Peter Savchenko 61242ab6a6
Release 2.0-beta (#387)
* update
* Toolbar, Toolbox, UI (#239)
* Toolbox making
* Add Toolbox buttons click handler
* Toolbar, Toolbox, UI
* Updates
* update css prefix
* trying to write docs
* append callback behaviour
* update request
* update
* empty initial data
* initial saver
* some requested changes
* update request
* requested changes
* upgrade saver
* new improvements
* update
* Caret module: initial
* improvements
* moving caret initial
* small improvements
* last changes, added docs
* requested changes
* implement getters instead of functions in block cursors
* last requested changes
* caret module docs and last improvements
* update docs
* upgrade request
* update docs
* upd
* todo on delays
* Sanitizer docs
* split func upd
* split blocks update
* up docs
* Listeners Module: initial
* listener module updates
* split is ready
* update
* start to make merge
* upd
* split general upd split is ready
* ups
* keyboard module update
* BlockManager removed keyboard handler
* commit before merging rewriting2.0
* general upd split
* Documentation upd
* document + listener upd
* upd doc
* documentation upd
* doc upd
* listener upd
* update algh extract fragm
* upd extractRangeContent
* upd dom.js
* keyboard upd (shift + enter & enableLineBreaks)
* upd enter pressed
* keyboard.js upd
* enter pressed upd
* documenation added
* documentation upd
* Toolbar: settings zone added. (#252)
* Toolbar: settings zone added.
* update some comments
* Making a Toolbar
* delete block
* dom improvements and merging blocks
* merge and split improvements
* fix merging
* do not remove block if block contains media
* optimize code
* caret behaviour improved
* up
* up
* merging blocks. Now plugins handles this cases
* mergeable getter
* save
* up
* dom getdeepestnode improvements
* improve getDeepest node method one more time
* upd
* Deal with it
* improve isAtStart
* improve docs
* use smart isAtStart and isAtEnt method in navigateNext/navigatePrevious
* improve docs
* fix bug in $.isEmpty, improve keydown
* fix isAtEnd
* rollback setCaret code duplication
* improve backspace
* Debug tree walker
* fix tree walker
* small caret fix
* queue ordering
* update bundle
* improve first letter checkup
* doc upd
* update current block index setter
* TypeScript support, Webpack 4, Inline Toolbar beginning (#257)
* Create UI
* Support TypeScript Modules
* remove tmp files
* migrate to 2-spaced tabs
* Add TS Linter
* Inline Toolbar moving (#258)
* Inline Toolbar moving
* simplify code
* Check is need to show Inline Toolbar
* remove duplicate from doc
* fix doc
* open/close IT
* Close IT by clicks on Redactor
* @guryn going strange
* default settings initial
* add move up button to default tunes area
* need to figure out with assets
* Inline Toolbar Tools base example (#260)
* Inline Toolbar Tools base example
* texts fixed
* imrpove texts
* little fixes
* save
* tunes with interface
* add tool settings
* initial api methods
* api is ready
* started writing docs
* Create svg sprite (#261)
* requested changes
* fix conflicts
* add docs
* doc fixes and interface improvements
* update
* API scopes improved
* Deleting block: Initial
* Delete block with confirmation
* Event subscription&unsubscription
* deletion trigger improvements
* small improvements
* Link Inline Tool (#264)
* Link Inline Tool
* api injected
* text improved
* Clear input on the reselection
* little improvements
* Delete tune fixes
* UI: Block Settings, show Plus after Enter keydown (#265)
* Some UI improvements: icons settigns
* Show plus button after split
* decrease autoprefixer
* rename variable
* Revert "Merge branch 'delete-tune-fixes' into rewriting-version2.0"
* Delete Tune improvements
* upd
* upd comments
* actualize API docs
* Allow to connect external Inline Tools (#269)
* Allow to connect external Inline Tools
* unhardcode tool's api settings
* Italic inline tool
* update icon size
* upgrade findParentTag function
* add interface selection
* fix cs
* save marker
* bundles
* add todo
* removing wrapper
* update styles
* market -> term
* add comments
* improve code
* descrease margin
* add text block to example
* add line brakes
* remove space
* fix bugs
* fix bug
* umd as a library target
* background -> background-color
* Clear API (#274)
* blockManager.clear
* upd
* api bez ebanoj knopki api
* fix assignment
* insert empty block with clear method
* clear and render methods improved
* open saver.save()
* add comments
* update comments
* fix data returned by editor
* rename plugin name field in data object (#276)
* Text tool refactored (#277) Now it returns strict data format.
* do not add block if tool is not exist (#278)
* do not add block if tool is not exist
* show warning
* add todo
* update warning message
* put message into variable
