make error in Debian 9 Stretch #12

opened 2018-02-21 11:50:34 +01:00 by Showfom · 7 comments
root@paste /var/www # make
Updating application's dependencies

sh -c 'test -d app && git add app && git commit -m "Configuration"'
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
Makefile:30: recipe for target 'update' failed
make: *** [update] Error 1
``` root@paste /var/www # make Updating application's dependencies ----------------------------------- sh -c 'test -d app && git add app && git commit -m "Configuration"' On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working tree clean Makefile:30: recipe for target 'update' failed make: *** [update] Error 1 ```

Could you send the output of :

echo "STEP 1 ###"
test -d app && $(GIT) add app && $(GIT) commit -m "Configuration"

echo "STEP 2 ###"
git log

echo "STEP 3 ###"
git pull origin master

echo "STEP 4 ###"
mkdir -p data/git

echo "STEP 5 ###"
composer update

echo "STEP 6 ###"
bower install

echo "STEP 7 ###"
make propel


Could you send the output of : ``` echo "STEP 1 ###" test -d app && $(GIT) add app && $(GIT) commit -m "Configuration" echo "STEP 2 ###" git log echo "STEP 3 ###" git pull origin master echo "STEP 4 ###" mkdir -p data/git echo "STEP 5 ###" composer update echo "STEP 6 ###" bower install echo "STEP 7 ###" make propel ``` Thanks


I've replace $(GIT) with git on STEP 1, here's output to STEP 6

root@paste /var/www/gist # echo "STEP 1 ###"
STEP 1 ###
root@paste /var/www/gist # test -d app && git add app && git commit -m "Configuration"
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
root@paste /var/www/gist # echo "STEP 2 ###"
STEP 2 ###
root@paste /var/www/gist # git log
commit ebc0ea2bf85070305c9681a8e7510ab501be0128 (HEAD -> master, tag: v1.8.0, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Simon Vieille <>
Date:   Sun Oct 15 13:28:49 2017 +0200

    Fix empty file validation

commit 3a78e500dfbca3437f5f9ddb13a7696841a7a2b2
Author: Simon Vieille <>
Date:   Sun Oct 15 13:19:45 2017 +0200

    Mobile view optimised

commit db8b512670c522d653f8941b510d122562e6a99a
Author: Simon Vieille <>
Date:   Sun Oct 15 13:18:06 2017 +0200

    Mobile view optimised

commit 411447ae3e668816126932276d6cf6d3909fff8e
Merge: 43fd509 d56c33c
Author: Simon Vieille <>
Date:   Sun Oct 15 12:42:25 2017 +0200

    Merge branch 'feature/highlighter' into dev-master

commit d56c33c29f180016341aa8a7cd7e385fb3c5b07c
Author: Simon Vieille <>
Date:   Sun Oct 15 12:40:52 2017 +0200

    Fix highlighting for ASP and ActionScript

commit 37751f51a62db863ab355ce838d4db4b7c45f79e
Author: Simon Vieille <>
root@paste /var/www/gist # echo "STEP 3 ###"
STEP 3 ###
root@paste /var/www/gist # git pull origin master
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up-to-date.
root@paste /var/www/gist # echo "STEP 4 ###"
STEP 4 ###
root@paste /var/www/gist # mkdir -p data/git
root@paste /var/www/gist # echo "STEP 5 ###"
STEP 5 ###
root@paste /var/www/gist # composer update
Do not run Composer as root/super user! See for details
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 40 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
  - Installing symfony/routing (v3.0.9): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing paragonie/random_compat (v2.0.11): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/polyfill-php70 (v1.7.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.7.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing ircmaxell/password-compat (v1.0.4): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/polyfill-php55 (v1.7.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/polyfill-php54 (v1.7.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/http-foundation (v2.8.34): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher (v3.0.9): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing psr/log (1.0.2): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/debug (v3.4.4): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/http-kernel (v3.0.9): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing pimple/pimple (v1.1.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing silex/silex (1.3.x-dev ff8aa6b): Cloning ff8aa6bc2e from cache
  - Installing twig/twig (v2.4.4): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/twig-bridge (v2.8.34): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/process (v3.4.4): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing cpliakas/git-wrapper (1.7.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/property-access (v3.0.9): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/options-resolver (v2.8.34): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-icu (v1.7.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/intl (v3.2.14): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/form (v2.8.34): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/polyfill-util (v1.7.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/polyfill-php56 (v1.7.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/security-acl (v3.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/security (v2.8.34): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/console (v3.4.4): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing knplabs/console-service-provider (1.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/filesystem (v3.0.9): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/config (2.8.x-dev 17605ff): Cloning 17605ff583 from cache
  - Installing symfony/translation (v3.2.14): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/validator (v3.2.14): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/finder (v4.0.4): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/yaml (v2.8.34): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing propel/propel (dev-master 6c4996f): Cloning 6c4996fc13 from cache
  - Installing guzzlehttp/promises (v1.3.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing psr/http-message (1.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing guzzlehttp/psr7 (1.4.2): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing guzzlehttp/guzzle (6.3.0): Downloading (100%)         
symfony/routing suggests installing doctrine/annotations (For using the annotation loader)
symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection (For loading routes from a service)
symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using expression matching)
paragonie/random_compat suggests installing ext-libsodium (Provides a modern crypto API that can be used to generate random bytes.)
