Tutorial of zencoding.vim mattn 1. Expand Abbreviation Type abbreviation as 'div>p#foo$*3>a' and type ','. ---------------------

--------------------- 2. Wrap with Abbreviation Write as below. --------------------- test1 test2 test3 --------------------- Then do visual select(line wize) and type ','. If you request 'Tag:', then type 'ul>li*'. ---------------------
  • test1
  • test2
  • test3
--------------------- If you type tag as 'blockquote', then you'll see as following. ---------------------
test1 test2 test3
--------------------- 3. Balance Tag Inward type 'd' in insert mode. 4. Balance Tag Outward type 'D' in insert mode. 5. Go to Next Edit Point type 'n' in insert mode. 6. Go to Previous Edit Point type 'N' in insert mode. 7. Update Size Move cursor to img tag. --------------------- --------------------- Type 'i' on img tag --------------------- --------------------- 8. Merge Lines select the lines included '
  • ' ---------------------
    --------------------- and type 'J' ---------------------
    --------------------- 9. Remove Tag Move cursor in block --------------------- --------------------- Type 'k' in insert mode. ---------------------
    --------------------- And type 'k' in there again. --------------------- --------------------- 10. Split/Join Tag Move cursor in block ---------------------
    cursor is here
    --------------------- Type 'j' in insert mode. ---------------------
    --------------------- And type 'j' in there again. ---------------------
    --------------------- 11. Toggle Comment Move cursor to block ---------------------
    hello world
    --------------------- Type '/' in insert mode. --------------------- --------------------- Type '/' in there again. ---------------------
    hello world
    --------------------- 12. Make anchor from URL Move cursor to URL --------------------- http://www.google.com/ --------------------- Type 'a' --------------------- Google --------------------- 13. Make quoted text from URL Move cursor to URL --------------------- http://github.com/ --------------------- Type 'A' ---------------------
    Secure source code hosting and collaborative development - GitHub

    How does it work? Get up and running in seconds by forking a project, pushing an existing repository...

    --------------------- 14. Installing zencoding.vim for language you using. # cd ~/.vim # unzip zencoding-vim.zip or if you install pathogen.vim: # cd ~/.vim/bundle # or make directory # unzip /path/to/zencoding-vim.zip if you get sources from repository: # cd ~/.vim/bundle # or make directory # git clone http://github.com/mattn/zencoding-vim.git 15. Enable zencoding.vim for language you using. You can customize the behavior of language you using. --------------------- # cat >> ~/.vimrc let g:user_zen_settings = { \ 'php' : { \ 'extends' : 'html', \ 'filters' : 'c', \ }, \ 'xml' : { \ 'extends' : 'html', \ }, \ 'haml' : { \ 'extends' : 'html', \ }, \} ---------------------