/* File: xajax_legacy.js Provides support for legacy scripts that have not been updated to the latest syntax. Title: xajax legacy support module Please see for a detailed description, copyright and license information. */ /* @package xajax @version $Id: xajax_legacy_uncompressed.php 327 2007-02-28 16:55:26Z calltoconstruct $ @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2007 by Jared White & J. Max Wilson @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2009 by Joseph Woolley, Steffen Konerow, Jared White & J. Max Wilson @license http://www.xajaxproject.org/bsd_license.txt BSD License */ try { /* Class: xajax.legacy */ if ('undefined' == typeof xajax) throw { name: 'SequenceError', message: 'Error: xajax core was not detected, legacy module disabled.' } if ('undefined' == typeof xajax.legacy) xajax.legacy = {} /* Function: xajax.legacy.call Convert call parameters from the 0.2.x syntax to the new *improved* call format. Parameters: sFunction - (string): Registered PHP Functionname to be called objParametes - (object): Paramter object for the request. This is a wrapper function around the standard function. */ xajax.legacy.call = xajax.call; xajax.call = function(sFunction, objParameters) { var oOpt = {} oOpt.parameters = objParameters; if (undefined != xajax.loadingFunction) { if (undefined == oOpt.callback) oOpt.callback = {} oOpt.callback.onResponseDelay = xajax.loadingFunction; } if (undefined != xajax.doneLoadingFunction) { if (undefined == oOpt.callback) oOpt.callback = {} oOpt.callback.onComplete = xajax.doneLoadingFunction; } return xajax.legacy.call(sFunction, oOpt); } /* Boolean: isLoaded true - Indicates that the module is loaded. */ xajax.legacy.isLoaded = true; } catch (e) { alert(e.name + ': ' + e.message); }