Merge branch 'main' into fix-49

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Schratz 2024-02-02 21:06:34 +00:00
commit 0d6889608b
6 changed files with 112 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -195,18 +195,24 @@ func settingsFlags(settings *plugin.Settings) []cli.Flag {
Usage: "sets the build target to use",
Destination: &settings.Build.Target,
Name: "cache-from",
EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_CACHE_FROM"},
Usage: "sets images to consider as cache sources",
Destination: &settings.Build.CacheFrom,
Name: "cache-to",
EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_CACHE_TO"},
Usage: "cache destination for the build cache",
Destination: &settings.Build.CacheTo,
Name: "cache-images",
EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_CACHE_IMAGES"},
Usage: "list of images to use for build cache. applies both to and from flags for each image",
Destination: &settings.Build.CacheImages,
Name: "pull-image",
EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_PULL_IMAGE"},

View file

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ containerImage: woodpeckerci/plugin-docker-buildx
Woodpecker CI plugin to build multiarch Docker images with buildx. This plugin is a fork of [thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx]( which itself is a fork of [drone-plugins/drone-docker](
## Features
@ -28,8 +27,9 @@ It will automatically generate buildkit configuration to use custom CA certifica
## Settings
| Settings Name | Default | Description |
| ----------------------- | ----------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| ------------------------- | ------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| `dry-run` | `false` | disables docker push |
| `repo` | _none_ | sets repository name for the image (can be a list) |
| `username` | _none_ | sets username to authenticates with |
@ -91,48 +91,51 @@ docker-build:
## Advanced Settings
| Settings Name | Default | Description |
| ----------------------------------- | ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `mirror` | _none_ | sets a registry mirror to pull images |
| `storage_driver` | _none_ | sets the docker daemon storage driver |
| `storage_path` | `/var/lib/docker` | sets the docker daemon storage path |
| `bip` | _none_ | allows the docker daemon to bride ip address |
| `mtu` | _none_ | sets docker daemon custom mtu setting |
| `custom_dns` | _none_ | sets custom docker daemon dns server |
| `custom_dns_search` | _none_ | sets custom docker daemon dns search domain |
| `insecure` | `false` | allows the docker daemon to use insecure registries |
| `ipv6` | `false` | enables docker daemon IPv6 support |
| `experimental` | `false` | enables docker daemon experimental mode |
| `debug` | `false` | enables verbose debug mode for the docker daemon |
| `daemon_off` | `false` | disables the startup of the docker daemon |
| `buildkit_debug` | `false` | enables debug output of buildkit |
| `buildkit_config` | _none_ | sets content of the docker [buildkit TOML config]( |
| `buildkit_driveropt` | _none_ | adds one or multiple `--driver-opt` buildx arguments for the default buildkit builder instance |
| `tags_file` | _none_ | overrides the `tags` option with values in a file named `.tags`; multiple tags can be specified separated by a newline |
| `context` | `.` | sets the path of the build context to use |
| `auto_tag` | `false` | generates tag names automatically based on git branch and git tag, tags supplied via `tags` are additionally added to the auto_tags without suffix |
| `default_suffix"`/`auto_tag_suffix` | _none_ | generates tag names with the given suffix |
| `default_tag` | `latest` | overrides the default tag name used when generating with `auto_tag` enabled |
| `label`/`labels` | _none_ | sets labels to use for the image in format `<name>=<value>` |
| `default_labels`/`auto_labels` | `true` | sets docker image labels based on git information |
| `build_args` | _none_ | sets custom build arguments for the build |
| `build_args_from_env` | _none_ | forwards environment variables as custom arguments to the build |
| `quiet` | `false` | enables suppression of the build output |
| `target` | _none_ | sets the build target to use |
| `cache_from` | _none_ | sets images to consider as cache sources |
| `pull_image` | `true` | enforces to pull base image at build time |
| `compress` | `false` | enables compression of the build context using gzip |
| `config` | _none_ | sets content of the docker daemon json config |
| `purge` | `true` | enables cleanup of the docker environment at the end of a build |
| `no_cache` | `false` | disables the usage of cached intermediate containers |
| `add_host` | _none_ | sets additional host:ip mapping |
| `output` | _none_ | sets build output in format `type=<type>[,<key>=<value>]` |
