class StoriesController < ApplicationController before_filter :require_logged_in_user_or_400, :only => [ :upvote, :downvote, :unvote ] before_filter :require_logged_in_user, :only => [ :delete, :create, :edit, :fetch_url_title, :new ] def new @page_title = "Submit a New Story" @story = @story.story_type = "link" if !params[:url].blank? @story.url = params[:url] if !params[:title].blank? @story.title = params[:title] end end end def create @page_title = "Submit a New Story" @story =[:story]) @story.user_id = if Vote.vote_thusly_on_story_or_comment_for_user_because(1,, nil,, nil) return redirect_to @story.comments_url else if @story.already_posted_story? # consider it an upvote Vote.vote_thusly_on_story_or_comment_for_user_because(1,, nil,, nil) return redirect_to @story.already_posted_story.comments_url end return render :action => "new" end end def delete if @user.is_admin? @story = Story.find_by_short_id(params[:id]) else @story = Story.find_by_user_id_and_short_id(, params[:id]) end if !@story flash[:error] = "Could not find story or you are not authorized to " << "delete it." return redirect_to "/" end @story.is_expired = true redirect_to @story.comments_url end # public function edit() { # if (!$this->user) { # $this->add_flash_error("You must be logged in to edit a story."); # return $this->redirect_to("/login"); # } # # $this->story = Story::find_by_user_id_and_short_id($this->user->id, # $this->params["id"]); # # if (!$this->story) { # $this->add_flash_error("Could not find story or you are not " # . "authorized to edit it."); # return $this->redirect_to("/"); # } # # $this->page_title = "Editing " . $this->story->title; # } # def fetch_url_title begin s = s.timeout = 3 text = s.fetch(params[:fetch_url], :get, nil, nil, { "User-agent" => "! via #{request.remote_ip}" }, 3) if m = text.match(/<\s*title\s*>([^<]+)<\/\s*title\s*>/i) return render :json => { :title => m[1] } else raise "no title found" end rescue => e return render :json => "error" end end # public function index() { # $this->items = Item::find("all"); # } # # public function manage() { # if (!$this->user) { # $this->add_flash_error("You must be logged in to manage your " # . "items."); # return $this->redirect_to("/login"); # } # # $this->page_title = "Manage Your Items"; # # $this->items = Item::column_sorter($this->params["_s"]); # $this->items->find("all", # array("conditions" => array("user_id = ?", $this->user->id), # "include" => array("user", "item_kind"), # "joins" => array("user"))); # } # # public function message() { # if (!$this->user) { # $this->add_flash_error("You must be logged in to edit an item."); # return $this->redirect_to("/login"); # } # # $this->show(); # # if ($this->new_message->update_attributes($this->params["message"])) { # $this->add_flash_notice("Your message has been sent."); # return $this->redirect_to(array("controller" => "items", # "action" => "show", "id" => $this->item->id)); # } else { # return $this->render(array("action" => "items/show")); # } # } # def show @story = Story.find_by_short_id!(params[:id]) @page_title = @story.title @comments = @story.comments_in_order_for_user(@user ? : nil) @comment = if @user if v = Vote.find_by_user_id_and_story_id(, = end @votes = Vote.comment_votes_by_user_for_story_hash(, @comments.each do |c| if @votes[] = @votes[] end end end end # public function update() { # if (!$this->user) { # $this->add_flash_error("You must be logged in to edit an item."); # return $this->redirect_to("/login"); # } # # if ($this->user->is_admin) # $this->item = Item::find_by_id($this->params["id"]); # else # $this->item = Item::find_by_user_id_and_id($this->user->id, # $this->params["id"]); # # if (!$this->item) { # $this->add_flash_error("Could not find item or you are not " # . "authorized to edit it."); # return $this->redirect_to("/"); # } # # $this->item->is_expired = false; # if ($this->item->update_attributes($this->params["item"])) { # $this->add_flash_notice("Successfully saved item changes."); # return $this->redirect_to(array("controller" => "items", # "action" => "show", "id" => $this->item->id)); # } else # return $this->render(array("action" => "edit")); # } # def unvote if !(story = Story.find_by_short_id(params[:story_id])) return render :text => "can't find story", :status => 400 end Vote.vote_thusly_on_story_or_comment_for_user_because(0,, nil,, nil) render :text => "ok" end def upvote if !(story = Story.find_by_short_id(params[:story_id])) return render :text => "can't find story", :status => 400 end Vote.vote_thusly_on_story_or_comment_for_user_because(1,, nil,, nil) render :text => "ok" end def downvote if !(story = Story.find_by_short_id(params[:story_id])) return render :text => "can't find story", :status => 400 end if !Vote::STORY_REASONS[params[:reason]] return render :text => "invalid reason", :status => 400 end Vote.vote_thusly_on_story_or_comment_for_user_because(-1,, nil,, params[:reason]) render :text => "ok" end end