gitv -- gitk for vim. AUTHOR: Greg Sexton *gitv-author* WEBSITE: LICENSE: Same terms as Vim itself (see :help license). NOTES: Much of the credit for gitv goes to Tim Pope and the fugitive plugin where this plugin either uses functionality directly or was inspired heavily. gitv *gitv* 1. Introduction |gitv-introduction| 2. Installation |gitv-installation| 3. Usage |gitv-usage| 4. Configuration Options |gitv-config-options| 5. Changelog |gitv-changelog| 6. Misc |gitv-misc| ============================================================================== 1. Introduction *gitv-introduction* |gitv| is a 'gitk clone' plugin for the text editor Vim. The goal is to give you a similar set of functionality as a repository viewer. Using this plugin you can view a repository's history including branching and merging, you can see which commits refs point to. You can quickly and easily view what changed to which files and when. You can perform arbitrary diffs (using Vim's excellent built in diff functionality) and you can easily check out whole commits and branches or just individual files if need be. Throw in the fact that it is running in Vim and you get for free: the ability to move over repository history quickly and precisely using Vim's built in movement operators. You get excellent code syntax highlighting due to Vim's built in ability. You can open up all sorts of repository views in multiple windows and position them exactly how you like. You can take advantage of Vim's registers to copy multiple fragments of code from previous commits. The list goes on. This plugin is an extension of the |fugitive| plugin. I hope you like it! ============================================================================== 2. Installation *gitv-installation* Install in ~/.vim, or in ~\vimfiles if you're on Windows. This plugin should be fully pathogen compatible if you want to install it this way. |gitv| was developed against Vim 7.3 but earlier versions of Vim should work. Vim 7.2+ is recommended as it ships with syntax highlighting for many Git file types. You will also need the |fugitive| plugin installed and working for |gitv| to work. ============================================================================== 3. Usage *gitv-usage* |gitv| defines the following command. :[range]Gitv[!] [args] Invoking this command on a buffer that belongs to a git repository causes the gitv browser to open. '!' causes gitv to open in file mode rather than browser mode. Any [args] supplied are passed on to the gitv viewer and can be used to narrow the commits that are shown. If this command is run on a buffer not belonging to a git repository a message stating 'Not a git repository.' is displayed. When used with a [range] this has no effect in browser mode. In file mode it narrows the commits shown to only those affecting lines in the range. See section 3.8 for more details. The following abbreviation is also defined so that you can type :gitv without capitalisation. The abbreviation is defined in such a way that this substitution is only performed when 'gitv' is the first word on the command line. > cabbrev gitv Gitv < 3.1 Browser mode |gitv| has two distinct modes. Browser mode and file mode. The browser mode is opened in a new tab and allows the repository history to be viewed for all files. This is activated by running :Gitv without a '!'. In this mode you can view the entire repository history and see which files were changed with each commit. This mode tries to closely resemble gitk. 3.2 File mode File mode is opened in a |preview-window| above the buffer you are currently in. This view is tailored to act on the buffer that :Gitv! was run from, the "focused" file. Whilst in this mode all actions performed are specific to the single focused file. The browser only shows commits where the focused file changed. Selecting a commit, views the focused file as it was in that commit. Performing a check out only checks the focused file out as it was in the commit. And so on. See 3.4 for the differences. 3.3 Arguments You can pass arguments to the :Gitv command. These allow you to filter and narrow the commits shown. Essentially, gitv is a glorified 'git log' wrapper and so any flag that 'git log' accepts so will gitv. gitv does not inspect the arguments passed on to 'git log' and so may not work if they don't make sense. Without any arguments gitv behaves just like gitk and git log without arguments. It will display the commit history for the currently checked out branch. Here are some particularly useful examples of arguments that could be passed to :Gitv. For more info see 'git help log' and in particular the section: "Commit Limiting". Flag Description ~ --all View repository history for all refs. .. Show only commits between the named two commits. When either or is omitted, it defaults to HEAD, i.e. the tip of the current branch. For a more complete list of ways to spell and , see gitrevisions(7). --merges View only merge commits. -S Look for differences that introduce or remove an instance of . Note that this is different than the string simply appearing in diff output; see the pickaxe entry in gitdiffcore(7) for more details. -G Look for differences whose added or removed line matches the given . 