class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user belongs_to :story, :inverse_of => :comments has_many :votes, :dependent => :delete_all belongs_to :parent_comment, :class_name => "Comment" has_one :moderation, :class_name => "Moderation" belongs_to :hat attr_accessor :current_vote, :previewing, :indent_level, :highlighted before_validation :on => :create do self.assign_short_id_and_upvote self.assign_initial_confidence self.assign_thread_id end after_create :record_initial_upvote, :mark_submitter, :deliver_reply_notifications, :deliver_mention_notifications, :log_to_countinual after_destroy :unassign_votes DOWNVOTABLE_DAYS = 7 # after this many minutes old, a comment cannot be edited MAX_EDIT_MINS = (60 * 4) validate do self.comment.to_s.strip == "" && errors.add(:comment, "cannot be blank.") self.user_id.blank? && errors.add(:user_id, "cannot be blank.") self.story_id.blank? && errors.add(:story_id, "cannot be blank.") (m = self.comment.to_s.strip.match(/\A(t)his([\.!])?$\z/i)) && errors.add(:base, (m[1] == "T" ? "N" : "n") + "ope" + m[2].to_s) end def self.arrange_for_user(user) parents = self.order("confidence DESC").group_by(&:parent_comment_id) # top-down list of comments, regardless of indent level ordered = [] ancestors = [nil] # nil sentinel so indent_level starts at 1 without add op. subtree = parents[nil] while subtree if (node = subtree.shift) children = parents[] # for deleted comments, if they have no children, they can be removed # from the tree. otherwise they have to stay and a "[deleted]" stub # will be shown if !node.is_gone? # not deleted or moderated elsif children # we have child comments elsif user && (user.is_moderator? || node.user_id == # admins and authors should be able to see their deleted comments else # drop this one next end node.indent_level = ancestors.length ordered << node # no children to recurse next unless children # for moderated threads, remove the entire sub-tree at the moderation # point next if node.is_moderated? # drill down a level ancestors << subtree subtree = children else # climb back out subtree = ancestors.pop end end ordered end def self.regenerate_markdown Comment.record_timestamps = false Comment.all.each do |c| c.markeddown_comment = c.generated_markeddown_comment => false) end Comment.record_timestamps = true nil end def self.score_sql "(CAST(upvotes AS #{Story.votes_cast_type}) - " << "CAST(downvotes AS #{Story.votes_cast_type}))" end def as_json(options = {}) h = super(:only => [ :short_id, :created_at, :updated_at, :is_deleted, :is_moderated, ]) h[:score] = score if self.is_gone? h[:comment] = "#{self.gone_text}" else h[:comment] = markeddown_comment end h[:url] = url h[:indent_level] = indent_level h[:commenting_user] = user h end def assign_initial_confidence self.confidence = self.calculated_confidence end def assign_short_id_and_upvote self.short_id = self.upvotes = 1 end def assign_thread_id if self.parent_comment_id.present? self.thread_id = self.parent_comment.thread_id else self.thread_id = Keystore.incremented_value_for("thread_id") end end # # def calculated_confidence n = (upvotes + downvotes).to_f if n == 0.0 return 0 end z = 1.281551565545 # 80% confidence p = upvotes.to_f / n left = p + (1 / ((2.0 * n) * z * z)) right = z * Math.sqrt((p * ((1.0 - p) / n)) + (z * (z / (4.0 * n * n)))) under = 1.0 + ((1.0 / n) * z * z) return (left - right) / under end def comment=(com) self[:comment] = com.to_s.rstrip self.markeddown_comment = self.generated_markeddown_comment end def delete_for_user(user) Comment.record_timestamps = false self.is_deleted = true if user.is_moderator? && != self.user_id self.is_moderated = true m = m.comment_id = m.moderator_user_id = m.action = "deleted comment" end => false) Comment.record_timestamps = true self.story.update_comments_count! end def deliver_mention_notifications self.plaintext_comment.scan(/\B\@([\w\-]+)/).flatten.uniq.each do |mention| if u = User.where(:username => mention).first if == next end if u.email_mentions? begin EmailReply.mention(self, u).deliver rescue => e Rails.logger.error "error e-mailing #{}: #{e}" end end if u.pushover_mentions? u.pushover!