* Revert "put message into variable"
* update comment
* Module Keyboard rewrited to BlockEvents (#279)
* Module Keydown rewrited to BlockEvents
* move keyup and mouseup to the Block Events
* Move-up tune (#268)
* Move up tune initial
* move up tune initial behaviour* moving up formula, docs and code cleaned
* do not close the toolbar if moving block up* move nagivate methods to Caret Module* navigations returns boolean if caret is set
* code improved
* update comments
* Eslint --fix for project files (#280)
* Header plugin (#281)
* header initial
* fix styles
* eslint fix
* add appendCallback
* add comments
* update styles
* add svgs
* highlight settings buttons
* do not show text plugin in the toolbar
* remove svg
* Fixing caret behaviour. (#282) Plugins can change their state so that affect on Block's pluginsContent property which is in memory.
* remove useless code
* fix merge
* "MoveDown" tune (#283)
* move down initial Swap current block with next block and scroll window screen
* check if block is last added new method to the blocks API that returns blocks count
* fix comments
* animate tune
* add animation when tune is disabled
* requested changes
* remove unused css
* Fix merge function and rename Block's wrapper (#284)
* Fix merge function and rename wrapper
* update
* renew condition
* update
* upd
* Merging blocks: Restore caret position 🤟🤟💪 (#286)
* Merging blocks: Restore caret position 🤟🤟💪
* requested changes
* update removing shadow caret
* hide toolbar and selection on typing (#289)
* Editor Instance config Interface (#285)
* create interface for editor config
* use IEditorConfig
* create some interfaces
* add comments
* editor interface
* updates
* update editor interface (#293)
* При перемещении по стрелочкам убирать выделение блока (#296)
* При перемещении по стрелочкам убирать выделение блока
* Add comments
* update comments
* update comment
* update toolbar design (#301)
* Set caret at the end if clicked outsite the block (#305)
* Set caret at last block or create new block at end
* update comment
* fix comments
* Insert new Block when enter pressed on editor area (#307)
* insert new block when enter pressed on editor zone
* extra conditions. Enter must be handled on editors area
* move at editor condition to the Selection method
* closes can return null
* fixing editor area
* do not create new block
* clean example
* updates due to the requested changes
* Add placeholder to contentEditable elements (#306)
* add placeholder to contentEditable elements
* store selection color in a variable
* add placeholder to header block
* Add placeholder to contenteditable only if attribute data-placeholder exists
* remove tool config
* Close toolbar after block is removed (#314)
* makeSettings -> renderSettings (#315)
* Term: new icon, new style. + margin between settings buttons (#316)
* remove useless span wrapper
* update linters
* update styles
* process click on svg by closest
* remove commented code
* rename function: svgIcon -> toolboxIcon
* add toolboxIcon to docs
* Paste (#259)
* Paste module
* Rewrite paste logic
* Update due comments
* Docs
* Add all block elements
* Sanitize content on paste
* Remove logs and add header handler
* Add comment to dom.js
* Add comment to tools.js
* Split block if paste not at the end
* Update docs
* Update docs
* Take Tool name from config
* Update docs
* Label onPaste handler as private
* Resolve conflict
* Replace current block if it is empty (#320)
* Improve Header line-height (#321)
* Fix typo (#324)
* CodeX Editor 2.0
* Module Shortcuts (#317)
* import shortcuts
* node modules works
* enable shortcut for inline tools
* check shortcut existance
* enable shortcuts to Block tools
* set caret to block if block replaced
* enable shortcuts on inline-tools
* improve code
* last changes
* update
* fix
* insert returns block so we can set caret
* use Map instead own structure
* disable shortcut if iniline-toolbar disabled
* update code styles
* remove todo
* upd
* update
* remove settings from insert function
* create interface
* code improvements
* use const instead of let
* upd
* Simple Image Tool (#326)
* Simple Image
* fix pattern
* show tunes` state
* update code
* update code
* upd
* Fix toolbox appearance, tools boxed are clickable (#331)
* Remove toolsConfig from Editor's config (#327)
* fix linters
* remove toolsConfig
* update tool's interfaces
* add comments
* bundles
* remove test headers
* restore commented code
* update tool's interface
* toolConfig -> toolSetting
* fix typos
* update code comments
* update installation doc
* update docs
* update dev dep packages (#333)
* Check is paste handler a function only if it exists (#328)
* Toolbar with tab (#330)
* toolbar tabs initial
* leaf initial
* save state
* flip back toolbox items
* enter on toolbox item
* update