3.4 Key mappings. This is a list of key mappings that will work only in the gitv browser window. Where appropriate the differences in action is described for the two modes. Mode Map Description~ normal Opens a commit. In browser mode this will show the commit header information including the commit message. It will also display a full diff showing all the changes to files. Tip: if you press on anything sensible you can view the expected output. For example pressing on the line beginning a file diff, it will display the diff using Vim's built in diff viewing capability. Pressing on the tree sha will list all the files in the commit and pressing on one of these will show that file as it was in the commit. And so on. Pressing on the line "-- Load More --" will load |g:Gitv_CommitStep| more commits. In file mode this will open the focused file as it was in the currently selected diff. This allows you to easily go back in time and look at the focused file. Pressing on the top line in file mode opens the current working copy of the focused file. normal o The same as but opens in a new |split|. normal O The same as but opens in a new |tab|. normal s The same as but opens in a new |vsplit|. normal This performs the same thing as in browser mode. In file mode it opens the commit details rather than the focused file. normal q Quits gitv. In browser mode this will close the entire tab. In file mode this closes only the |preview-window|. Note: in browser mode this will close the tab regardless of any windows you may have opened as well as the gitv windows. normal u Forces an update of the content of the browser window. normal co Performs a 'git checkout' of the commit the cursor is on. In both modes this will present you with a choice of whether you would like to checkout the sha or any ref that might point to this commit. File mode differs in that it doesn't check out the entire commit but just the focused file in that commit. Tip: in gVim this will present you with a pop up dialog. You can make this a text choice by performing ':set guioptions+=c.' normal D Performs a diff using Vim's built in diff viewing capabilities. This does nothing in browser mode. In file mode it will diff the current file with the focused file in the commit under the cursor. visual D In visual mode this performs a diff against the file in the commit at the top of the selection against the file in the commit at the bottom of the selection. The newest file is always on the right. normal S This works for both browser and file mode. It opens a diffstat of everything that has changed since the commit under the cursor. visual S In visual mode this works in exactly the same way as normal mode. However, it only shows what has changed in the range of commits that are highlighted. visual m Merges the commit in either the top or bottom line of the selection in to the commit specified by the other end of the selection. This uses prompts to guide you through the merging and should be fairly intuitive. It will also confirm if you wish to perform a fast-forward merge or not. gitv doesn't allow you to merge arbitrary commits. The lines at the top and bottom of the selection must contain refs in the form of tags, remotes or local branches. normal git Enters command mode with ":Git " already typed for you. Just a convenient shortcut for executing git commands and watching them affect the repository. Here is a list of extra key mappings that can be used to efficiently move around a repository history in the browser window. Mode Map Description~ normal x Jumps the cursor forward to the next branching point in the history. normal X Jumps the cursor backward to the previous branching point in the history. normal r Jumps the cursor forward to the next ref in the history. normal R Jumps the cursor backward to the previous ref in the history. normal P Jumps the cursor to the commit referenced by HEAD. 3.5 Commands Running the |:Git| command in the commit browser window, in either mode, will cause the |:Git| command to be run as expected but the commit history will automatically update to reflect any changes too. 3.6 Windows In browser mode, two windows are opened initially. The "browser window" that displays the commit history and the "preview window" that shows the currently selected commit. In file mode, a |preview-window| is opened above the current file. This is a browser window filtered to show commits only affecting the focused file. The window holding the focused file acts as the preview window in this mode. NOTE: In both modes the buffer in the preview window is wiped after replacing it. This is to stop the quick build up of fugitive buffers. A buffer will not be wiped if it contains unsaved changes. Buffers are not wiped when opening a commit in a split, vsplit or a new tab. When opening a commit, the window it will be opened in is determined by simple rules. If in browser mode and the layout is vertical it will open in the window to the immediate right (exactly as if you performed l). If in a horizontal layout, it will be opened in the window immediately below (exactly as if you performed j). If in file mode, it will open exactly like browser mode split horizontally. NOTE: It is for this reason that you should not move the browser window as it will cause commits to be opened in unexpected places. 3.7 Folding Folding of branches is supported in the browser window. Initially all folds are always open and will open on a reload. You can collapse any branch by using Vim's built in fold operators. See |folding| for more details. 3.8 Using with a range of lines If a range is passed to the :Gitv command it will have no effect in browser mode. In file mode however, only commits that affect at least one line in the range will be displayed. This is useful, for example, to view the commit history for a function and all of the changes made to it. If a range of less than two lines is used then gitv opens in regular file mode. Selecting a commit by pressing on it will show the file as it was in that commit with all lines not in the range folded away. This allows you to quickly and easily move from commit to commit viewing the evolution of the range of lines. Pressing will show you the commit details so that you can see any other changes it may have made. The range that Git looks at is specified by the first and last line in the range passed to :Gitv. These lines are escaped appropriately and passed to Git to use as a regular expression. If you wish to modify either regex delimiter this can be done by pressing on the appropriate line near the top of the file mode buffer. Vim will prompt you to modify the regex. If you press enter without modification, nothing happens. If you modify the regex (Git supports POSIX regular expressions) gitv will automatically update. You may also pass arguments to the :Gitv! command when using