Peter Savchenko 61242ab6a6
Release 2.0-beta (#387)
* update
* Toolbar, Toolbox, UI (#239)
* Toolbox making
* Add Toolbox buttons click handler
* Toolbar, Toolbox, UI
* Updates
* update css prefix
* trying to write docs
* append callback behaviour
* update request
* update
* empty initial data
* initial saver
* some requested changes
* update request
* requested changes
* upgrade saver
* new improvements
* update
* Caret module: initial
* improvements
* moving caret initial
* small improvements
* last changes, added docs
* requested changes
* implement getters instead of functions in block cursors
* last requested changes
* caret module docs and last improvements
* update docs
* upgrade request
* update docs
* upd
* todo on delays
* Sanitizer docs
* split func upd
* split blocks update
* up docs
* Listeners Module: initial
* listener module updates
* split is ready
* update
* start to make merge
* upd
* split general upd split is ready
* ups
* keyboard module update
* BlockManager removed keyboard handler
* commit before merging rewriting2.0
* general upd split
* Documentation upd
* document + listener upd
* upd doc
* documentation upd
* doc upd
* listener upd
* update algh extract fragm
* upd extractRangeContent
* upd dom.js
* keyboard upd (shift + enter & enableLineBreaks)
* upd enter pressed
* keyboard.js upd
* enter pressed upd
* documenation added
* documentation upd
* Toolbar: settings zone added. (#252)
* Toolbar: settings zone added.
* update some comments
* Making a Toolbar
* delete block
* dom improvements and merging blocks
* merge and split improvements
* fix merging
* do not remove block if block contains media
* optimize code
* caret behaviour improved
* up
* up
* merging blocks. Now plugins handles this cases
* mergeable getter
* save
* up
* dom getdeepestnode improvements
* improve getDeepest node method one more time
* upd
* Deal with it
* improve isAtStart
* improve docs
* use smart isAtStart and isAtEnt method in navigateNext/navigatePrevious
* improve docs
* fix bug in $.isEmpty, improve keydown
* fix isAtEnd
* rollback setCaret code duplication
* improve backspace
* Debug tree walker
* fix tree walker
* small caret fix
* queue ordering
* update bundle
* improve first letter checkup
* doc upd
* update current block index setter
* TypeScript support, Webpack 4, Inline Toolbar beginning (#257)
* Create UI
* Support TypeScript Modules
* remove tmp files
* migrate to 2-spaced tabs
* Add TS Linter
* Inline Toolbar moving (#258)
* Inline Toolbar moving
* simplify code
* Check is need to show Inline Toolbar
* remove duplicate from doc
* fix doc
* open/close IT
* Close IT by clicks on Redactor
* @guryn going strange
* default settings initial
* add move up button to default tunes area
* need to figure out with assets
* Inline Toolbar Tools base example (#260)
* Inline Toolbar Tools base example
* texts fixed
* imrpove texts
* little fixes
* save
* tunes with interface
* add tool settings
* initial api methods
* api is ready
* started writing docs
* Create svg sprite (#261)
* requested changes
* fix conflicts
* add docs
* doc fixes and interface improvements
* update
* API scopes improved
* Deleting block: Initial
* Delete block with confirmation
* Event subscription&unsubscription
* deletion trigger improvements
* small improvements
* Link Inline Tool (#264)
* Link Inline Tool
* api injected
* text improved
* Clear input on the reselection
* little improvements
* Delete tune fixes
* UI: Block Settings, show Plus after Enter keydown (#265)
* Some UI improvements: icons settigns
* Show plus button after split
* decrease autoprefixer
* rename variable
* Revert "Merge branch 'delete-tune-fixes' into rewriting-version2.0"
* Delete Tune improvements
* upd
* upd comments
* actualize API docs
* Allow to connect external Inline Tools (#269)
* Allow to connect external Inline Tools
* unhardcode tool's api settings
* Italic inline tool
* update icon size
* upgrade findParentTag function
* add interface selection
* fix cs
* save marker
* bundles
* add todo
* removing wrapper
* update styles
* market -> term
* add comments
* improve code
* descrease margin
* add text block to example
* add line brakes
* remove space
* fix bugs
* fix bug
* umd as a library target
* background -> background-color
* Clear API (#274)
* blockManager.clear
* upd
* api bez ebanoj knopki api
* fix assignment
* insert empty block with clear method
* clear and render methods improved
* open saver.save()
* add comments
* update comments
* fix data returned by editor
* rename plugin name field in data object (#276)
* Text tool refactored (#277) Now it returns strict data format.