symfony/event-dispatcher suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/browser-kit ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/class-loader ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection ()
symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/var-dumper ()
symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/asset (For using the AssetExtension)
symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using the ExpressionExtension)
symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/stopwatch (For using the StopwatchExtension)
symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/templating (For using the TwigEngine)
symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/var-dumper (For using the DumpExtension)
cpliakas/git-wrapper suggests installing monolog/monolog (Enables logging of executed git commands)
symfony/polyfill-intl-icu suggests installing ext-intl (For best performance)
symfony/intl suggests installing ext-intl (to use the component with locales other than "en")
symfony/form suggests installing symfony/framework-bundle (For templating with PHP.)
symfony/security-acl suggests installing symfony/class-loader (For using the ACL generateSql script)
symfony/security-acl suggests installing doctrine/dbal (For using the built-in ACL implementation)
symfony/security suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using the expression voter)
symfony/security suggests installing symfony/ldap (For using the LDAP user and authentication providers)
symfony/console suggests installing symfony/lock ()
symfony/validator suggests installing doctrine/annotations (For using the annotation mapping. You will also need doctrine/cache.)
symfony/validator suggests installing doctrine/cache (For using the default cached annotation reader and metadata cache.)
symfony/validator suggests installing egulias/email-validator (Strict (RFC compliant) email validation)
symfony/validator suggests installing psr/cache-implementation (For using the metadata cache.)
symfony/validator suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using the Expression validator)
propel/propel suggests installing monolog/monolog (The recommended logging library to use with Propel.)
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
root@paste /var/www/gist # echo "STEP 6 ###"
STEP 6 ###
root@paste /var/www/gist # bower install
bower ESUDO         Cannot be run with sudo

Additional error details:
Since bower is a user command, there is no need to execute it with superuser permissions.
If you're having permission errors when using bower without sudo, please spend a few minutes learning more about how your system should work and make any necessary repairs.

You can however run a command with sudo using --allow-root option
root@paste /var/www/gist # bower install --allow-root
bower bootstrap#3.3.4       not-cached
bower bootstrap#3.3.4          resolve
bower jsdiff#~2.2.2         not-cached
bower jsdiff#~2.2.2            resolve
bower flag-icon-css#0.7.1   not-cached
bower flag-icon-css#0.7.1      resolve
bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6  not-cached
bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6     resolve
bower Prism#~1.8.1          not-cached
bower Prism#~1.8.1             resolve
bower jsdiff#~2.2.2           download
bower flag-icon-css#0.7.1     download
bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6    download
bower Prism#~1.8.1            download
bower bootstrap#3.3.4         download
bower jsdiff#~2.2.2            extract archive.tar.gz
bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6     extract archive.tar.gz
bower jsdiff#~2.2.2           resolved
bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6     invalid-meta for:/tmp/root/bower/184e5526bfb9c5419f4e9d1c87450e7f-24766-h5BaU1/bower.json
bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6     invalid-meta The "description" is too long, the limit is 140 characters
bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6     invalid-meta The "main" field has to contain only 1 file per filetype; found multiple .js files: ["src/iframeResizer.js","src/iframeResizer.contentWindow.js"]
bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6         resolved
bower Prism#~1.8.1                  extract archive.tar.gz
bower bootstrap#3.3.4               extract archive.tar.gz
bower flag-icon-css#0.7.1           extract archive.tar.gz
bower bootstrap#3.3.4          invalid-meta for:/tmp/root/bower/ca4c50b905dc21ea17a10549a6f5944f-24766-xgNOqd/bower.json
bower bootstrap#3.3.4          invalid-meta The "main" field cannot contain font, image, audio, or video files
bower bootstrap#3.3.4          invalid-meta The "main" field cannot contain font, image, audio, or video files
bower bootstrap#3.3.4          invalid-meta The "main" field cannot contain font, image, audio, or video files
bower bootstrap#3.3.4          invalid-meta The "main" field cannot contain font, image, audio, or video files
bower bootstrap#3.3.4              resolved
bower jquery#>= 1.9.1            not-cached>= 1.9.1
bower jquery#>= 1.9.1               resolve>= 1.9.1
bower flag-icon-css#0.7.1      invalid-meta for:/tmp/root/bower/5331a3da54369947ccc822d93c8cba1d-24766-Z3zAHt/bower.json
bower flag-icon-css#0.7.1      invalid-meta The "main" field cannot contain minified files
bower flag-icon-css#0.7.1          resolved
bower jquery#>= 1.9.1              download
bower Prism#~1.8.1                 resolved
bower jquery#>= 1.9.1               extract archive.tar.gz
bower jquery#>= 1.9.1              resolved
bower jsdiff#~2.2.2                 install jsdiff#2.2.2
bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6          install iframe-resizer#2.8.6
bower bootstrap#3.3.4               install bootstrap#3.3.4
bower flag-icon-css#0.7.1           install flag-icon-css#0.7.1
bower Prism#~1.8.1                  install Prism#1.8.4
bower jquery#>= 1.9.1               install jquery#3.3.1

jsdiff#2.2.2 web/components/jsdiff

iframe-resizer#2.8.6 web/components/iframe-resizer

bootstrap#3.3.4 web/components/bootstrap
└── jquery#3.3.1

flag-icon-css#0.7.1 web/components/flag-icon-css

Prism#1.8.4 web/components/Prism

jquery#3.3.1 web/components/jquery

root@paste /var/www/gist # echo "STEP 7 ###"
STEP 7 ###
root@paste /var/www/gist # make propel
Propel migration

./vendor/propel/propel/bin/propel config:convert

In AbstractCommand.php line 110:
  Unable to write the "" directory  

In Filesystem.php line 100:
  Failed to create "": mkdir(): Invalid path.  

config:convert [--config-dir CONFIG-DIR] [--output-dir OUTPUT-DIR] [--output-file OUTPUT-FILE]

Makefile:48: recipe for target 'propel' failed
make: *** [propel] Error 1
root@paste /var/www/gist # cp 
app/              .bowerrc          composer.lock     .git/             LICENSE           Makefile         vendor/
bower.json        composer.json     data/             .gitignore        .mage/            propel-dist.yaml  src/              web/
root@paste /var/www/gist # cp 
app/              .bowerrc          composer.lock     .git/             LICENSE           Makefile         vendor/
bower.json        composer.json     data/             .gitignore        .mage/            propel-dist.yaml  src/              web/
root@paste /var/www/gist # cp propel-dist.yaml propel.yaml 
root@paste /var/www/gist # make propel
Propel migration

./vendor/propel/propel/bin/propel config:convert
Successfully wrote PHP configuration in file "app/config/propel/config.php".
./vendor/propel/propel/bin/propel model:build --recursive
./vendor/propel/propel/bin/propel migration:diff --recursive

In ConnectionFactory.php line 43:
  Unable to open connection  

In PdoAdapter.php line 72:
  Unable to open PDO connection  

In PdoConnection.php line 59:
  SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory  

migration:diff [--platform PLATFORM] [--config-dir CONFIG-DIR] [--recursive] [--schema-dir SCHEMA-DIR] [--output-dir OUTPUT-DIR] [--migration-table MIGRATION-TABLE] [--connection CONNECTION] [--table-renaming] [--editor [EDITOR]] [--skip-removed-table] [--skip-tables [SKIP-TABLES]] [--disable-identifier-quoting] [-m|--comment [COMMENT]] [--suffix [SUFFIX]]

Makefile:48: recipe for target 'propel' failed
make: *** [propel] Error 1

For STEP 7, I didn't install MySQL yet, but in my test, that would be fine if I just the command line by line, not use the make command.