* requested changes
* new condfition
* update
* improve animation on leaf
* fix shift+tab flip
* up
* update
* updates
* Consecutive blank lines are forbidden
* Correct choosing next toolbox item
* update
* update comment
* Validate editor's config before initing (#341)
* validate editor's config before initing
* update readme
* @
* update comments
* add function _.isClass
* Styles API (#343)
* StylesAPI
* use styles api in plugins
* add inline styles
* List Tool [new] (#344)
* list tool initial
* list class with settings
* make tool reactive
* final List improvements
* reorder
* tmp update
* unhadrcode enter handler
* updates
* enableLineBreaks also checks
* skip empty items
* select LI by CMD+A, fix backspace in the last item
* improve check for emptiness
* Example page improved (#347)
* Update new example
* imrpove example.html
* updates
* improve code
* Header plugin (#348)
* isFunction function
* use header from cdn
* Improve paste behaviour (#346)
* Improve paste behaviour
* Done
* Don't pass empty items
* Update comment
* move public up
* Remove disallow paste option
* Quote Tool (#329)
* Quote Tool
* Add icon
* Upd
* fix ENTER on quote
* Remove useless code
* items -> blocks (#351)
* use SimpleImage from cdn (#355)
* use simpleimage from cdn
* add comments
* fix spaces
* fix comments
* remove comments
* update simple-image script
* Update text on the example.html (#356)
* use Paragraph Tool from CDN (#357)
* use Paragraph Tool from CDN
* add line brakes
* rename block: paragraph -> text
* Remove _callbacks.js (#358)
* Clear unused files (#359)
* remove defaultConfig
* Delimiter tool (#362)
* Delimiter added
* ашч
* use delimiter from cdn
* Enter on editor (#363)
* Enterpress on editor
* use additional property
* check enter on body
* update
* fix toolbar behaviour
* upd
* update bundle
* remove useless ui property
* update comment
* add Element.prepend() function (#365)
* add Element.prepend() function
* allow to pass element of array to prepend() polyfill
* use List Tool from cdn (#366)
* use List Tool from cdn
* add missing </div> in example.html
* Pass "config" from Tool's settings to Tool's constructor (#367)
* pass config from Tool's settings to Tool's constructor
* reorder elements
* add apiSettings.CONFIG property
* use string as a object's key 😔 (#368)
* update placeholder's styles (#369)
* Add shortcuts for internal tools (#370)
* Add shortcuts for internal tools
* upd doc
* remove articles
* ☹️ guryn asked
* use quote from cdn (#371)
* Add cache to the inline tools (#372)
* use Inline Code Tool from cdn (#375)
* Issue 354 inline tools filter (#376)
* Allow to filter inline tools.
* update example
* update header
* fix endless cycle (#378)
* Destructured options for Inline Tools (#379)
* add destructured options for inline-tools
* temporary disable inlineCode
* remove term sources
* Fix toolbar moving after arrow navigation (#380)
* Fix toolbar moving after arrow navigation
* move before open
* fix error on Enter after block removing
* add example Tools as submodules (#381)
* add destructured options for inline-tools
* temporary disable inlineCode
* remove term sources
* add inline code Tool as a submodule
* update version of inline-code package
* add Tools as submodules
* update Tools and use destructured params object
* Add constructor() docs
* update package Paragraph Tool
* update installation docs
* Input navigation (#339)
* Quote Tool
* Add icon
* Upd
* Initial setup
* Save changes
* Add scroll and fix input focus
* Add comments
* Rebuild bundle
* fix ENTER on quote
* Fix split behaviour
* Fix
* Navigate only to contentful blocks
* add comments
* Fix backspace on last block
* Remove log
* It works
* Resolve comments
* Use constants
* New readme 🦅 (#386)
* New readme 🦅
* upd text
* Issue 374 (#385)
* Fix issue #374
* Set current block index to -1 if there is no blocks left
* Insert new block if first one was removed by default
* Paragraph as a default Tool in editor; Zero-conf (#389)
* git commit -m "Removed submodule Paragraph"
* add paragraph to core + zero-config
* update bundle
* update comment
* remove log
* enable minifying (#390)
* Drop current block index only if there is no selection at the Editor (#388)
* Drop current block index only if there is no selection at the Editor
* Set current node if click ended out of editor
* Small backspace behaviour improvement (#391)
* Small backspace behaviour improvement
* fix caret position
* update from base branch
* Update webpack config
* Migrate to Yarn (#393)
* Migrate to yarn
* Update scripts
* Rewrite helpers classes to TypeScript (#396)
* Add docs and isReady promise (#394)
* set default holderId value (#404)
* Destroyer (#392)
* Initial destroy method
* Add destroy method to api docs
* Export isReady promise in CodexEditor constructor