a range. This filters the commits that are to be compared for changes in the range. For example you could pass the name of a branch to only look at changes in commits on that branch. Note: This feature requires the bash shell to be installed on your system and in your path. This should already be the case for the majority of users. Note: Using a range searches back through the commit history looking at each section of lines for where changes occurred. It will only look at the last g:Gitv_CommitStep number, if you don't get any matches you could try pressing on the 'load more' line. This command may be slow if you choose a large range and have a large g:Gitv_CommitStep. ============================================================================== 4. Configuration Options *gitv-config-options* You can set the following options in your .vimrc to override the values used by |gitv|. The defaults are shown. 4.1 Commit Step This is the number of commits to show each time. When pressing on "-- Load More --", the number of extra commits loaded is g:Gitv_CommitStep. The default is a screen's worth of lines. This should be set to an integer number. Setting this to a value _really_ high will load the entire repo in one go. > g:Gitv_CommitStep = &lines < 4.2 Open Horizontal This is the default layout to use in browser mode. If set to 0 then browser mode will open in a vertical split. If set to 1 then browser mode will open in a horizontal split. If set to 'auto' then browser mode will open in a vertical split unless the content fits better in a horizontal split, in which case it will open horizontally. The commit browser width and height is automatically sized to best fit the content in all modes and settings. > g:Gitv_OpenHorizontal = 0 < 4.3 Git Executable This is the name of the git executable to use to run commands. This should be a string. > g:Gitv_GitExecutable = 'git' < 4.4 Wipe All on Close This option should be set to either 0 (to disable) or 1 (to enable). If set to 1 then on closing the browser mode by using the q key all buffers displayed in a window in the tab will be wiped before the tab is closed. This option allows you to limit the number of fugitive buffers that accumulate in the use of gitv. NOTE: This will not wipe any buffer with unsaved content. It will however mercilessly wipe all buffers in the tab regardless of the file they hold. > g:Gitv_WipeAllOnClose = 0 < 4.5 Wrap Lines If set to 1 then line wrapping is enabled. This is useful if you have occasional very long commit messages. > g:Gitv_WrapLines = 0 < 4.6 Truncate Commit Subjects If set to 1 then commit subject truncation is enabled. This will truncate commit subjects, where necessary, so that the whole line will fit in one screen width. If this is set, then automatically switching to a horizontal layout will no longer work as commits will be truncated to always fit in a vertical split. NOTE: It is possible that this can truncate any refs pointing at a commit. In this situation it will not be possible to check out any of these refs. This is due to gitv being unable to recognise that they are refs. > g:Gitv_TruncateCommitSubjects = 0 < 4.7 Open Preview On Launch If set to 1 then the preview window is displayed when launching gitv in browser mode. If set to 0 then no preview window is displayed until a commit is opened. This option has no effect in file mode. > g:Gitv_OpenPreviewOnLaunch = 1 < 4.8 Prompt to Delete Merge Branch If set to 1 then, when performing a merge using gitv, you will be prompted if you wish to delete the topic branch. If you often merge a branch into another and rarely wish to delete branches, set this to 0. The default is 0. > let g:Gitv_PromptToDeleteMergeBranch = 0 < ============================================================================== 5. Changelog *gitv-changelog* 1.1 Nodes displaying local changes are inserted above HEAD ref. Added range feature. Merging branches is possible in gitv. strwidth bugfix (thanks Adam Reeve). Prevent bdelete errors (thanks pydave). 1.0 First release. I hope you enjoy gitv! ============================================================================== 6. Misc *gitv-misc* 6.1 Tips and tricks I use the following mappings to make working with |gitv| easier. > nmap gv :Gitv --all nmap gV :Gitv! --all vmap gV :Gitv! --all < The vmap equivalent for file mode is to make dealing with ranges easier. It allows you to visually select a range of lines to view the commit history for that section of the file. The following abbreviation makes running arbitrary git commands much easier. > cabbrev git Git < The function: 'Gitv_OpenGitCommand(command, windowCmd)' is provided to allow the more advanced user to create their own commands. This function will execute the git command provided in the new window created using windowCmd. By using this function you get for free: the buffer set up for read only git output, including syntax highlighting and many other tailored options. You also get mappings for 'u' to update the output and 'q' to easily close the window. Here is an example of getting diff output both cached and not, in a vertical and horizontal split respectively. > call Gitv_OpenGitCommand("diff --no-color --cached", 'vnew') call Gitv_OpenGitCommand("diff --no-color", 'new') < I like my diff colors to be green for added lines and red for removed lines, just like in the shell. Adding this to your vimrc will accomplish this. > highlight diffAdded guifg=#00bf00 highlight diffRemoved guifg=#bf0000 < I highly recommend adding to your vimrc: > set lazyredraw < This stops Vim from redrawing the screen during complex operations and results in much smoother looking plugins. 6.2 Bugs, issues, features and contributing. There are no known bugs. Hopefully there are not too many unknown. Please see below to help. Bugs, suggestions, pull requests and patches are all very welcome. If you find issues with |gitv| please add them to the issues page on the github project. Anything else, feel free to email me: vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: