{ "translations": { "Forms" : "表单", "A forms app, similar to Google Forms." : "一个表单应用,类似于谷歌表单。", "A forms app, similar to Google Forms with the possibility to restrict access (members, certain groups/users, and public)." : "一个表单应用,类似于谷歌表单,可以限制访问(成员,特定的分组/用户,和公开)", "Create new form" : "创建新表单", "Delete form" : "删除表单", "Cannot copy, please copy the link manually" : "无法复制,请手动复制链接", "Group" : "分组", "Title" : "标题", "Description" : "描述", "Name of user or group" : "用户或分组名称", "Expiration date" : "过期日期", "Form Expired" : "表单已过期", "This Form has expired and is no longer taking answers." : "此表单已过期,不能再回答。", "Access denied" : "访问被拒绝", "You are not allowed to view this form or the form does not exist." : "您无权查看此表单或者此表单不存在。", "You are not allowed to edit this form or the form does not exist." : "您无权编辑此表单或者此表单不存在。", "You are either not allowed to delete this form or it doesn't exist." : "您无权删除此表单或此表单不存在。" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;" }