Co-authored-by: Murod Khaydarov <murod.haydarov@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: George Berezhnoy <gohabereg@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Taly <vitalik7tv@yandex.ru>
2018-08-05 14:51:58 +03:00

4.4 KiB

Installation Guide

There are few steps to run CodeX Editor on your site.

  1. Load Editor's core
  2. Load Tools
  3. Initialize Editor's instance

Load Editor's core

Firstly you need to get CodeX Editor itself. It is a minified script with minimal available

Choose the most usable method of getting Editor for you.

  • Node package
  • Source from CDN
  • Local file from project


Install the package via NPM or Yarn

npm i codex.editor --save-dev

Include module at your application

const CodexEditor = require('codex.editor');

Use from CDN

You can load specific version of package from jsDelivr CDN.


Then require this script.

<script src="..."></script>

Save sources to project

Copy codex-editor.js file to your project and load it.

<script src="codex-editor.js"></script>

Load Tools

Each Block at the CodeX Editor represented by Tools. There are simple external scripts with own logic. For example check out our Paragraph Tool that represents simple text block.

Each Tool should have an installation guide. You can install Paragraph Tool via the same ways as an Editor (Node.js, CDN, local file).

Check CodeX Editor's community to see Tools examples.

Example: use Paragragh from CDN

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/codex.editor.paragraph@2.0.3/dist/bundle.js"></script>

Create Editor instance

Create an instance of CodeX Editor and pass Configuration Object. Minimal params is a holderId, tools list and initialBlock marker.

<div id="codex-editor"></div>

You can create a simple Editor only with a default Paragraph Tool by passing a string with element's Id (wrapper for Editor) as a configuration param or use default codex-editor.

var editor = new CodexEditor();

// equals

var editor = new CodexEditor('codex-editor');

Or pass a whole settings object.

var editor = new CodexEditor({
     * Create a holder for the Editor and pass its ID
    holderId : 'codex-editor',

     * Available Tools list.
     * Pass Tool's class or Settings object for each Tool you want to use
    tools: {
        paragraph: {
          class: Paragraph,
          inlineToolbar : true
        // ...

     * What Block will be inserted by default
    initialBlock : 'paragraph',

     * Previously saved data that should be rendered
    data: {}

Ready callback

CodeX Editor needs a bit time to initialize. It is an asynchronous action so it won't block execution of your main script.

If you need to know when editor instance is ready you can use one of following ways:

Pass onReady property to the configuration object.

It must be a function:

var editor = new CodexEditor({
   // Other configuration properties

    * onReady callback
   onReady: () => {console.log('CodeX Editor is ready to work!')}

Use isReady promise.

After you create new CodexEditor object it contains isReady property. It is a Promise object resolved when editor is ready to work and rejected otherwise. If there is an error during initialization isReady promise will be rejected with error message.

var editor = new CodexEditor();

  .then(() => {
    /** Do anything you need after editor initialization */
  .catch((reason) => {
    console.log(`CodeX Editor initialization failed because of ${reason}`)

You can use async/await to keep your code looking synchronous:

var editor = new CodexEditor();

try {
  await editor.isReady;
  /** Do anything you need after editor initialization */
} catch (reason) {
  console.log(`CodeX Editor initialization failed because of ${reason}`)

Saving Data

Call editor.saver.save() and handle returned Promise with saved data.

  .then((savedData) => {


Take a look at the example.html to view more detailed examples.