Table of Contents ================= * [GIST](#gist) * [Requirements](#requirements) * [Git](#git) * [Composer](#composer) * [Bower](#bower) * [Installation](#installation) * [Upgrade](#upgrade) * [Makefile](#makefile) * [API](#api) * [Create a new gist](#create-a-new-gist) * [Update an existing Gist](#update-an-existing-gist) * [Console](#console) * [Create and update gists](#create-and-update-gists) * [Create user](#create-user) * [Show stats](#show-stats) * [Configuration](#configuration) * [API](#api-1) * [Authentication](#authentication) * [Debug](#debug) * [Deployment](#deployment) GIST ==== GIST is an open-source application to share code. ![Gist]( "Gist") ![Gist]( "Gist") Requirements ------------ * PHP >= 5.4 * GIT * MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite * Composer (php) * Bower (node) ### Git Git can maybe be downloaded from your system's repositories. $ git config --global "" $ git config --global "Your Name" ### Composer Composer can maybe be downloaded from your system's repositories. Else, follow the next instructions: # With cURL curl -sS | php # With Wget wget -O - -q | php Assuming `~/bin` exists in `$PATH`. chmod +x composer.phar mv composer.phar ~/bin/composer # Automatically did with `make` (@see Installation) composer install composer update ### Bower npm install -g bower # Automatically did with `make` (@see Installation) bower install Installation ------------ $ git clone $ cd gist $ make $ mv propel-dist.yaml propel.yaml Edit `propel.yaml`. **Use spaces instead of tabulations**. **MySQL** propel: database: connections: default: adapter: mysql # dsn: "mysql:host=DATABASE_SERVER;dbname=DATABASE_NAME" user: DATEBASE_USER password: DATEBASE_PASSWORD settings: charset: utf8 queries: utf8: "SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci, COLLATION_CONNECTION = utf8_unicode_ci, COLLATION_DATABASE = utf8_unicode_ci, COLLATION_SERVER = utf8_unicode_ci" [...] **SQLITE** propel: database: connections: default: adapter: sqlite # dsn: "sqlite:/PATH/TO/gist.sqlite" user: ~ password: ~ [...] Then `$ make propel`. Edit `app/bootstrap.php.d/70-security.php` and modify the value of `$app['token']` with a strong secret phrase. Upgrade ------- $ make update $ make propel Makefile -------- A Makefile is provided to automate some tasks. * `make` will install application's dependencies via Composer and Bower, * `make optimize` will run Composer's autoloader dump script with classmap * `make update` will update the application * `make propel` will generate propel's files * `make run` will run development server on API --- ### Create a new gist **POST** /{locale}/api/create Params: * `form[title]`: String (required, can be empty) * `form[type]`: String (required) Values: html, css, javascript, php, sql, xml, yaml, perl, c, asp, python, bash, actionscript3, text * `form[content]`: String (required) **Responses:** * Code `200`: A json which contains gist's information. Example: ```javascript { "url": "https:\/\/\/en\/view\/55abcfa7771e0\/f4afbf72967dd95e3461490dcaa310d728d6a97d", "gist": { "Id": 66, "Title": "test prod", "Cipher": false, "Type": "javascript", "File": "55abcfa7771e0", "CreatedAt": "2015-07-19T16:26:15Z", "UpdatedAt": "2015-07-19T16:26:15Z" } } ``` * Code `405`: Method Not Allowed * Code `400`: Bad Request ### Update an existing Gist **POST** /{locale}/api/update/{id} Params: * `{id}`: Gist Id (required) * `form[content]`: String (required) **Responses:** * Code `200`: A json which contains gist's information. Example: ```javascript { "url": "https:\/\/\/en\/view\/55abcfa7771e0\/abcgi72967dd95e3461490dcaa310d728d6adef", "gist": { "Id": 66, "Title": "test prod", "Cipher": false, "Type": "javascript", "File": "55abcfa7771e0", "CreatedAt": "2015-07-19T16:26:15Z", "UpdatedAt": "2015-07-19T16:30:15Z" } } ``` * Code `405`: Method Not Allowed * Code `400`: Bad Request Console ------- ### Create and update gists ``` $ app/console --help create $ app/console --help update ``` ### Create user ``` $ app/console --help user:create ``` ### Show stats ``` $ app/console --help stats ``` Configuration ------------- ### API **Personal instance** If you install Gist on your server, you have to modify the `base_uri` of the API. Edit `app/bootstrap.php.d/60-api.php` and replace ``. ### Authentication **Disabling login** Edit `app/bootstrap.php.d/70-security.php` and modify the value of `$app['enable_login']` with `false`. **Disabling registration** Edit `app/bootstrap.php.d/70-security.php` and modify the value of `$app['enable_registration']` with `false`. **Login required to edit a gist** Edit `app/bootstrap.php.d/70-security.php` and modify the value of `$app['login_required_to_edit_gist']` with `true`. **Login required to view a gist** Edit `app/bootstrap.php.d/70-security.php` and modify the value of `$app['login_required_to_view_gist']` with `true`. **Login required to view an embeded gist** Edit `app/bootstrap.php.d/70-security.php` and modify the value of `$app['login_required_to_view_embeded_gist']` with `true`. ### Debug `app_dev.php` is the development router. Access is granted for an IP range defined in the same file. Deployment ---------- Gist uses [Magallanes]( to manage deployment. **Global installation** $ composer global require andres-montanez/magallanes # if the envvar PATH contains "$HOME/bin/" $ ln -s ~/.composer/vendor/bin/mage ~/bin/mage **Local installation** $ composer require andres-montanez/magallanes There is an example of the configuration of an environment in `.mage/config/environment/prod.yml-dist`. # global installation $ mage deploy to:prod # local installation $ ./vendor/andres-montanez/magallanes/bin/mage deploy to:prod