require 'yaml' def bail_on_failure exitstatus = $?.exitstatus if exitstatus != 0 err "last command failed with exit status #{exitstatus}" exit 1 end end def version `git describe`.chomp end def rubygems_version # RubyGems will barf if we try to pass an intermediate version number # like "1.1b2-10-g61a374a", so no choice but to abbreviate it `git describe --abbrev=0`.chomp end def yellow "\033[33m" end def red "\033[31m" end def clear "\033[0m" end def warn(str) puts "#{yellow}warning: #{str}#{clear}" end def err(str) puts "#{red}error: #{str}#{clear}" end def prepare_release_notes # extract base release notes from README.txt HISTORY section'.release-notes.txt', 'w') do |out| lines = File.readlines('README.txt').each { |line| line.chomp! } while line = lines.shift do next unless line =~ /^HISTORY +\*command-t-history\*$/ break unless lines.shift == '' && (line = lines.shift) && line =~ /^\d\.\d/ && lines.shift == '' while line = lines.shift and line != '' out.puts line end break end out.puts '' out.puts '# Please edit the release notes to taste.' out.puts '# Blank lines and lines beginning with a hash will be removed.' out.puts '# To abort, exit your editor with a non-zero exit status (:cquit in Vim).' end unless system "$EDITOR .release-notes.txt" err "editor exited with non-zero exit status; aborting" exit 1 end filtered = read_release_notes'.release-notes.txt', 'w') do |out| out.print filtered end end def read_release_notes File.readlines('.release-notes.txt').reject do |line| line =~ /^(#.*|\s*)$/ # filter comment lines and blank lines end.join end task :default => :spec desc 'Print help on preparing a release' task :help do puts <<-END The general release sequence is: rake prerelease rake gem rake push rake upload:all Note: the upload task depends on the Mechanize gem; and may require a prior `gem install mechanize` END end desc 'Run specs' task :spec do system 'bundle exec rspec spec' bail_on_failure end desc 'Create vimball archive' task :vimball => :check_tag do system 'make' bail_on_failure FileUtils.cp 'command-t.vba', "command-t-#{version}.vba" end desc 'Clean compiled products' task :clean do Dir.chdir 'ruby/command-t' do system 'make clean' if File.exists?('Makefile') system 'rm -f Makefile' end end desc 'Clobber all generated files' task :clobber => :clean do system 'make clean' end desc 'Compile extension' task :make do Dir.chdir 'ruby/command-t' do ruby 'extconf.rb' system 'make clean' bail_on_failure system 'make' bail_on_failure end end namespace :make do desc 'Compile under all multiruby versions' task :all do system './' bail_on_failure end end namespace :spec do desc 'Run specs under all multiruby versions' task :all do system './' bail_on_failure end end desc 'Check that the current HEAD is tagged' task :check_tag do unless system 'git describe --exact-match HEAD 2> /dev/null' warn 'current HEAD is not tagged' end end desc 'Run checks prior to release' task :prerelease => ['make:all', 'spec:all', :vimball, :check_tag] namespace :upload do desc 'Upload current vimball to Amazon S3' task :s3 => :vimball do sh 'aws --curl-options=--insecure put ' + "{version}.vba " + "command-t-#{version}.vba" sh 'aws --curl-options=--insecure put ' + "{version}.vba?acl " + '--public' end desc 'Upload current vimball to' task :vim => :vimball do prepare_release_notes sh "vendor/vimscriptuploader/vimscriptuploader.rb \ --id 3025 \ --file command-t-#{version}.vba \ --message-file .release-notes.txt \ --version #{version} \ --config ~/.vim_org.yml \ .vim_org.yml" end desc 'Upload current vimball everywhere' task :all => [ :s3, :vim ] end desc 'Create the ruby gem package' task :gem => :check_tag do sh "gem build command-t.gemspec" end desc 'Push gem to Gemcutter ("gem push")' task :push => :gem do sh "gem push command-t-#{rubygems_version}.gem" end