Hello, I've replace $(GIT) with git on STEP 1, here's output to STEP 6 ``` root@paste /var/www/gist # echo "STEP 1 ###" STEP 1 ### root@paste /var/www/gist # test -d app && git add app && git commit -m "Configuration" On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working tree clean root@paste /var/www/gist # echo "STEP 2 ###" STEP 2 ### root@paste /var/www/gist # git log commit ebc0ea2bf85070305c9681a8e7510ab501be0128 (HEAD -> master, tag: v1.8.0, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Author: Simon Vieille <> Date: Sun Oct 15 13:28:49 2017 +0200 Fix empty file validation commit 3a78e500dfbca3437f5f9ddb13a7696841a7a2b2 Author: Simon Vieille <> Date: Sun Oct 15 13:19:45 2017 +0200 Mobile view optimised commit db8b512670c522d653f8941b510d122562e6a99a Author: Simon Vieille <> Date: Sun Oct 15 13:18:06 2017 +0200 Mobile view optimised commit 411447ae3e668816126932276d6cf6d3909fff8e Merge: 43fd509 d56c33c Author: Simon Vieille <> Date: Sun Oct 15 12:42:25 2017 +0200 Merge branch 'feature/highlighter' into dev-master commit d56c33c29f180016341aa8a7cd7e385fb3c5b07c Author: Simon Vieille <> Date: Sun Oct 15 12:40:52 2017 +0200 Fix highlighting for ASP and ActionScript commit 37751f51a62db863ab355ce838d4db4b7c45f79e Author: Simon Vieille <> root@paste /var/www/gist # echo "STEP 3 ###" STEP 3 ### root@paste /var/www/gist # git pull origin master From * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Already up-to-date. root@paste /var/www/gist # echo "STEP 4 ###" STEP 4 ### root@paste /var/www/gist # mkdir -p data/git root@paste /var/www/gist # echo "STEP 5 ###" STEP 5 ### root@paste /var/www/gist # composer update Do not run Composer as root/super user! See for details Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) Package operations: 40 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals - Installing symfony/routing (v3.0.9): Downloading (100%) - Installing paragonie/random_compat (v2.0.11): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/polyfill-php70 (v1.7.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.7.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing ircmaxell/password-compat (v1.0.4): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/polyfill-php55 (v1.7.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/polyfill-php54 (v1.7.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/http-foundation (v2.8.34): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher (v3.0.9): Downloading (100%) - Installing psr/log (1.0.2): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/debug (v3.4.4): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/http-kernel (v3.0.9): Downloading (100%) - Installing pimple/pimple (v1.1.1): Downloading (100%) - Installing silex/silex (1.3.x-dev ff8aa6b): Cloning ff8aa6bc2e from cache - Installing twig/twig (v2.4.4): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/twig-bridge (v2.8.34): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/process (v3.4.4): Downloading (100%) - Installing cpliakas/git-wrapper (1.7.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/property-access (v3.0.9): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/options-resolver (v2.8.34): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-icu (v1.7.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/intl (v3.2.14): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/form (v2.8.34): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/polyfill-util (v1.7.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/polyfill-php56 (v1.7.0): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/security-acl (v3.0.1): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/security (v2.8.34): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/console (v3.4.4): Downloading (100%) - Installing knplabs/console-service-provider (1.1): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/filesystem (v3.0.9): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/config (2.8.x-dev 17605ff): Cloning 17605ff583 from cache - Installing symfony/translation (v3.2.14): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/validator (v3.2.14): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/finder (v4.0.4): Downloading (100%) - Installing symfony/yaml (v2.8.34): Downloading (100%) - Installing propel/propel (dev-master 6c4996f): Cloning 6c4996fc13 from cache - Installing guzzlehttp/promises (v1.3.1): Downloading (100%) - Installing psr/http-message (1.0.1): Downloading (100%) - Installing guzzlehttp/psr7 (1.4.2): Downloading (100%) - Installing guzzlehttp/guzzle (6.3.0): Downloading (100%) symfony/routing suggests installing doctrine/annotations (For using the annotation loader) symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection (For loading routes from