George Berezhnoy 510764a3cd Attaches plugin (#181)
* Attaches plugin

* Ignore server dir

* Progress bar added

* Styles upd

* Fix

* refactoring

* core.ajax fix

* Upd

* Upd

* update styles

* remove tmp return

* styles updated

* file title now 'title'

* Current upload check

* update attaches and image plugin
2017-03-21 21:45:52 +03:00

136 lines
3 KiB

* Codex.Editor Transport Module
* @copyright 2017 Codex-Team
* @version 1.2.0
module.exports = (function (transport) {
let editor = codex.editor;
* @private {Object} current XmlHttpRequest instance
var currentRequest = null;
* @type {null} | {DOMElement} input - keeps input element in memory
transport.input = null;
* @property {Object} arguments - keep plugin settings and defined callbacks
transport.arguments = null;
* Prepares input element where will be files
transport.prepare = function () {
let input = editor.draw.node( 'INPUT', '', { type : 'file' } );
editor.listeners.add(input, 'change', editor.transport.fileSelected);
editor.transport.input = input;
/** Clear input when files is uploaded */
transport.clearInput = function () {
/** Remove old input */
transport.input = null;
/** Prepare new one */
* Callback for file selection
* @param {Event} event
transport.fileSelected = function () {
var input = this,
files = input.files,
formData = new FormData();
if (editor.transport.arguments.multiple === true) {
for ( i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
formData.append('files[]', files[i], files[i].name);
} else {
formData.append('files', files[0], files[0].name);
currentRequest = editor.core.ajax({
type : 'POST',
data : formData,
url : editor.transport.arguments.url,
beforeSend : editor.transport.arguments.beforeSend,
success : editor.transport.arguments.success,
error : editor.transport.arguments.error,
progress : editor.transport.arguments.progress
/** Clear input */
* Use plugin callbacks
* @protected
* @param {Object} args - can have :
* @param {String} args.url - fetch URL
* @param {Function} args.beforeSend - function calls before sending ajax
* @param {Function} args.success - success callback
* @param {Function} args.error - on error handler
* @param {Function} args.progress - xhr onprogress handler
* @param {Boolean} args.multiple - allow select several files
* @param {String} args.accept - adds accept attribute
transport.selectAndUpload = function (args) {
transport.arguments = args;
if ( args.multiple === true) {
transport.input.setAttribute('multiple', 'multiple');
if ( args.accept ) {
transport.input.setAttribute('accept', args.accept);
transport.abort = function () {
currentRequest = null;
return transport;