for a detailed description, copyright and license information. */ /* @package xajax @version $Id: 362 2007-05-29 15:32:24Z calltoconstruct $ @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2007 by Jared White & J. Max Wilson @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2009 by Joseph Woolley, Steffen Konerow, Jared White & J. Max Wilson @license BSD License */ if (!defined('XAJAX_METHOD_UNKNOWN')) define('XAJAX_METHOD_UNKNOWN', 0); if (!defined('XAJAX_METHOD_GET')) define('XAJAX_METHOD_GET', 1); if (!defined('XAJAX_METHOD_POST')) define('XAJAX_METHOD_POST', 2); /* Class: xajaxArgumentManager This class processes the input arguments from the GET or POST data of the request. If this is a request for the initial page load, no arguments will be processed. During a xajax request, any arguments found in the GET or POST will be converted to a PHP array. */ class xajaxArgumentManager { /* Array: aArgs An array of arguments received via the GET or POST parameter xjxargs. */ var $aArgs; /* Boolean: bDecodeUTF8Input A configuration option used to indicate whether input data should be UTF8 decoded automatically. */ var $bDecodeUTF8Input; /* String: sCharacterEncoding The character encoding in which the input data will be received. */ var $sCharacterEncoding; /* Integer: nMethod Stores the method that was used to send the arguments from the client. Will be one of: XAJAX_METHOD_UNKNOWN, XAJAX_METHOD_GET, XAJAX_METHOD_POST */ var $nMethod; /* Array: aSequence Stores the decoding sequence table. */ var $aSequence; /* Function: convertStringToBool Converts a string to a bool var. Parameters: $sValue - (string): Returns: (bool) : true / false */ function convertStringToBool($sValue) { if (0 == strcasecmp($sValue, 'true')) return true; if (0 == strcasecmp($sValue, 'false')) return false; if (is_numeric($sValue)) { if (0 == $sValue) return false; return true; } return false; } function argumentStripSlashes(&$sArg) { if (false == is_string($sArg)) return; $sArg = stripslashes($sArg); } function argumentDecodeXML(&$sArg) { if (false == is_string($sArg)) return; if (0 == strlen($sArg)) return; $nStackDepth = 0; $aStack = array(); $aArg = array(); $nCurrent = 0; $nLast = 0; $aExpecting = array(); $nFound = 0; list($aExpecting, $nFound) = $this->aSequence['start']; $nLength = strlen($sArg); $sKey = ''; $mValue = ''; while ($nCurrent < $nLength) { $bFound = false; foreach ($aExpecting as $sExpecting => $nExpectedLength) { if ($sArg[$nCurrent] == $sExpecting[0]) { if ($sExpecting == substr($sArg, $nCurrent, $nExpectedLength)) { list($aExpecting, $nFound) = $this->aSequence[$sExpecting]; switch ($nFound) { case 3: // k $sKey = ''; break; case 4: // /k $sKey = str_replace( array('<'.'![CDATA[', ']]>'), '', substr($sArg, $nLast, $nCurrent - $nLast) ); break; case 5: // v $mValue = ''; break; case 6: // /v if ($nLast < $nCurrent) { $mValue = str_replace( array('<'.'![CDATA[', ']]>'), '', substr($sArg, $nLast, $nCurrent - $nLast) ); $cType = substr($mValue, 0, 1); $sValue = substr($mValue, 1); switch ($cType) { case 'S': $mValue = false === $sValue ? '' : $sValue; break; case 'B': $mValue = $this->convertStringToBool($sValue); break; case 'N': $mValue = floatval($sValue); break; case '*': $mValue = null; break; } } break; case 7: // /e $aArg[$sKey] = $mValue; break; case 1: // xjxobj ++$nStackDepth; array_push($aStack, $aArg); $aArg = array(); array_push($aStack, $sKey); $sKey = ''; break; case 8: // /xjxobj if (1 < $nStackDepth) { $mValue = $aArg; $sKey = array_pop($aStack); $aArg = array_pop($aStack); --$nStackDepth; } else { $sArg = $aArg; return; } break; } $nCurrent += $nExpectedLength; $nLast = $nCurrent; $bFound = true; break; } } } if (false == $bFound) { if (0 == $nCurrent) { $sArg = str_replace( array('<'.'![CDATA[', ']]>'), '', $sArg ); $cType = substr($sArg, 0, 1); $sValue = substr($sArg, 1); switch ($cType) { case 'S': $sArg = false === $sValue ? '' : $sValue; break; case 'B': $sArg = $this->convertStringToBool($sValue); break; case 'N': $sArg = floatval($sValue); break; case '*': $sArg = null; break; } return; } // for larger arg data, performance may suffer using concatenation // $sText .