* do not add block if tool is not exist (#278)
* do not add block if tool is not exist
* show warning
* add todo
* update warning message
* put message into variable
* Revert "put message into variable"
* update comment
* Module Keyboard rewrited to BlockEvents (#279)
* Module Keydown rewrited to BlockEvents
* move keyup and mouseup to the Block Events
* Move-up tune (#268)
* Move up tune initial
* move up tune initial behaviour* moving up formula, docs and code cleaned
* do not close the toolbar if moving block up* move nagivate methods to Caret Module* navigations returns boolean if caret is set
* code improved
* update comments
* Eslint --fix for project files (#280)
* Header plugin (#281)
* header initial
* fix styles
* eslint fix
* add appendCallback
* add comments
* update styles
* add svgs
* highlight settings buttons
* do not show text plugin in the toolbar
* remove svg
* Fixing caret behaviour. (#282) Plugins can change their state so that affect on Block's pluginsContent property which is in memory.
* remove useless code
* fix merge
* "MoveDown" tune (#283)
* move down initial Swap current block with next block and scroll window screen
* check if block is last added new method to the blocks API that returns blocks count
* fix comments
* animate tune
* add animation when tune is disabled
* requested changes
* remove unused css
* Fix merge function and rename Block's wrapper (#284)
* Fix merge function and rename wrapper
* update
* renew condition
* update
* upd
* Merging blocks: Restore caret position 🤟🤟💪 (#286)
* Merging blocks: Restore caret position 🤟🤟💪
* requested changes
* update removing shadow caret
* hide toolbar and selection on typing (#289)
* Editor Instance config Interface (#285)
* create interface for editor config
* use IEditorConfig
* create some interfaces
* add comments
* editor interface
* updates
* update editor interface (#293)
* При перемещении по стрелочкам убирать выделение блока (#296)
* При перемещении по стрелочкам убирать выделение блока
* Add comments
* update comments
* update comment
* update toolbar design (#301)
* Set caret at the end if clicked outsite the block (#305)
* Set caret at last block or create new block at end
* update comment
* fix comments
* Insert new Block when enter pressed on editor area (#307)
* insert new block when enter pressed on editor zone
* extra conditions. Enter must be handled on editors area
* move at editor condition to the Selection method
* closes can return null
* fixing editor area
* do not create new block
* clean example
* updates due to the requested changes
* Add placeholder to contentEditable elements (#306)
* add placeholder to contentEditable elements
* store selection color in a variable
* add placeholder to header block
* Add placeholder to contenteditable only if attribute data-placeholder exists
* remove tool config
* Close toolbar after block is removed (#314)
* makeSettings -> renderSettings (#315)
* Term: new icon, new style. + margin between settings buttons (#316)
* remove useless span wrapper
* update linters
* update styles
* process click on svg by closest
* remove commented code
* rename function: svgIcon -> toolboxIcon
* add toolboxIcon to docs
* Paste (#259)
* Paste module
* Rewrite paste logic
* Update due comments
* Docs
* Add all block elements
* Sanitize content on paste
* Remove logs and add header handler
* Add comment to dom.js
* Add comment to tools.js
* Split block if paste not at the end
* Update docs
* Update docs
* Take Tool name from config
* Update docs
* Label onPaste handler as private
* Resolve conflict
* Replace current block if it is empty (#320)
* Improve Header line-height (#321)
* Fix typo (#324)
* CodeX Editor 2.0
* Module Shortcuts (#317)
* import shortcuts
* node modules works
* enable shortcut for inline tools
* check shortcut existance
* enable shortcuts to Block tools
* set caret to block if block replaced
* enable shortcuts on inline-tools
* improve code
* last changes
* update
* fix
* insert returns block so we can set caret
* use Map instead own structure
* disable shortcut if iniline-toolbar disabled
* update code styles
* remove todo
* upd
* update
* remove settings from insert function
* create interface
* code improvements
* use const instead of let
* upd
* Simple Image Tool (#326)
* Simple Image
* fix pattern
* show tunes` state
* update code
* update code
* upd
* Fix toolbox appearance, tools boxed are clickable (#331)
* Remove toolsConfig from Editor's config (#327)
* fix linters
* remove toolsConfig
* update tool's interfaces
* add comments
* bundles
* remove test headers
* restore commented code
* update tool's interface
* toolConfig -> toolSetting
* fix typos
* update code comments
* update installation doc
* update docs
* update dev dep packages (#333)
* Check is paste handler a function only if it exists (#328)
* Toolbar with tab (#330)
* toolbar tabs initial
* leaf initial
* save state
* flip back toolbox items
* enter on toolbox item
* update
* requested changes
* new condfition
* update
* improve animation on leaf
