* * @author Jonas Rittershofer * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ namespace OCA\Forms\Migration; use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\TableNotFoundException; use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\PostgreSqlPlatform; use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type; use OCP\DB\ISchemaWrapper; use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder; use OCP\IConfig; use OCP\IDBConnection; use OCP\Migration\SimpleMigrationStep; use OCP\Migration\IOutput; use \DateTime; /** * Installation class for the forms app. * Initial db creation */ class Version010200Date20200323141300 extends SimpleMigrationStep { /** @var IDBConnection */ protected $connection; /** @var IConfig */ protected $config; /** Map of questionTypes to change */ private $questionTypeMap = [ 'radiogroup' => 'multiple_unique', 'checkbox' => 'multiple', 'text' => 'short', 'comment' => 'long', 'dropdown' => 'multiple_unique' ]; /** * @param IDBConnection $connection * @param IConfig $config */ public function __construct(IDBConnection $connection, IConfig $config) { $this->connection = $connection; $this->config = $config; } /** * @param IOutput $output * @param \Closure $schemaClosure The `\Closure` returns a `ISchemaWrapper` * @param array $options * @return null|ISchemaWrapper * @since 13.0.0 */ public function changeSchema(IOutput $output, \Closure $schemaClosure, array $options) { /** @var ISchemaWrapper $schema */ $schema = $schemaClosure(); if (!$schema->hasTable('forms_v2_forms')) { $table = $schema->createTable('forms_v2_forms'); $table->addColumn('id', Type::INTEGER, [ 'autoincrement' => true, 'notnull' => true, ]); $table->addColumn('hash', Type::STRING, [ 'notnull' => true, 'length' => 64, ]); $table->addColumn('title', Type::STRING, [ 'notnull' => true, 'length' => 256, ]); $table->addColumn('description', Type::STRING, [ 'notnull' => false, 'length' => 2048, ]); $table->addColumn('owner_id', Type::STRING, [ 'notnull' => true, 'length' => 64, ]); $table->addColumn('access_json', Type::JSON, [ 'notnull' => false, ]); $table->addColumn('created', Type::INTEGER, [ 'notnull' => false, 'comment' => 'unix-timestamp', ]); $table->addColumn('expires_timestamp', Type::INTEGER, [ 'notnull' => false, 'comment' => 'unix-timestamp', ]); $table->addColumn('is_anonymous', Type::BOOLEAN, [ 'notnull' => true, 'default' => 0, ]); $table->addColumn('submit_once', Type::BOOLEAN, [ 'notnull' => true, 'default' => 0, ]); $table->setPrimaryKey(['id']); $table->addUniqueIndex(['hash'], 'uniqueHash'); } if (!$schema->hasTable('forms_v2_questions')) { $table = $schema->createTable('forms_v2_questions'); $table->addColumn('id', Type::INTEGER, [ 'autoincrement' => true, 'notnull' => true, ]); $table->addColumn('form_id', Type::INTEGER, [ 'notnull' => true, ]); $table->addColumn('order', Type::INTEGER, [ 'notnull' => true, 'default' => 1, ]); $table->addColumn('type', Type::STRING, [ 'notnull' => true, 'length' => 256, ]); $table->addColumn('mandatory', Type::BOOLEAN, [ 'notnull' => true, 'default' => 1, ]); $table->addColumn('text', Type::STRING, [ 'notnull' => true, 'length' => 2048, ]); $table->setPrimaryKey(['id']); } if (!$schema->hasTable('forms_v2_options')) { $table = $schema->createTable('forms_v2_options'); $table->addColumn('id', Type::INTEGER, [ 'autoincrement' => true, 'notnull' => true, ]); $table->addColumn('question_id', Type::INTEGER, [ 'notnull' => true, ]); $table->addColumn('text', Type::STRING, [ 'notnull' => true, 'length' => 1024, ]); $table->setPrimaryKey(['id']); } if (!$schema->hasTable('forms_v2_submissions')) { $table = $schema->createTable('forms_v2_submissions'); $table->addColumn('id', Type::INTEGER, [ 'autoincrement' => true, 'notnull' => true, ]); $table->addColumn('form_id', Type::INTEGER, [ 'notnull' => true, ]); $table->addColumn('user_id', Type::STRING, [ 'notnull' => true, 'length' => 64, ]); $table->addColumn('timestamp', Type::INTEGER, [ 'notnull' => false, 'comment' => 'unix-timestamp', ]); $table->setPrimaryKey(['id']); } if (!$schema->hasTable('forms_v2_answers')) { $table = $schema->createTable('forms_v2_answers'); $table->addColumn('id', Type::INTEGER, [ 'autoincrement' => true, 'notnull' => true, ]); $table->addColumn('submission_id', Type::INTEGER, [ 'notnull' => true, ]); $table->addColumn('question_id', Type::INTEGER, [ 'notnull' => true, ]); $table->addColumn('text', Type::STRING, [ 'notnull' => true, 'length' => 2048, ]); $table->setPrimaryKey(['id']); } return $schema; } public function postSchemaChange(IOutput $output, \Closure $schemaClosure, array $options) { /** @var ISchemaWrapper $schema */ $schema = $schemaClosure(); // if Database exists. if( $schema->hasTable('forms_events') ){ $id_mapping = []; $id_mapping['events'] = []; // Maps oldevent-id => ['newId' => newevent-id, 'nextQuestionOrder' => integer] $id_mapping['questions'] = []; // Maps oldquestion-id => ['newId' => newquestion-id] $id_mapping['currentSubmission'] = 0; //Fetch & Restore Events $qb_fetch = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $qb_restore = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $qb_fetch->select('id', 'hash', 'title', 'description', 'owner', 'created', 'access', 'expire', 'is_anonymous', 'unique') ->from('forms_events'); $cursor = $qb_fetch->execute(); while( $event = $cursor->fetch() ){ $newAccessJSON = $this->convertAccessList($event['access']); $qb_restore->insert('forms_v2_forms') ->values([ 'hash' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($event['hash'], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR), 'title' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($event['title'], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR), 'description' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($event['description'], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR), 'owner_id' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($event['owner'], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR), 'access_json' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($newAccessJSON, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR), 'created' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($this->convertDateTime($event['created']), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT), 'expires_timestamp' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($this->convertDateTime($event['expire']), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT), 'is_anonymous' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($event['is_anonymous'], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_BOOL), 'submit_once' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($event['unique'], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_BOOL) ]); $qb_restore->execute(); $id_mapping['events'][$event['id']] = [ 'newId' => $qb_restore->getLastInsertId(), //Store new form-id to connect questions to new form. 'nextQuestionOrder' => 1 //Prepare for sorting questions ]; } $cursor->closeCursor(); //Fetch & restore Questions $qb_fetch = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $qb_restore = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $qb_fetch->select('id', 'form_id', 'form_question_type', 'form_question_text') ->from('forms_questions'); $cursor = $qb_fetch->execute(); while( $question = $cursor->fetch() ){ //In case the old Question would have been longer than current possible length, create a warning and shorten text to avoid Error on upgrade. if(strlen($question['form_question_text']) > 2048) { $output->warning("Question-text is too long for new Database: '" . $question['form_question_text'] . "'"); $question['form_question_text'] = substr($question['form_question_text'], 0, 2048); } $qb_restore->insert('forms_v2_questions') ->values([ 'form_id' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($id_mapping['events'][$question['form_id']]['newId'], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT), 'order' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($id_mapping['events'][$question['form_id']]['nextQuestionOrder']++, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT), 'type' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($this->questionTypeMap[$question['form_question_type']], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR), 'text' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($question['form_question_text'], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR) ]); $qb_restore->execute(); $id_mapping['questions'][$question['id']]['newId'] = $qb_restore->getLastInsertId(); //Store new question-id to connect options to new question. } $cursor->closeCursor(); //Fetch all Answers and restore to Options $qb_fetch = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $qb_restore = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $qb_fetch->select('question_id', 'text') ->from('forms_answers'); $cursor = $qb_fetch->execute(); while( $answer = $cursor->fetch() ){ //In case the old Answer would have been longer than current possible length, create a warning and shorten text to avoid Error on upgrade. if(strlen($answer['text']) > 1024) { $output->warning("Option-text is too long for new Database: '" . $answer['text'] . "'"); $answer['text'] = substr($answer['text'], 0, 1024); } $qb_restore->insert('forms_v2_options') ->values([ 'question_id' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($id_mapping['questions'][$answer['question_id']]['newId'], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT), 'text' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($answer['text'], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR) ]); $qb_restore->execute(); } $cursor->closeCursor(); /* Fetch old id_structure of event-ids and question-ids * This is necessary to restore the $oldQuestionId, as the vote_option_ids do not use the true question_ids */ $event_structure = []; $qb_fetch = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $qb_fetch->select('id') ->from('forms_events'); $cursor = $qb_fetch->execute(); while( $tmp = $cursor->fetch() ){ $event_structure[$tmp['id']] = $tmp; } $cursor->closeCursor(); foreach ($event_structure as $eventkey => $event) { $event_structure[$eventkey]['questions'] = []; $qb_fetch = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $qb_fetch->select('id', 'form_question_text') ->from('forms_questions') ->where($qb_fetch->expr()->eq('form_id', $qb_fetch->createNamedParameter($event['id'], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT))); $cursor = $qb_fetch->execute(); while( $tmp = $cursor->fetch() ) { $event_structure[$event['id']]['questions'][] = $tmp; } $cursor->closeCursor(); } //Fetch Votes and restore to Submissions & Answers $qb_fetch = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $qb_restore = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); //initialize $last_vote $last_vote = []; $last_vote['form_id'] = 0; $last_vote['user_id'] = ''; $last_vote['vote_option_id'] = 0; $qb_fetch->select('id', 'form_id', 'user_id', 'vote_option_id', 'vote_option_text', 'vote_answer') ->from('forms_votes'); $cursor = $qb_fetch->execute(); while( $vote = $cursor->fetch() ){ //If the form changed, if the user changed or if vote_option_id became smaller than last one, then a new submission is interpreted. if ( ($vote['form_id'] != $last_vote['form_id']) || ($vote['user_id'] != $last_vote['user_id']) || ($vote['vote_option_id'] < $last_vote['vote_option_id'])) { $qb_restore->insert('forms_v2_submissions') ->values([ 'form_id' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($id_mapping['events'][$vote['form_id']]['newId'], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT), 'user_id' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($vote['user_id'], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR), 'timestamp' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter(time(), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR) //Information not available. Just using Migration-Timestamp. ]); $qb_restore->execute(); $id_mapping['currentSubmission'] = $qb_restore->getLastInsertId(); //Store submission-id to connect answers to submission. } $last_vote = $vote; //In case the old Answer would have been longer than current possible length, create a warning and shorten text to avoid Error on upgrade. if(strlen($vote['vote_answer']) > 2048) { $output->warning("Answer-text is too long for new Database: '" . $vote['vote_answer'] . "'"); $vote['vote_answer'] = substr($vote['vote_answer'], 0, 2048); } /* Due to the unconventional storing fo vote_option_ids, the vote_option_id needs to get mapped onto old question-id and from there to new question-id. * vote_option_ids count from 1 to x for the questions of a form. So the question at point [$vote[vote_option_id] - 1] within the id-structure is the corresponding question. */ $oldQuestionId = $event_structure[$vote['form_id']]['questions'][$vote['vote_option_id']-1]['id']; //Just throw an Error, if aboves QuestionId-Mapping went wrong. Double-Checked by Question-Text. if ($event_structure[$vote['form_id']]['questions'][$vote['vote_option_id']-1]['form_question_text'] != $vote['vote_option_text']) { $output->warning("Some Question-Mapping went wrong within Submission-Mapping to new Database. On 'vote_id': " . $vote['id'] . " - 'vote_option_text': '" . $vote['vote_option_text'] . "'"); } $qb_restore->insert('forms_v2_answers') ->values([ 'submission_id' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($id_mapping['currentSubmission'], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT), 'question_id' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($id_mapping['questions'][$oldQuestionId]['newId'], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR), 'text' => $qb_restore->createNamedParameter($vote['vote_answer'], IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR) ]); $qb_restore->execute(); } } } /** * Convert old Access-String into JSON of new Access-Structure. * @param $accessString Old access-String */ private function convertAccessList($accessString) : string { $accessArray = []; if ($accessString === 'public' || $accessString === 'registered') { // Store type and return with empty users/groups. $accessArray['type'] = $accessString; return json_encode($accessArray); } // Access 'selected' $accessArray['type'] = 'selected'; $accessArray['users'] = []; $accessArray['groups'] = []; $stringExplode = explode(';', $accessString); foreach($stringExplode as $string) { if (strpos($string, 'user_') === 0) { $accessArray['users'][] = substr($string, 5); } elseif (strpos($string, 'group_') === 0) { $accessArray['groups'][] = substr($string, 6); } } return json_encode($accessArray); } /** Convert old Date-Format to unix-timestamps */ private function convertDateTime($oldDate): int { // Expires can be NULL -> Converting to timestamp 0 if (!$oldDate) { return 0; } return DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $oldDate)->getTimestamp(); } }