= $sArg[$nCurrent]; $nCurrent++; } } $objLanguageManager =& xajaxLanguageManager::getInstance(); trigger_error( $objLanguageManager->getText('ARGMGR:ERR:01') . $sExpecting . $objLanguageManager->getText('ARGMGR:ERR:02') . $sArg , E_USER_ERROR ); } function argumentDecodeUTF8_iconv(&$mArg) { if (is_array($mArg)) { foreach (array_keys($mArg) as $sKey) { $sNewKey = $sKey; $this->argumentDecodeUTF8_iconv($sNewKey); if ($sNewKey != $sKey) { $mArg[$sNewKey] = $mArg[$sKey]; unset($mArg[$sKey]); $sKey = $sNewKey; } $this->argumentDecodeUTF8_iconv($mArg[$sKey]); } } else if (is_string($mArg)) $mArg = iconv("UTF-8", $this->sCharacterEncoding.'//TRANSLIT', $mArg); } function argumentDecodeUTF8_mb_convert_encoding(&$mArg) { if (is_array($mArg)) { foreach (array_keys($mArg) as $sKey) { $sNewKey = $sKey; $this->argumentDecodeUTF8_mb_convert_encoding($sNewKey); if ($sNewKey != $sKey) { $mArg[$sNewKey] = $mArg[$sKey]; unset($mArg[$sKey]); $sKey = $sNewKey; } $this->argumentDecodeUTF8_mb_convert_encoding($mArg[$sKey]); } } else if (is_string($mArg)) $mArg = mb_convert_encoding($mArg, $this->sCharacterEncoding, "UTF-8"); } function argumentDecodeUTF8_utf8_decode(&$mArg) { if (is_array($mArg)) { foreach (array_keys($mArg) as $sKey) { $sNewKey = $sKey; $this->argumentDecodeUTF8_utf8_decode($sNewKey); if ($sNewKey != $sKey) { $mArg[$sNewKey] = $mArg[$sKey]; unset($mArg[$sKey]); $sKey = $sNewKey; } $this->argumentDecodeUTF8_utf8_decode($mArg[$sKey]); } } else if (is_string($mArg)) $mArg = utf8_decode($mArg); } /* Constructor: xajaxArgumentManager Initializes configuration settings to their default values and reads the argument data from the GET or POST data. */ function xajaxArgumentManager() { $this->aArgs = array(); $this->bDecodeUTF8Input = false; $this->sCharacterEncoding = 'UTF-8'; $this->nMethod = XAJAX_METHOD_UNKNOWN; $this->aSequence = array( '<'.'k'.'>' => array(array( '<'.'/k'.'>' => 4 ), 3), '<'.'/k'.'>' => array(array( '<'.'v'.'>' => 3, '<'.'/e'.'>' => 4 ), 4), '<'.'v'.'>' => array(array( '<'.'xjxobj'.'>' => 8, '<'.'/v'.'>' => 4 ), 5), '<'.'/v'.'>' => array(array( '<'.'/e'.'>' => 4, '<'.'k'.'>' => 3 ), 6), '<'.'e'.'>' => array(array( '<'.'k'.'>' => 3, '<'.'v'.'>' => 3, '<'.'/e'.'>' => 4 ), 2), '<'.'/e'.'>' => array(array( '<'.'e'.'>' => 3, '<'.'/xjxobj'.'>' => 9 ), 7), '<'.'xjxobj'.'>' => array(array( '<'.'e'.'>' => 3, '<'.'/xjxobj'.'>' => 9 ), 1), '<'.'/xjxobj'.'>' => array(array( '<'.'/v'.'>' => 4 ), 8), 'start' => array(array( '<'.'xjxobj'.'>' => 8 ), 9) ); if (isset($_POST['xjxargs'])) { $this->nMethod = XAJAX_METHOD_POST; $this->aArgs = $_POST['xjxargs']; } else if (isset($_GET['xjxargs'])) { $this->nMethod = XAJAX_METHOD_GET; $this->aArgs = $_GET['xjxargs']; } if (1 == get_magic_quotes_gpc()) array_walk($this->aArgs, array(&$this, 'argumentStripSlashes')); array_walk($this->aArgs, array(&$this, 'argumentDecodeXML')); } /* Function: getInstance Returns: object - A reference to an instance of this class. This function is used to implement the singleton pattern. */ function &getInstance() { static $obj; if (!$obj) { $obj = new xajaxArgumentManager(); } return $obj; } /* Function: configure Accepts configuration settings from the main object. Parameters: The tracks the following configuration settings: - (boolean): See bDecodeUTF8Input> - (string): See sCharacterEncoding> */ function configure($sName, $mValue) { if ('decodeUTF8Input' == $sName) { if (true === $mValue || false === $mValue) $this->bDecodeUTF8Input = $mValue; } else if ('characterEncoding' == $sName) { $this->sCharacterEncoding = $mValue; } } /* Function: getRequestMethod Returns the method that was used to send the arguments from the client. */ function getRequestMethod() { return $this->nMethod; } /* Function: process Returns the array of arguments that were extracted and parsed from the GET or POST data. */ function process() { if ($this->bDecodeUTF8Input) { $sFunction = ''; if (function_exists('iconv')) $sFunction = "iconv"; else if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) $sFunction = "mb_convert_encoding"; else if ($this->sCharacterEncoding == "ISO-8859-1") $sFunction = "utf8_decode"; else { $objLanguageManager =& xajaxLanguageManager::getInstance(); trigger_error( $objLanguageManager->getText('ARGMGR:ERR:03') , E_USER_NOTICE ); } $mFunction = array(&$this, 'argumentDecodeUTF8_' . $sFunction); array_walk($this->aArgs, $mFunction); $this->bDecodeUTF8Input = false; } return $this->aArgs; } }