# gitea-github-theme **Opinionated** GitHub-based light and dark themes for Gitea including an automatic theme switch option. Created and tested with Gitea v1.15 - 1.17. The theme might work with future versions though Gitea devs might change some CSS classes in the meantime and things might potentially look odd - just try yourself :) I might update the theme over time to fix oversights and other issues - no guarantee though. ## Installation 1. If you do not have admin access to a Gitea instance, you can use the [Stylus](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylus/clngdbkpkpeebahjckkjfobafhncgmne/related) browser extension and use the CSS provided in this repo for the Gitea URL 2. If you are an admin and want to make this theme available to all users: 1. Put `theme-github.css` into `$GITEA_PUBLIC/public/css/theme-github.css` where `$GITEA_PUBLIC` is the "CustomPath" of your instance reported by `gitea help`. 2. Add `github` to the comma-separated list in the setting `THEMES` in `app.ini` 3. Now users can select this theme in their settings under "account" 4. (optional) If you want to make this theme the default of your instance, set it in `DEFAULT_THEME` in `app.ini` ## Using automatic theme switching based on system preference To use automatic theme switching, add `theme-github-auto.css` into your respective `themes` folder as described above. This file contains both light and dark styles and selects the respective one based on the system preference selected by the user via the `@media (prefers-color-scheme:` CSS selector (tested on macOS). For some reasons using `@imports` does not work and hence the file contains the c/p content of both the light and dark themes together. If this is somehow possible and I did not managed to get it configured, please let me know! ## Changes to default Gitea theme - Aligned primary green, grey, red and blue colors with GitHub - Aligned `border-radius` with GitHub - Related theme by removing a lot of hover colors and dominant button background-colors - Aligned markup background to GitHub's value - Decreased navbar height and font size - Many small overrides of colors and font-sizes ## Helm chart instructions To use custom themes with the [Gitea helm chart](https://gitea.com/gitea/helm-chart): 1. Create a secret containing the CSS files (here's an example via `terraform`, plain k8s secrets will also work) ```hcl resource "kubernetes_secret" "gitea-themes" { metadata { name = "gitea-themes" namespace = "gitea" } data = { "theme-github.css" = "${file("files/gitea/gitea-github-theme-light.css")}" "theme-github-dark.css" = "${file("files/gitea/gitea-github-theme-dark.css")}" "theme-github-auto.css" = "${file("files/gitea/gitea-github-theme-auto.css")}" } type = "Opaque" } ``` 2. Mount the secret via `extraVolumes` in `values.yaml`: ```yml extraVolumes: - name: gitea-themes secret: secretName: gitea-themes ``` 3. Add the theme options into the config in `values.yaml`: ```yml gitea: config: ui: DEFAULT_THEME: github-auto THEMES: auto,gitea,arc-green,github,github-dark,github-auto ``` ## Screenshots ![](figs/screenshot1.png) ![](figs/screenshot-dark1.png)