a service) symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using expression matching) paragonie/random_compat suggests installing ext-libsodium (Provides a modern crypto API that can be used to generate random bytes.) symfony/event-dispatcher suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection () symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/browser-kit () symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/class-loader () symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection () symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/var-dumper () symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/asset (For using the AssetExtension) symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using the ExpressionExtension) symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/stopwatch (For using the StopwatchExtension) symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/templating (For using the TwigEngine) symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/var-dumper (For using the DumpExtension) cpliakas/git-wrapper suggests installing monolog/monolog (Enables logging of executed git commands) symfony/polyfill-intl-icu suggests installing ext-intl (For best performance) symfony/intl suggests installing ext-intl (to use the component with locales other than "en") symfony/form suggests installing symfony/framework-bundle (For templating with PHP.) symfony/security-acl suggests installing symfony/class-loader (For using the ACL generateSql script) symfony/security-acl suggests installing doctrine/dbal (For using the built-in ACL implementation) symfony/security suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using the expression voter) symfony/security suggests installing symfony/ldap (For using the LDAP user and authentication providers) symfony/console suggests installing symfony/lock () symfony/validator suggests installing doctrine/annotations (For using the annotation mapping. You will also need doctrine/cache.) symfony/validator suggests installing doctrine/cache (For using the default cached annotation reader and metadata cache.) symfony/validator suggests installing egulias/email-validator (Strict (RFC compliant) email validation) symfony/validator suggests installing psr/cache-implementation (For using the metadata cache.) symfony/validator suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using the Expression validator) propel/propel suggests installing monolog/monolog (The recommended logging library to use with Propel.) Writing lock file Generating autoload files root@paste /var/www/gist # echo "STEP 6 ###" STEP 6 ### root@paste /var/www/gist # bower install bower ESUDO Cannot be run with sudo Additional error details: Since bower is a user command, there is no need to execute it with superuser permissions. If you're having permission errors when using bower without sudo, please spend a few minutes learning more about how your system should work and make any necessary repairs. You can however run a command with sudo using --allow-root option root@paste /var/www/gist # bower install --allow-root bower bootstrap#3.3.4 not-cached bower bootstrap#3.3.4 resolve bower jsdiff#~2.2.2 not-cached bower jsdiff#~2.2.2 resolve bower flag-icon-css#0.7.1 not-cached bower flag-icon-css#0.7.1 resolve bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6 not-cached bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6 resolve bower Prism#~1.8.1 not-cached bower Prism#~1.8.1 resolve bower jsdiff#~2.2.2 download bower flag-icon-css#0.7.1 download bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6 download bower Prism#~1.8.1 download bower bootstrap#3.3.4 download bower jsdiff#~2.2.2 extract archive.tar.gz bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6 extract archive.tar.gz bower jsdiff#~2.2.2 resolved bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6 invalid-meta for:/tmp/root/bower/184e5526bfb9c5419f4e9d1c87450e7f-24766-h5BaU1/bower.json bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6 invalid-meta The "description" is too long, the limit is 140 characters bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6 invalid-meta The "main" field has to contain only 1 file per filetype; found multiple .js files: ["src/iframeResizer.js","src/iframeResizer.contentWindow.js"] bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6 resolved bower Prism#~1.8.1 extract archive.tar.gz bower bootstrap#3.3.4 extract archive.tar.gz bower flag-icon-css#0.7.1 extract archive.tar.gz bower bootstrap#3.3.4 invalid-meta for:/tmp/root/bower/ca4c50b905dc21ea17a10549a6f5944f-24766-xgNOqd/bower.json bower bootstrap#3.3.4 invalid-meta The "main" field cannot contain font, image, audio, or video files bower bootstrap#3.3.4 invalid-meta The "main" field cannot contain font, image, audio, or video files bower bootstrap#3.3.4 invalid-meta The "main" field cannot contain font, image, audio, or video files bower bootstrap#3.3.4 invalid-meta The "main" field cannot contain font, image, audio, or video files bower bootstrap#3.3.4 resolved bower jquery#>= 1.9.1 not-cached>= 1.9.1 bower jquery#>= 1.9.1 resolve>= 1.9.1 bower flag-icon-css#0.7.1 invalid-meta for:/tmp/root/bower/5331a3da54369947ccc822d93c8cba1d-24766-Z3zAHt/bower.json bower flag-icon-css#0.7.1 invalid-meta The "main" field cannot contain minified files bower flag-icon-css#0.7.1 resolved bower jquery#>= 1.9.1 download bower Prism#~1.8.1 resolved bower jquery#>= 1.9.1 extract archive.tar.gz bower jquery#>= 1.9.1 resolved bower jsdiff#~2.2.2 install jsdiff#2.2.2 bower iframe-resizer#2.8.6 install iframe-resizer#2.8.6 bower bootstrap#3.3.4 install bootstrap#3.3.4 bower flag-icon-css#0.7.1 install flag-icon-css#0.7.1 bower Prism#~1.8.1 install Prism#1.8.4 bower jquery#>= 1.9.1 install jquery#3.3.1 jsdiff#2.2.2 web/components/jsdiff iframe-resizer#2.8.6 web/components/iframe-resizer bootstrap#3.3.4 web/components/bootstrap └── jquery#3.3.1 flag-icon-css#0.7.1 web/components/flag-icon-css Prism#1.8.4 web/components/Prism jquery#3.3.1 web/components/jquery root@paste /var/www/gist # echo "STEP 7 ###" STEP 7 ### root@paste /var/www/gist # make propel Propel migration ---------------- ./vendor/propel/propel/bin/propel config:convert In AbstractCommand.php line 110: Unable to write the "" directory In Filesystem.php line 100: Failed to create "": mkdir(): Invalid path. config:convert [--config-dir CONFIG-DIR] [--output-dir OUTPUT-DIR] [--output-file OUTPUT-FILE] Makefile:48: recipe for target 'propel' failed make: *** [propel] Error 1 root@paste /var/www/gist # cp app/ .bowerrc composer.lock .git/ LICENSE Makefile vendor/ bower.json composer.json data/ .gitignore .mage/ propel-dist.yaml src/ web/ root@paste /var/www/gist # cp app/ .bowerrc composer.lock .git/ LICENSE Makefile vendor/ bower.json composer.json data/ .gitignore .mage/ propel-dist.yaml src/ web/ root@paste /var/www/gist # cp propel-dist.yaml propel.yaml root@paste /var/www/gist # make propel Propel migration ---------------- ./vendor/propel/propel/bin/propel config:convert Successfully wrote PHP configuration in file "app/config/propel/config.php". ./vendor/propel/propel/bin/propel model:build --recursive ./vendor/propel/propel/bin/propel migration:diff --recursive In ConnectionFactory.php line 43: Unable to open connection In PdoAdapter.php line 72: Unable to open PDO connection In PdoConnection.php line 59: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory migration:diff [--platform PLATFORM] [--config-dir CONFIG-DIR] [--recursive] [--schema-dir SCHEMA-DIR] [--output-dir OUTPUT-DIR] [--migration-table MIGRATION-TABLE] [--connection CONNECTION] [--table-renaming] [--editor [EDITOR]] [--skip-removed-table] [--skip-tables [SKIP-TABLES]] [--disable-identifier-quoting] [-m|--comment [COMMENT]] [--suffix [SUFFIX]] Makefile:48: recipe for target 'propel' failed make: *** [propel] Error 1 ``` For STEP 7, I didn't install MySQL yet, but in my test, that would be fine if I just the command line by line, not use the `make` command.

It seems that you're using root user and bower does not like it. That's why the make failed.

It seems that you're using `root` user and `bower` does not like it. That's why the `make` failed.

I try to use the user www-data but still get the same error

www-data@paste ~/gist $ make
Updating application's dependencies

sh -c 'test -d app && git add app && git commit -m "Configuration"'
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
Makefile:30: recipe for target 'update' failed
make: *** [update] Error 1
I try to use the user `www-data` but still get the same error ``` www-data@paste ~/gist $ make Updating application's dependencies ----------------------------------- sh -c 'test -d app && git add app && git commit -m "Configuration"' On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working tree clean Makefile:30: recipe for target 'update' failed make: *** [update] Error 1 ```

After delete the two lines, it works fine

sh -c 'test -d app && $(GIT) add app && $(GIT) commit -m "Configuration"'
$(GIT) pull origin master
After delete the two lines, it works fine ``` sh -c 'test -d app && $(GIT) add app && $(GIT) commit -m "Configuration"' $(GIT) pull origin master ```

If think that could be removed from the Makefile. It was a patch to upgrade <v1.4.2 to >=v1.4.2.

If think that could be removed from the Makefile. It was a patch to upgrade `<v1.4.2` to `>=v1.4.2`.
Released on v1.8.1:
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Reference: deblan/gist#12
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