i18n of 2FA process

This commit is contained in:
Carl Chenet 2017-05-17 18:13:24 +02:00
parent 71acdd69cc
commit 787a82c88b
7 changed files with 79 additions and 34 deletions

View file

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class SettingsController < ApplicationController
def twofa
@title = "Two-Factor Authentication"
@title = t('.title')
def twofa_auth
@ -86,22 +86,22 @@ class SettingsController < ApplicationController
if @user.has_2fa?
flash[:success] = "Two-Factor Authentication has been disabled."
flash[:success] = t('.2fahasbeendisabled')
return redirect_to "/settings"
return redirect_to twofa_enroll_url
flash[:error] = "Your password was not correct."
flash[:error] = t('.2fapassnotcorrect')
return redirect_to twofa_url
def twofa_enroll
@title = "Two-Factor Authentication"
@title = t('.title')
if (Time.now.to_i - session[:last_authed].to_i) > TOTP_SESSION_TIMEOUT
flash[:error] = "Your enrollment period timed out."
flash[:error] = t('.enrollmenttimeout')
return redirect_to twofa_url
@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ class SettingsController < ApplicationController
def twofa_verify
@title = "Two-Factor Authentication"
@title = t('.title')
if ((Time.now.to_i - session[:last_authed].to_i) > TOTP_SESSION_TIMEOUT) ||
flash[:error] = "Your enrollment period timed out."
flash[:error] = t('.enrollmenttimeout')
return redirect_to twofa_url
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class SettingsController < ApplicationController
def twofa_update
if ((Time.now.to_i - session[:last_authed].to_i) > TOTP_SESSION_TIMEOUT) ||
flash[:error] = "Your enrollment period timed out."
flash[:error] = t('.enrollmenttimeout')
return redirect_to twofa_url
@ -146,13 +146,11 @@ class SettingsController < ApplicationController
session[:u] = @user.session_token
flash[:success] = "Two-Factor Authentication has been enabled on " <<
"your account."
flash[:success] = t('.2fahasbeenenabled')
return redirect_to "/settings"
flash[:error] = "Your TOTP code was invalid, please verify the " <<
"current code in your TOTP application."
flash[:error] = t('.totpinvalid')
return redirect_to twofa_verify_url

View file

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
<% if @edit_user.totp_secret.present? %>
<span style="color: green; font-weight: bold;">
<%= t('.enrolled2fa') %>
<%= t('.enabled2fa') %>
</span> (<a href="/settings/2fa"><%= t('.disable2fa') %></a>)
<% else %>
<%= t('.disabled2fa') %> (<a href="/settings/2fa"><%= t('.enroll2fa') %></a>)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<div class="box wide">
<div class="legend right">
<a href="/settings">Back to Settings</a>
<a href="/settings"><%= t('.backtosettings') %></a>
<div class="legend">
<%= @title %>
@ -9,24 +9,22 @@
<%= form_for @user, :url => twofa_auth_url, :method => :post do |f| %>
<% if @user.has_2fa? %>
To turn off two-factor authentication for your account, enter your
current password:
<%= t('.turnoff') %>
<% else %>
To begin the two-factor authentication enrollment for your account,
enter your current password:
<%= t('.turnon') %>
<% end %>
<div class="boxline">
<%= f.label :password, "Current Password:", :class => "required" %>
<%= f.label :password, t('.currentpassword'), :class => "required" %>
<%= f.password_field :password, :size => 40, :autocomplete => "off" %>
<% if @user.has_2fa? %>
<%= submit_tag "Disable Two-Factor Authentication" %>
<%= submit_tag t('.disable2fa') %>
<% else %>
<%= submit_tag "Continue" %>
<%= submit_tag t('.continue') %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

View file

@ -1,25 +1,21 @@
<div class="box wide">
<div class="legend right">
<a href="/settings">Back to Settings</a>
<a href="/settings"><%= t('.backtosettings') %></a>
<div class="legend">
<%= @title %>
Scan the QR code below or click on it to open in your <a
target="_blank">TOTP</a> application of choice:
<%= raw(t('.scanqrcode')) %>
<%= raw @qr_svg %>
Once you have finished registering with your TOTP application, proceed to
the next screen to verify your current TOTP code and actually enable
Two-Factor Authentication on your account.
<%= t('.registring') %>
<%= button_to "Verify and Enable", twofa_verify_url, :method => :get %>
<%= button_to t('.verifyenable'), twofa_verify_url, :method => :get %>