| `logins` | _none_ | option to log into multiple registries |
| `env_file` | _none_ | load env vars from specified file |
| `ecr_create_repository` | `false` | creates the ECR repository if it does not exist |
| `ecr_lifecycle_policy` | _none_ | AWS ECR lifecycle policy |
| `ecr_repository_policy` | _none_ | AWS ECR repository policy |
| `ecr_scan_on_push` | _none_ | AWS: whether to enable image scanning on push |
| Settings Name | Default | Description |
| ------------------------------------- | ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `mirror` | _none_ | sets a registry mirror to pull images |
| `storage_driver` | _none_ | sets the docker daemon storage driver |
| `storage_path` | `/var/lib/docker` | sets the docker daemon storage path |
| `bip` | _none_ | allows the docker daemon to bride ip address |
| `mtu` | _none_ | sets docker daemon custom mtu setting |
| `custom_dns` | _none_ | sets custom docker daemon dns server |
| `custom_dns_search` | _none_ | sets custom docker daemon dns search domain |
| `insecure` | `false` | allows the docker daemon to use insecure registries |
| `ipv6` | `false` | enables docker daemon IPv6 support |
| `experimental` | `false` | enables docker daemon experimental mode |
| `debug` | `false` | enables verbose debug mode for the docker daemon |
| `daemon_off` | `false` | disables the startup of the docker daemon |
| `buildkit_debug` | `false` | enables debug output of buildkit |
| `buildkit_config` | _none_ | sets content of the docker[buildkit TOML config]( |
| `buildkit_driveropt` | _none_ | adds one or multiple`--driver-opt` buildx arguments for the default buildkit builder instance |
| `tags_file` | _none_ | overrides the`tags` option with values in a file named `.tags`; multiple tags can be specified separated by a newline |
| `context` | `.` | sets the path of the build context to use |
| `auto_tag` | `false` | generates tag names automatically based on git branch and git tag, tags supplied via`tags` are additionally added to the auto_tags without suffix |
| `default_suffix"`/`auto_tag_suffix` | _none_ | generates tag names with the given suffix |
| `default_tag` | `latest` | overrides the default tag name used when generating with`auto_tag` enabled |
| `label`/`labels` | _none_ | sets labels to use for the image in format`<name>=<value>` |
| `default_labels`/`auto_labels` | `true` | sets docker image labels based on git information |
| `build_args` | _none_ | sets custom build arguments for the build |
| `build_args_from_env` | _none_ | forwards environment variables as custom arguments to the build |
| `quiet` | `false` | enables suppression of the build output |
| `target` | _none_ | sets the build target to use |
| `cache_from` | _none_ | sets configuration for cache source |
| `cache_to` | _none_ | sets configuration for cache export |
| `cache_images` | _none_ | a list of images to use as cache. |
| `pull_image` | `true` | enforces to pull base image at build time |
| `compress` | `false` | enables compression of the build context using gzip |
| `config` | _none_ | sets content of the docker daemon json config |
| `purge` | `true` | enables cleanup of the docker environment at the end of a build |
| `no_cache` | `false` | disables the usage of cached intermediate containers |
| `add_host` | _none_ | sets additional host:ip mapping |
| `output` | _none_ | sets build output in format`type=<type>[,<key>=<value>]` |
| `logins` | _none_ | option to log into multiple registries |
| `env_file` | _none_ | load env vars from specified file |
| `ecr_create_repository` | `false` | creates the ECR repository if it does not exist |
| `ecr_lifecycle_policy` | _none_ | AWS ECR lifecycle policy |
| `ecr_repository_policy` | _none_ | AWS ECR repository policy |
| `ecr_scan_on_push` | _none_ | AWS: whether to enable image scanning on push |
## Multi registry push example
@ -211,3 +214,46 @@ steps:
- "env.https_proxy=http://X.Y.Z.Z:3128"
- ""
## Using cache images
You can provide a list of images to use for cache.
These cache images are built with mode=max, image-manifest=true, and oci-mediatypes=true.
This is to provide better usage of cache and better compatibility with image stores like Harbor.
image: woodpeckerci/plugin-docker-buildx
repo: hari/radiant
- hari/radiant:cache
- registry:
username: hari
from_secret: docker_password
- registry:
username: hari
from_secret: harbor_password
## Using other cache types
You can specify cache_to and cache_from to use specific settings.
For example you can configure an s3 object as cache.
More details can be found [in the docker docs](
image: woodpeckerci/plugin-docker-buildx
repo: hari/radiant
cache_to: type=s3,region=east,bucket=mystuff,name=radiant-cache
cache_from: type=s3,region=east,bucket=mystuff,name=radiant-cache

