class Message < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :recipient, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "recipient_user_id" belongs_to :author, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "author_user_id" validates_presence_of :recipient attr_accessor :recipient_username validates_length_of :subject, :in => 1..150 validates_length_of :body, :maximum => (64 * 1024) scope :unread, -> { where(:has_been_read => false, :deleted_by_recipient => false) } before_validation :assign_short_id, :on => :create after_create :deliver_email_notifications after_save :update_unread_counts after_save :check_for_both_deleted def assign_short_id self.short_id = end def author_username if else "System" end end def check_for_both_deleted if self.deleted_by_author? && self.deleted_by_recipient? self.destroy end end def update_unread_counts self.recipient.update_unread_message_count! end def deliver_email_notifications return if Rails.env.development? if self.recipient.email_messages? begin EmailMessage.notify(self, self.recipient).deliver rescue => e Rails.logger.error "error e-mailing #{}: #{e}" end end if self.recipient.pushover_messages? self.recipient.pushover!({ :title => "#{} message from " << "#{self.author_username}: #{self.subject}", :message => self.plaintext_body, :url => self.url, :url_title => ( ? "Reply to #{self.author_username}" : "View message"), }) end end def recipient_username=(username) self.recipient_user_id = nil if u = User.where(:username => username).first self.recipient_user_id = @recipient_username = username else errors.add(:recipient_username, "is not a valid user") end end def linkified_body Markdowner.to_html(self.body) end def plaintext_body # TODO: linkify then strip tags and convert entities back self.body.to_s end def url Rails.application.root_url + "messages/#{self.short_id}" end end