Tatiana Fomina 581289c03e
Block tunes as a popover (#2091)
* Default tunes to popover

* Add the rest of default tunes

* Add popover

* Cleanup

* Rename custom content

* Cleanup

* Add ability to open block settings upwards

* Fix tests

* Cleanup default tunes

* Rename and cleanup

* Add ability to display rendered custom tunes

* cleanup

* Rename

* Add flag to close tunes popover

* Cleanup

* i18n

* Cleanup

* Fix build and tests

* Fix for iframe

* Add comments

* Display active item, move closeOnActivate to popover

* Add confirmation support to popover

* Handle boolean value in confirmation param

* Clarify flippable logic in popover

* Comments

* Pass editor element as a param of popover constructor

* Fix readability

* Tests

* Fix flipper for confirmation element

* Update confirmation config structure

* Rename onClick to onActivate

* Fix tests and build

* Make confirmation props optional

* Simplify processing tunes

* Renamings

* Fix text block tunes

* Docs

* Update event type

* Move enabling confirmation state to separate method

* move popover types

* Unhardcode color

* Support toggling

* Add support of disabled items

* Fix tab in empty block leading to selecting second item in popover

* Remove margins for styles api settings button class

* Fix arrow navigation between blocks after opening block tunes

* Cleaup in default tunes code

* Fix chaining confirmations

* Colors

* Types

* Change the way flippable elements of popover custom area are set

* Remove borders around popover icons

* Fix untabbable inline toolbar

* Fix locked scroll after closing tunes popover on mobile

* Cleanup

* Set max popover width

* Make popover icon's border outside

* Fix tab issue

* Fix focus/hover issue

* Reformat

* Cleanup

* Fix opening block tunes via keyboard

* Add disableSpecialHoverAndFocusBehavior

* Add deprecated comment

* Cleanup

* Fix popover active state

* Fix checklist deletion with confirmation

* Fix checklist deletion 2

* Fix popover focus

* Fix popover items being impossible to flip after searching

* Fix popover item highlighting issue

* Update flipper.spec.ts

* Fixes after review

* Add Tunes Api tests

* Fix multiple popover entries configured by one tune

* Add tool's renderSettings() tests

* Add popover confirmation state test

* Fix popover width on mobile

* Add popover tests

* Add changelog and update version

* Update changelog

* Fix block tunes being unable to open after tune activation

Co-authored-by: Peter Savchenko <specc.dev@gmail.com>
2022-11-03 20:52:33 +03:00

17 lines
491 B

"compilerOptions" : {
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"moduleResolution": "node", // This resolution strategy attempts to mimic the Node.js module resolution mechanism at runtime
"lib": ["dom", "es2017", "es2018", "es2019"],
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"resolveJsonModule": true,
// allows to omit export default in .json files
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true