View file

@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
<%= form_tag twofa_update_url do %>
To enable Two-Factor Authentication on your account using your new TOTP
secret, enter the six-digit code from your TOTP application:
<%= t('.enablecode') %>
<div class="boxline">
@ -19,6 +18,6 @@
<%= submit_tag "Verify and Enable" %>
<%= submit_tag t('.verifyenable') %>
<% end %>

View file

@ -292,6 +292,33 @@ en:
pushovernorandomtokenurl: "No random token present in URL"
accountsetuppushover: "Your account is now setup for Pushover notifications."
accountnolongersetuppushover: "Your account is no longer setup for Pushover notifications."
title: "Two-Factor Authentication"
backtosettings: "Back to Settings"
disable2fa: "Disable Two-Factor Authentication"
continue: "Continue"
currentpassword: "Current Password:"
turnoff: "To turn off two-factor authentication for your account, enter your current password:"
turnon: "To begin the two-factor authentication enrollment for your account, enter your current password:"
2fahasbeendisabled: "Two-Factor Authentication has been disabled on your account."
2fapassnotcorrect: "Your password was not correct."
title: "Two-Factor Authentication"
backtosettings: "Back to Settings"
enrollmenttimeout: "Your enrollment period timed out."
scanqrcode: "Scan the QR code below or click on it to open in your <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time-based_One-time_Password_Algorithm\" target=\"_blank\">TOTP</a> application of choice:"
registring: "Once you have finished registering with your TOTP application, proceed to the next screen to verify your current TOTP code and actually enable Two-Factor Authentication on your account."
verifyenable: "Verify and Enable"
enrollmenttimeout: "Your enrollment period timed out."
2fahasbeenenabled: "Two-Factor Authentication has been enabled on your account."
totpinvalid: "Your TOTP code was invalid, please verify the current code in your TOTP application."
title: "Two-Factor Authentication"
enrollmenttimeout: "Your enrollment period timed out."
enablecode: "To enable Two-Factor Authentication on your account using your new TOTP secret, enter the six-digit code from your TOTP application:"
verifyenable: "Verify and Enable"
updatesettingsflash: "Successfully updated settings."

View file

@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ fr:
twofactorauth: "Authentification à deux facteurs :"
disable2fa: "Désactiver"
enroll2fa: "Activer"
disabled2fa: "Désactivé"
enabled2fa: "Activé"
disabled2fa: "Désactivée"
enabled2fa: "Activée"
pushovernotconfigured: "Ce site n'est pas configuré pour le Pushover"
@ -302,6 +302,33 @@ fr:
pushovernorandomtokenurl: "Pas de jeton alétoire présent dans l'url"
accountsetuppushover: "Votre compte est maintenant configuré pour les notifications Pushover."
accountnolongersetuppushover: "Votre compte n'est plus configuré pour les notifications Pushover."
title: "Authentification à deux facteurs"
backtosettings: "Retour aux paramètres"
disable2fa: "Désactiver l'authentification à deux facteurs"
continue: "Continuer"
currentpassword: "Mot de passe actuel :"
turnoff: "Pour désactiver l'authentification à deux facteurs, entrez votre mot de passe actuel :"
turnon: "Pour activer l'authentification à deux facteurs pour votre compte, entrez votre mot de passe actuel :"
2fahasbeendisabled: "L'authentification à deux facteurs a été désactivée sur votre compte"
2fapassnotcorrect: "Mot de passe incorrect"
title: "Authentification à deux facteurs"
backtosettings: "Retour aux paramètres"
enrollmenttimeout: "Le délai d'attente est dépassé"
scanqrcode: "Scannez le QR code ci-dessous ou cliquez dessus pour l'ouvrir dans l'application <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time-based_One-time_Password_Algorithm\" target=\"_blank\">TOTP</a> de votre choix :"
registring: "Une fois le processus d'enregistrement de vos applications TOTP achevé, passez à l'écran suivant pour vérifier et activer l'authentification à deux facteurs pour votre compte."
verifyenable: "Vérifier et Activer"
enrollmenttimeout: "Le délai d'attente est dépassé"
2fahasbeenenabled: "L'authentification à deux facteurs a été activée sur votre compte"
totpinvalid: "Votre code TOTP est invalide, merci de vérifier le code actuellement affiché par votre application TOTP"
title: "Authentification à deux facteurs"
enrollmenttimeout: "Le délai d'attente est dépassé"
enablecode: "Afin d'activer l'authentification à deux facteurs pour votre compte en utilisant votre nouveau secret TOTP, entrez le code à 6 chiffres de votre application :"
verifyenable: "Vérifier et Activer"
updatesettingsflash: "Paramètres mis à jour avec succès."