2020-06-17 02:35:00 +00:00

85 lines
5 KiB

{ "translations": {
"Anonymous response" : "Erantzun anonimoa",
"Forms" : "Inprimakiak",
"Shared by %s" : "%s(e)k partekatua",
"New form" : "Inprimaki berria",
"Loading forms …" : "Inprimakiak kargatzen...",
"No forms created yet" : "Ez da inprimakirik sortu oraindik",
"Create a form" : "Sortu inprimaki bat",
"Select a form or create a new one" : "Hautatu inprimaki bat edo sortu berri bat",
"Create new form" : "Sortu inprimaki berria",
"An error occurred while loading the forms list" : "Errore bat gertatu da inprimaki zerrenda kargatzerakoan",
"Unable to create a new form" : "Ezin izan da inprimaki berri bat sortu",
"Responses" : "Erantzunak",
"Clone form" : "Klonatu inprimakia",
"Delete form" : "Ezabatu inprimakia",
"Form link copied" : "Inprimakiaren esteka kopiatu da",
"Cannot copy, please copy the link manually" : "Ezin izan da kopiatu. Kopiatu esteka eskuz",
"Copy share link" : "Kopiatu partekatze-esteka",
"Are you sure you want to delete {title}?" : "Ziur zaude {title} ezabatu nahi duzula?",
"Error while deleting {title}" : "Errorea {title} ezabatzean",
"An answer for the {index} option" : "Erantzun bat {index} aukerarentzat",
"Answer number {index}" : "{index}. erantzuna",
"Delete answer" : "Ezabatu erantzuna",
"Error while saving the answer" : "Errorea erantzuna gordetzean",
"Question number {index}" : "{index}. galdera",
"Drag to reorder the questions" : "Arrastatu galderak berrordenatzeko",
"Title of question number {index}" : "{index}. galderaren izenburua",
"Required" : "Beharrezkoa",
"Delete question" : "Ezabatu galdera",
"A long answer for the question “{text}”" : "Erantzun luze bat “{text}” galderarentzat",
"Add a new answer" : "Gehitu erantzun berri bat",
"There was an issue deleting this option" : "Arazo bat gertatu da aukera hau ezabatzean",
"A short answer for the question “{text}”" : "Erantzun labur bat “{text}” galderarentzat",
"Delete this response" : "Ezabatu erantzun hau",
"User or group name …" : "Erabiltzaile edo taldearen izena ...",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Gomendiorik ez. Hasi idazten.",
"Searching …" : "Bilatzen…",
"No elements found." : "Ez da elementurik aurkitu.",
"Group" : "Taldea",
"Loading {title} …" : "{title} kargatzen…",
"Toggle settings" : "Txandakatu ezarpenak",
"Form title" : "Inprimakiaren izenburua",
"Description" : "Deskribapena",
"Add a question" : "Gehitu galdera bat",
"There was an error while adding the new question" : "Errore bat gertatu da galdera berria gehitzean",
"There was an error while removing the question" : "Errore bat gertatu da galdera kentzean",
"Error while saving form" : "Errorea inprimakia gordetzean",
"Loading responses …" : "Erantzunak kargatzen...",
"Back to questions" : "Itzuli galderetara",
"Responses for {title}" : "{title} galderaren erantzunak",
"Export to CSV" : "Esportatu CSVra",
"Options" : "Aukerak",
"Delete all responses" : "Ezabatu erantzun guztiak",
"No responses yet" : "Ez dago erantzunik oraindik",
"Results of submitted forms will show up here" : "Bidalitako inprimakien emaitzak hemen erakutsiko dira",
"There was an error while loading results" : "Errore bat gertatu da emaitzak kargatzean",
"There was an error while removing this response" : "Errore bat gertatu da erantzun hau ezabatzean",
"Are you sure you want to delete all responses of {title}?" : "Ziur zaude {title} galderaren erantzun guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzula?",
"There was an error while removing responses" : "Errore bat gertatu da erantzunak ezabatzean",
"responses" : "erantzunak",
"Show to all users of this instance" : "Erakutsi instantzia honetako erabiltzaile guztiei",
"Choose users to share with" : "Aukeratu ze erabiltzailerekin partekatu",
"Settings" : "Ezarpenak",
"Anonymous responses" : "Erantzun anonimoak",
"Set expiration date" : "Ezarri iraungitze-data",
"Expiration date" : "Iraungitze-data",
"Select expiration date" : "Hautatu iraungitze-data",
"Expired on {date}" : "{date} datan iraungia",
"Expires on {date}" : "{date} datan iraungitzen da",
"Submit" : "Bidali",
"Submit form" : "Bidali inprimakia",
"Submitting form …" : "Inprimakia bidaltzen ...",
"Thank you for completing the form!" : "Mila esker inprimakia betetzeagatik!",
"There was an error submitting the form" : "Errore bat gertatu da inprimakia bidaltzean",
"Error while saving question" : "Errorea galdera gordetzean",
"Multiple choice" : "Aukera anitz",
"Checkboxes" : "Kontrol-laukiak",
"Short answer" : "Erantzun laburra",
"Long text" : "Testu luzea",
"Form expired" : "Inprimakia iraungita",
"This form has expired and is no longer taking answers" : "Inprimaki hau iraungi da eta ez du erantzunik onartzen",
"Form not found" : "Ez da inprimakia aurkitu",
"This form does not exist" : "Inprimaki hau ez da existitzen"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"