', '.gif': ''})|length < filename.__toString()|length %}
{% else %}
{% set is_image = false %}
{% endif %}
<div {% if attr['data-help'] is defined %}data-help="{{ attr['data-help'] }}"{% endif %} class="fileupload fileupload-new" data-provides="fileupload">
<span class="btn btn-file">
<span class="fileupload-new">{{ ''|trans({}, 'TrinityAdminBundle') }}</span>
<span class="fileupload-exists">{{ 'crud.form.file.change'|trans({}, 'TrinityAdminBundle') }}</span>
<input type="{{ type }}" {{ block('widget_attributes') }} data-help-show="false" {% if value is not empty %}value="{{ value|raw }}" {% endif %}/>
&nbsp;<span class="fileupload-preview"></span>&nbsp;<a href="#" class="close fileupload-exists" data-dismiss="fileupload" style="float: none">×</a>
{% if filename is not empty and form.vars.valid %}
<div class="file-preview">
{{ 'form.field.file.delete'|trans({}, 'TrinityWidgetBundle') }}
<input type="checkbox" class="delete_checkbox" name="{{ full_name|replace({(name): 'delete_' ~ name}) }}" />
{% if not is_image %}
<a target="_blank" href="{{ asset(filename) }}" title="{{ ''|trans({}, 'TrinityWidgetBundle') }}"><i class="icon-eye-open"></i></a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if is_image %}
<a target="_blank" class="file-preview-lightbox-img" href="{{ asset(filename) }}" title="{{ ''|trans({}, 'TrinityWidgetBundle') }}">
<img src="{{ asset(filename) }}" class="file-preview-img" alt="" /><br />
{% endif %}
{% endblock file_widget %}
{% block simple_file_widget %}
<input type="{{ type }}" {{ block('widget_attributes') }} data-help-show="false" {% if value is not empty %}value="{{ value|raw }}" {% endif %}/>
{{ 'form.field.file.delete'|trans({}, 'TrinityWidgetBundle') }}
<input type="checkbox" class="delete_checkbox" name="{{ full_name|replace({(name): 'delete_' ~ name}) }}" />
{% endblock simple_file_widget %}
{% block editorial_blocks_container_block_widget %}
{% set type = type|default('hidden') %}
{% macro prototype(editorial_block) %}
<tr data-id="{{ }}">
<td width="485">{{ }}</td>
<td width="15">
<i title="{{ 'cms.node.action.remove'|trans({}, 'TrinityContentManagerBundle') }}" data-id="{{ }}" class="editorial_block_remove icon-remove"></i>
{% endmacro %}
{% macro parent_prototype() %}
<tr data-id="USE_PARENT">
<td width="485">
{{ 'form.field.editorial_blocks_container.use_parent'|trans({}, 'TrinityWidgetBundle') }}
<td width="15">
<i title="{{ 'cms.node.action.remove'|trans({}, 'TrinityContentManagerBundle') }}" data-id="USE_PARENT" class="editorial_block_remove icon-remove"></i>
{% endmacro %}
{% import _self as macros %}
<div class="editorial_block_table" {% if attr['data-help'] is defined %}data-help="{{ attr['data-help'] }}"{% endif %} >
{% for child in form %}
{{ form_widget(child) }}
{% endfor %}
<table class="table table-bordered table-hover">
<th colspan="2">{{ 'form.field.editorial_blocks_container.items'|trans({}, 'TrinityWidgetBundle') }}</th>
{% if editorial_blocks|length == 0 %}
<td colspan="2">
<p>{{ 'form.field.editorial_blocks_container.no_blocks'|trans({}, 'TrinityWidgetBundle') }}</p>
{% else %}
<td colspan="2">
<select class="editorial_block_select">
{% for editorial_block in editorial_blocks %}
<option data-prototype="{% spaceless %}{{ macros.prototype(editorial_block)|e }}{% endspaceless %}" value="{{ }}">{{ }}</option>
{% endfor %}
<option data-prototype="{% spaceless %}{{ macros.parent_prototype()|e }}{% endspaceless %}" value="USE_PARENT" >{{ 'form.field.editorial_blocks_container.use_parent'|trans({}, 'TrinityWidgetBundle') }}</option>
<input type="button" class="btn editorial_block_add" value="{{ 'form.field.editorial_blocks_container.add'|trans({}, 'TrinityWidgetBundle') }}" />
{% endif %}
<tr class="editorial_block_no_blocks" style="display: none">
<p>{{ 'form.field.editorial_blocks_container.no_associated_blocks'|trans({}, 'TrinityWidgetBundle') }}</p>
{% for editorial_block in associated_editorial_blocks %}
{% if editorial_block == 'USE_PARENT' %}
{{ macros.parent_prototype() }}
{% else %}
{{ macros.prototype(editorial_block) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% block form_errors %}
{% spaceless %}
{% if errors is defined and errors|length > 0 %}
<ul class="error_list">
{% for error in errors %}
error.messagePluralization is null
? error.messageTemplate|trans(error.messageParameters, 'validators')
: error.messageTemplate|transchoice(error.messagePluralization, error.messageParameters, 'validators')
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endspaceless %}
{% endblock form_errors %}