
124 lines
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2021-10-16 15:05:52 +02:00
const fs = require('fs').promises
const path = require('path')
const os = require('os')
const sqlite3 = require('sqlite3')
const sqlite = require('sqlite')
const ini = require('ini')
function getProfiles (dir, store) {
return Object.keys(store)
.filter(key => key.startsWith('Profile'))
.map(key => store[key])
.map(profile => ({
name: profile.Name,
path: path.resolve(dir, profile.Path)
async function getFirefoxProfilesImpl (dir) {
try {
return getProfiles(dir, ini.parse(await fs.readFile(path.resolve(dir, 'profiles.ini'), 'utf8')))
} catch (err) {
if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
throw err
async function getFirefoxProfiles () {
return await getFirefoxProfilesImpl(path.resolve(os.homedir(), '.mozilla/firefox')) ||
getFirefoxProfilesImpl(path.resolve(os.homedir(), 'Library/Application Support/Firefox'))
async function fetchLastRedirectImpl (profile) {
const db = await{
filename: `file:${path.resolve(profile.path, 'places.sqlite')}?immutable=1`,
driver: sqlite3.Database,
mode: sqlite3.OPEN_READONLY | sqlite3.OPEN_URI
try {
const result = await db.get("SELECT url FROM moz_places WHERE url LIKE '' ORDER BY last_visit_date DESC LIMIT 1")
return result?.url
} finally {
await db.close()
function fetchLastRedirect (profiles) {
return Promise.all( => fetchLastRedirectImpl(profile)))
async function poll (profiles, initialState) {
while (true) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
const state = await fetchLastRedirect(profiles)
for (const [i, url] of state.entries()) {
if (initialState[i] !== url) {
return url
async function oauth (options) {
const { sync, verbose } = options
const profiles = await getFirefoxProfiles()
if (!profiles || profiles.length === 0) {
console.error(`Couldn't find Firefox directory.
This method relies on parsing the Firefox history to retreive the OAuth
challenge response and cannot work right now.
Consider using 'ffs auth password' as a fallback.
if (verbose) {
for (const profile of profiles) {
console.error(`[verbose] profile ${}`)
const initialState = await fetchLastRedirect(profiles)
if (verbose) {
for (const [i, url] of initialState.entries()) {
console.error(`[verbose] state [${profiles[i].name}] ${url}`)
const challenge = await sync.auth.oauth.challenge()
console.error(`Visit the following URL in Firefox to sign in:
console.error(`We'll detect the OAuth response automatically.
If it hangs, closing Firefox can sometimes help.
Otheriwse, consider using 'ffs auth password' as a fallback.
const url = await poll(profiles, initialState)
if (verbose) {
console.error(`[verbose] detected ${url}`)
const result = Object.fromEntries(new URL(url).searchParams)
return sync.auth.oauth.complete(challenge, result)
module.exports = oauth