# I3 Blocks Blocks compatible with [i3blocks](https://github.com/vivien/i3blocks). ## Requirements * `go` for compilation * `sudo` and `wg-quick` for `wireguard` block * `tmux` for `app` and `date` blocks * `df` for `du` block * `xdg-open` for `du` block * `playerctl` for `spotify` block ## Installation ### From binaries Get binaries from [releases](https://gitnet.fr/deblan/i3-blocks-go/releases). ### From sources ``` git clone https://gitnet.fr/deblan/i3-blocks-go.git cd i3-blocks-go make ``` ## Usage Each binary has a help, eg `./app -h`. ### App Add the shortcut `` and run `` when clicked. ``` command=/path/to/app -block= -name= -cmd= -bg-color= -fg-color ``` ### Date Show the time using given format and run `gnome-calendar` when clicked. ``` command=/path/to/date -format="%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y" ``` ### Disk usage Show mount point usage and warns with limits and colors. ``` command=/path/to/du -block= -name= -mount-point= -limit-warning= -limit-danger= ``` ### IP Show the IP of the given iface. ``` command=/path/to/ip -iface= -version= -name= ``` ### IP (wan) Show the public IP. ``` command=/path/to/ip_wan ``` ### Prusa telemetry Show the telemetry using Prusa Printer API. ``` command=/path/to/prusa_telemetry -api= ``` ### Process Show a message when the given process is running (use `preg -f`). ``` command=/path/to/ps -process= -message= ``` ### Feed indicator Show indicator of RSS. ``` command=/path/to/rss -block= -feed= -website= -empty-color= -non-empty-color= ``` ### Spotify status Show current song played (spotify). ``` command=/path/to/spotify ``` ### Volume Show volume. ``` command=/path/to/volume -channel= ``` ### Wireguard toggler Toggler for wireguard. ``` command=/path/to/wireguard -iface= -name= ``` ### Task bar Add blocks that represent opened apps and create a task bar. ``` [workspace_apps_0] command=/path/to/workspace_apps 0 $BLOCK_BUTTON format=json markup=pango interval=1 [workspace_apps_1] command=/path/to/workspace_apps 1 $BLOCK_BUTTON format=json markup=pango interval=1 ... ```