OC.L10N.register( "forms", { "Forms" : "Inprimakiak", "A forms app, similar to Google Forms." : "Google Inprimakiak-en antzerako formulario aplikazioa.", "A forms app, similar to Google Forms with the possibility to restrict access (members, certain groups/users, and public)." : "Google Inprimakiak-en antzerako inprimaki aplikazioa. Sarbidea mugatzeko aukera ematen du: partaideak, zenbait talde/erabiltzaile, eta publikoa.", "Delete form" : "Ezabatu inprimakia", "Cannot copy, please copy the link manually" : "Ezin izan da kopiatu. Kopiatu esteka eskuz", "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiatu arbelera", "Expired" : "Iraungita", "Expires %n" : " Iraungitze data%n", "Expires never" : "Ez du inoiz iraungitzen", "Anonymous form" : "Inprimaki anonimoa", "Group" : "Taldea", "Title" : "Izenburua", "Access" : "Sarbidea", "Owner" : "Jabea", "Created" : "Sortua", "Expires" : "Iraungitzen du", "Copy link" : "Kopiatu esteka", "View results" : "Emaitzak ikusi", "Public access" : "Sarbide publikoa", "Only shared" : "Partekatua soilik", "Registered users only" : "Erregistratutako erabiltzaileak soilik", "Hidden form" : "Ezkutuko inprimakia", "never" : "Inoiz ez", "Link copied to clipboard" : "Arbelara kopiatutako esteka", "Error, while copying link to clipboard" : "Errorea esteka arbelera kopiatzean", "Share with" : "Partekatu honekin", "Form description" : "Inprimakiaren deskribapena", "Description" : "Deskribapena", "Make a Form" : "Egin inprimaki bat", "Add Question" : "Gehitu galdera", "Create new form" : "Sortu inprimaki berria", "Writing form" : "Inprimakia idazten", "Update form" : "Eguneratu inprimakia", "Done" : "Egina", "Select a question type!" : "Aukeratu galdera mota bat!", "Cannot have the same question!" : "Ezin da galdera bera izan!", "Title must not be empty!" : "Izenburua ezin da hutsik egon!", "All questions need answers!" : "Galdera guztiak erantzun behar dira!", "Need to pick an expiration date!" : "Iraungitze-data bat hautatu behar duzu!", "%n successfully saved" : "%n behar bezala gorde da", "Error on saving form, see console" : "Errorea inprimatzerakoan, ikusi kontsola", "Click here to add a form" : "Egin klik hemen inprimaki bat gehitzeko", "Do you want to delete \"%n\"?" : "\"%n\" ezabatu nahi duzu?", "No, keep form." : "Ez, mantendu inprimakia.", "Yes, delete form." : "Bai, ezabatu inprimakia.", "Form \"%n\" deleted" : "\"%n\" inprimakia ezabatu da", "Error while deleting Form \"%n\"" : "Errorea \"%n\" inprimakia ezabatzerakoan", "Form configurations" : "Inprimakiaren konfigurazioak", "Only allow one submission per user" : "Bidalketa bakarra onartu erabiltzaileko", "Name of user or group" : "Erabiltzailearen edo taldearen izena", "Expiration date" : "Iraungitze-data", "Click to add a date" : "Egin klik data bat gehitzeko", "Form Expired" : "Iraungitako inprimakia", "This Form has expired and is no longer taking answers." : "Inprimaki hau iraungi da eta eta jada ez du erantzunik hartzen.", "Access denied" : "Sarbidea ukatua", "You are not allowed to view this form or the form does not exist." : "Ez duzu inprimaki hau ikusteko baimenik edo inprimakia ez da existitzen.", "You are not allowed to edit this form or the form does not exist." : "Ez duzu inprimaki hau editatzeko baimenik edo inprimakia ez da existitzen.", "You are either not allowed to delete this form or it doesn't exist." : "Ez duzu inprimaki hau ezabatzeko baimenik edo inprimakia ez da existitzen." }, "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");