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2015-03-02 21:27:28 +01:00
File: xajaxCallableObjectPlugin.inc.php
Contains the xajaxCallableObjectPlugin class
Title: xajaxCallableObjectPlugin class
Please see <copyright.inc.php> for a detailed description, copyright
and license information.
@package xajax
@version $Id: xajaxCallableObjectPlugin.inc.php 362 2007-05-29 15:32:24Z calltoconstruct $
@copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2007 by Jared White & J. Max Wilson
@copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2009 by Joseph Woolley, Steffen Konerow, Jared White & J. Max Wilson
@license http://www.xajaxproject.org/bsd_license.txt BSD License
Specifies that the item being registered via the <xajax->register> function is a
object who's methods will be callable from the browser.
if (!defined ('XAJAX_CALLABLE_OBJECT')) define ('XAJAX_CALLABLE_OBJECT', 'callable object');
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/xajaxCallableObject.inc.php';
Class: xajaxCallableObjectPlugin
class xajaxCallableObjectPlugin extends xajaxRequestPlugin
Array: aCallableObjects
var $aCallableObjects;
String: sXajaxPrefix
var $sXajaxPrefix;
String: sDefer
var $sDefer;
var $bDeferScriptGeneration;
String: sRequestedClass
var $sRequestedClass;
String: sRequestedMethod
var $sRequestedMethod;
Function: xajaxCallableObjectPlugin
function xajaxCallableObjectPlugin()
$this->aCallableObjects = array();
$this->sXajaxPrefix = 'xajax_';
$this->sDefer = '';
$this->bDeferScriptGeneration = false;
$this->sRequestedClass = NULL;
$this->sRequestedMethod = NULL;
if (!empty($_GET['xjxcls'])) $this->sRequestedClass = $_GET['xjxcls'];
if (!empty($_GET['xjxmthd'])) $this->sRequestedMethod = $_GET['xjxmthd'];
if (!empty($_POST['xjxcls'])) $this->sRequestedClass = $_POST['xjxcls'];
if (!empty($_POST['xjxmthd'])) $this->sRequestedMethod = $_POST['xjxmthd'];
Function: configure
function configure($sName, $mValue)
if ('wrapperPrefix' == $sName) {
$this->sXajaxPrefix = $mValue;
} else if ('scriptDefferal' == $sName) {
if (true === $mValue) $this->sDefer = 'defer ';
else $this->sDefer = '';
} else if ('deferScriptGeneration' == $sName) {
if (true === $mValue || false === $mValue)
$this->bDeferScriptGeneration = $mValue;
else if ('deferred' === $mValue)
$this->bDeferScriptGeneration = $mValue;
Function: register
function register($aArgs)
if (1 < count($aArgs))
$sType = $aArgs[0];
$xco =& $aArgs[1];
if (false === is_object($xco))
trigger_error("To register a callable object, please provide an instance of the desired class.", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
if (false === is_a($xco, 'xajaxCallableObject'))
$xco =& new xajaxCallableObject($xco);
if (2 < count($aArgs))
if (is_array($aArgs[2]))
foreach ($aArgs[2] as $sKey => $aValue)
foreach ($aValue as $sName => $sValue)
$xco->configure($sKey, $sName, $sValue);
$this->aCallableObjects[] =& $xco;
return $xco->generateRequests($this->sXajaxPrefix);
return false;
Function: generateClientScript
function generateClientScript()
if (false === $this->bDeferScriptGeneration || 'deferred' === $this->bDeferScriptGeneration)
if (0 < count($this->aCallableObjects))
$sCrLf = "\n";
echo $sCrLf;
echo '<';
echo 'script type="text/javascript" ';
echo $this->sDefer;
echo 'charset="UTF-8">';
echo $sCrLf;
echo '/* <';
echo '![CDATA[ */';
echo $sCrLf;
foreach(array_keys($this->aCallableObjects) as $sKey)
echo '/* ]]> */';
echo $sCrLf;
echo '<';
echo '/script>';
echo $sCrLf;
Function: canProcessRequest
function canProcessRequest()
if (NULL == $this->sRequestedClass)
return false;
if (NULL == $this->sRequestedMethod)
return false;
return true;
Function: processRequest
function processRequest()
if (NULL == $this->sRequestedClass)
return false;
if (NULL == $this->sRequestedMethod)
return false;
$objArgumentManager =& xajaxArgumentManager::getInstance();
$aArgs = $objArgumentManager->process();
foreach (array_keys($this->aCallableObjects) as $sKey)
$xco =& $this->aCallableObjects[$sKey];
if ($xco->isClass($this->sRequestedClass))
if ($xco->hasMethod($this->sRequestedMethod))
$xco->call($this->sRequestedMethod, $aArgs);
return true;
return 'Invalid request for a callable object.';
$objPluginManager =& xajaxPluginManager::getInstance();
$objPluginManager->registerPlugin(new xajaxCallableObjectPlugin(), 102);