({ :title => "#{} mention by " << "#{self.user.username} on #{self.story.title}", :message => self.plaintext_comment, :url => self.url, :url_title => "Reply to #{self.user.username}", }) end end end end def deliver_reply_notifications if self.parent_comment_id && (u = self.parent_comment.try(:user)) && != if u.email_replies? begin EmailReply.reply(self, u).deliver rescue => e Rails.logger.error "error e-mailing #{}: #{e}" end end if u.pushover_replies? u.pushover!({ :title => "#{} reply from " << "#{self.user.username} on #{self.story.title}", :message => self.plaintext_comment, :url => self.url, :url_title => "Reply to #{self.user.username}", }) end end end def generated_markeddown_comment Markdowner.to_html(self.comment) end def give_upvote_or_downvote_and_recalculate_confidence!(upvote, downvote) self.upvotes += upvote.to_i self.downvotes += downvote.to_i Comment.connection.execute("UPDATE #{Comment.table_name} SET " << "upvotes = COALESCE(upvotes, 0) + #{upvote.to_i}, " << "downvotes = COALESCE(downvotes, 0) + #{downvote.to_i}, " << "confidence = '#{self.calculated_confidence}' WHERE id = " << "#{}") self.story.recalculate_hotness! end def gone_text if self.is_moderated? "Thread removed by moderator " << self.moderation.try(:moderator).try(:username).to_s << ": " << (self.moderation.try(:reason) || "No reason given") else "Comment removed by author" end end def has_been_edited? self.updated_at && (self.updated_at - self.created_at > 1.minute) end def is_deletable_by_user?(user) if user && user.is_moderator? return true elsif user && == self.user_id return true else return false end end def is_downvotable? if self.created_at - self.created_at <= DOWNVOTABLE_DAYS.days else false end end def is_editable_by_user?(user) if user && == self.user_id if self.is_moderated? return false else return ( - (self.updated_at ? self.updated_at.to_i : self.created_at.to_i) < (60 * MAX_EDIT_MINS)) end else return false end end def is_gone? is_deleted? || is_moderated? end def is_undeletable_by_user?(user) if user && user.is_moderator? return true elsif user && == self.user_id && !self.is_moderated? return true else return false end end def log_to_countinual Countinual.count!("#{Rails.application.shortname}.comments.submitted", "+1") end def mark_submitter Keystore.increment_value_for("user:#{self.user_id}:comments_posted") end def mailing_list_message_id "comment.#{short_id}.#{created_at.to_i}@#{Rails.application.domain}" end def path self.story.comments_path + "/comments/#{self.short_id}#c_#{self.short_id}" end def plaintext_comment # TODO: linkify then strip tags and convert entities back comment end def record_initial_upvote Vote.vote_thusly_on_story_or_comment_for_user_because(1, self.story_id,, self.user_id, nil, false) self.story.update_comments_count! end def score self.upvotes - self.downvotes end def short_id_path self.story.short_id_path + "/_/comments/#{self.short_id}#c_#{self.short_id}" end def short_id_url self.story.short_id_url + "/_/comments/#{self.short_id}#c_#{self.short_id}" end def to_param self.short_id end def unassign_votes self.story.update_comments_count! end def url self.story.comments_url + "/comments/#{self.short_id}#c_#{self.short_id}" end def vote_summary r_counts = {} Vote.where(:comment_id => do |v| r_counts[v.reason.to_s] ||= 0 r_counts[v.reason.to_s] += end{|k| k == "" ? "+#{r_counts[k]}" : "#{r_counts[k]} #{Vote::COMMENT_REASONS[k]}" }.join(", ") end def undelete_for_user(user) Comment.record_timestamps = false self.is_deleted = false if user.is_moderator? self.is_moderated = false if != self.user_id m = m.comment_id = m.moderator_user_id = m.action = "undeleted comment" end end => false) Comment.record_timestamps = true self.story.update_comments_count! end end