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ go 1.20
require ( v1.0.0 v1.3.1 v1.49.22 v1.50.5 v0.4.2 v1.5.1 v2.1.1

View file

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ v1.49.17 h1:Cc+7LgPjKeJkF2SdNo1IkpQ5Dfl9HCZEVw9OP3CPuE v1.49.17/go.mod h1:LF8svs817+Nz+DmiMQKTO3ubZ/6IaTpq3TjupRn3Eqk= v1.49.22 h1:r01+cQJ3cORQI1PJxG8af0jzrZpUOL9L+/3kU2x1geU= v1.49.22/go.mod h1:LF8svs817+Nz+DmiMQKTO3ubZ/6IaTpq3TjupRn3Eqk= v1.50.5 h1:H2Aadcgwr7a2aqS6ZwcE+l1mA6ZrTseYCvjw2QLmxIA= v1.50.5/go.mod h1:LF8svs817+Nz+DmiMQKTO3ubZ/6IaTpq3TjupRn3Eqk= v2.0.2 h1:p1EgwI/C7NhT0JmVkwCD2ZBK8j4aeHQX2pMHHBfMQ6w= v2.0.2/go.mod h1:tgQtvFlXSQOSOSIRvRPT7W67SCa46tRHOmNcaadrF8o= v1.1.0/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38=

View file

@ -78,11 +78,15 @@ func commandBuild(build Build, dryrun bool) *exec.Cmd {
if build.NoCache {
args = append(args, "--no-cache")
for _, arg := range build.CacheFrom.Value() {
args = append(args, "--cache-from", arg)
if build.CacheFrom != "" {
args = append(args, "--cache-from", build.CacheFrom)
for _, arg := range build.CacheTo.Value() {
args = append(args, "--cache-to", arg)
if build.CacheTo != "" {
args = append(args, "--cache-to", build.CacheTo)
for _, arg := range build.CacheImages.Value() {
args = append(args, "--cache-from", arg)
args = append(args, string("--cache-to=type=registry,ref="+arg+",mode=max,image-manifest=true,oci-mediatypes=true"))
for _, arg := range build.ArgsEnv.Value() {
addProxyValue(&build, arg)

View file

@ -72,8 +72,9 @@ type Build struct {
Target string // Docker build target
Output string // Docker build output
Pull bool // Docker build pull
CacheFrom cli.StringSlice // Docker build cache-from
CacheTo cli.StringSlice // Docker build cache-to
CacheFrom string // Docker build cache-from
CacheTo string // Docker build cache-to
CacheImages cli.StringSlice // Docker build cache images
Compress bool // Docker build compress
Repo cli.StringSlice // Docker build repository
NoCache bool // Docker build no-cache