* fix shift+tab flip
* up
* update
* updates
* Consecutive blank lines are forbidden
* Correct choosing next toolbox item
* update
* update comment
* Validate editor's config before initing (#341)
* validate editor's config before initing
* update readme
* @
* update comments
* add function _.isClass
* Styles API (#343)
* StylesAPI
* use styles api in plugins
* add inline styles
* List Tool [new] (#344)
* list tool initial
* list class with settings
* make tool reactive
* final List improvements
* reorder
* tmp update
* unhadrcode enter handler
* updates
* enableLineBreaks also checks
* skip empty items
* select LI by CMD+A, fix backspace in the last item
* improve check for emptiness
* Example page improved (#347)
* Update new example
* imrpove example.html
* updates
* improve code
* Header plugin (#348)
* isFunction function
* use header from cdn
* Improve paste behaviour (#346)
* Improve paste behaviour
* Done
* Don't pass empty items
* Update comment
* move public up
* Remove disallow paste option
* Quote Tool (#329)
* Quote Tool
* Add icon
* Upd
* fix ENTER on quote
* Remove useless code
* items -> blocks (#351)
* use SimpleImage from cdn (#355)
* use simpleimage from cdn
* add comments
* fix spaces
* fix comments
* remove comments
* update simple-image script
* Update text on the example.html (#356)
* use Paragraph Tool from CDN (#357)
* use Paragraph Tool from CDN
* add line brakes
* rename block: paragraph -> text
* Remove _callbacks.js (#358)
* Clear unused files (#359)
* remove defaultConfig
* Delimiter tool (#362)
* Delimiter added
* ашч
* use delimiter from cdn
* Enter on editor (#363)
* Enterpress on editor
* use additional property
* check enter on body
* update
* fix toolbar behaviour
* upd
* update bundle
* remove useless ui property
* update comment
* add Element.prepend() function (#365)
* add Element.prepend() function
* allow to pass element of array to prepend() polyfill
* use List Tool from cdn (#366)
* use List Tool from cdn
* add missing </div> in example.html
* Pass "config" from Tool's settings to Tool's constructor (#367)
* pass config from Tool's settings to Tool's constructor
* reorder elements
* add apiSettings.CONFIG property
* use string as a object's key 😔 (#368)
* update placeholder's styles (#369)
* Add shortcuts for internal tools (#370)
* Add shortcuts for internal tools
* upd doc
* remove articles
* ☹️ guryn asked
* use quote from cdn (#371)
* Add cache to the inline tools (#372)
* use Inline Code Tool from cdn (#375)
* Issue 354 inline tools filter (#376)
* Allow to filter inline tools.
* update example
* update header
* fix endless cycle (#378)
* Destructured options for Inline Tools (#379)
* add destructured options for inline-tools
* temporary disable inlineCode
* remove term sources
* Fix toolbar moving after arrow navigation (#380)
* Fix toolbar moving after arrow navigation
* move before open
* fix error on Enter after block removing
* add example Tools as submodules (#381)
* add destructured options for inline-tools
* temporary disable inlineCode
* remove term sources
* add inline code Tool as a submodule
* update version of inline-code package
* add Tools as submodules
* update Tools and use destructured params object
* Add constructor() docs
* update package Paragraph Tool
* update installation docs
* Input navigation (#339)
* Quote Tool
* Add icon
* Upd
* Initial setup
* Save changes
* Add scroll and fix input focus
* Add comments
* Rebuild bundle
* fix ENTER on quote
* Fix split behaviour
* Fix
* Navigate only to contentful blocks
* add comments
* Fix backspace on last block
* Remove log
* It works
* Resolve comments
* Use constants
* New readme 🦅 (#386)
* New readme 🦅
* upd text
* Issue 374 (#385)
* Fix issue #374
* Set current block index to -1 if there is no blocks left
* Insert new block if first one was removed by default
* Paragraph as a default Tool in editor; Zero-conf (#389)
* git commit -m "Removed submodule Paragraph"
* add paragraph to core + zero-config
* update bundle
* update comment
* remove log
* enable minifying (#390)
* Drop current block index only if there is no selection at the Editor (#388)
* Drop current block index only if there is no selection at the Editor
* Set current node if click ended out of editor
* Small backspace behaviour improvement (#391)
* Small backspace behaviour improvement
* fix caret position
* update from base branch
* Update webpack config
* Migrate to Yarn (#393)
* Migrate to yarn
* Update scripts
* Rewrite helpers classes to TypeScript (#396)
* Add docs and isReady promise (#394)
* set default holderId value (#404)
* Destroyer (#392)
* Initial destroy method
* Add destroy method to api docs
* Export isReady promise in CodexEditor constructor


Co-authored-by: Murod Khaydarov <murod.haydarov@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: George Berezhnoy <gohabereg@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Taly <vitalik7tv@yandex.ru>
2018-08-05 14:51:58 +03:00

160 lines
5.3 KiB

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