#!/usr/bin/env ruby ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "production" APP_PATH = File.expand_path('../../config/application', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../../config/boot', __FILE__) require APP_PATH Rails.application.require_environment! class String def quoted_printable(encoded_word = false) s = [ self ].pack("M") if encoded_word s.split(/\r?\n/).map{|l| "=?UTF-8?Q?" << l.gsub(/=*$/, "").gsub(" ", "_") << "?=" }.join("\n\t") else s end end # like ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper but preserve > and indentation when # wrapping lines def word_wrap(len) split("\n").collect do |line| if line.length <= len line elsif m = line.match(/^(> ?| +)(.*)/) ind = m[1] if len - ind.length < 0 ind = " " end m[2].gsub(/(.{1,#{len - ind.length}})(\s+|$)/, "#{ind}\\1\n").strip else line.gsub(/(.{1,#{len}})(\s+|$)/, "\\1\n").strip end end * "\n" end end def story_subject(story, prefix = "") ss = "#{prefix}#{story.title}" story.tags.sort_by{|t| t.tag }.each do |t| ss << " [#{t.tag}]" end ss.quoted_printable(true) end EMAIL_WIDTH = 72 LAST_STORY_KEY = "mailing:last_story_id" LAST_COMMENT_KEY = "mailing:last_comment_id" mailing_list_users = User.where("mailing_list_mode > 0").select{|u| u.is_active? } last_story_id = (Keystore.value_for(LAST_STORY_KEY) || Story.last.id).to_i Story.where("id > ? AND is_expired = ?", last_story_id, false).order(:id).each do |s| s.fetch_story_cache! if s.story_cache.blank? s.fetch_story_cache! end s.save mailing_list_users.each do |u| if (s.tags.map{|t| t.id } & u.tag_filters.map{|t| t.tag_id }).any? # story has tags this user has filtered out next end if s.is_hidden_by_user?(u) # user has hidden this story next end domain = Rails.application.domain list = "#{Rails.application.shortname}-#{u.mailing_list_token}@" << Rails.application.domain IO.popen([ {}, "/usr/sbin/sendmail", "-i", "-f", "nobody@#{Rails.application.domain}", u.email ], "w") do |mail| mail.puts "From: #{s.user.username} <#{s.user.username}@" << "#{Rails.application.domain}>" mail.puts "Reply-To: #{list}" mail.puts "To: #{list}" mail.puts "X-BeenThere: #{list}" mail.puts "List-Id: #{Rails.application.name} <#{list}>" mail.puts "List-Unsubscribe: <" << "#{Rails.application.root_url}settings>" mail.puts "Precedence: list" mail.puts "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"utf-8\"" mail.puts "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable" mail.puts "Message-ID: <#{s.mailing_list_message_id}>" mail.puts "Date: " << s.created_at.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z") mail.puts "Subject: " << story_subject(s) mail.puts "" body = [] if s.description.present? body.push s.description.to_s.word_wrap(EMAIL_WIDTH) end if s.url.present? if s.description.present? body.push "" end body.push "Via: #{s.url}" if s.story_cache.present? body.push "" body.push s.story_cache.to_s.word_wrap(EMAIL_WIDTH) end end body.push "" body.push "-- " body.push "Vote: #{s.short_id_url}" mail.puts body.join("\n").quoted_printable end end last_story_id = s.id end Keystore.put(LAST_STORY_KEY, last_story_id) # repeat for comments last_comment_id = (Keystore.value_for(LAST_COMMENT_KEY) || Comment.last.id).to_i Comment.where("id > ? AND (is_deleted = ? AND is_moderated = ?)", last_comment_id, false, false).order(:id).each do |c| # allow some time for newer comments to be edited before sending them out if (Time.now - c.created_at) < 2.minutes break end mailing_list_users.each do |u| if u.mailing_list_mode == 2 # stories only next end if (c.story.tags.map{|t| t.id } & u.tag_filters.map{|t| t.tag_id }).any? # story has tags this user has filtered out next end if c.story.is_hidden_by_user?(u) # user has hidden this story next end domain = Rails.application.domain list = "#{Rails.application.shortname}-#{u.mailing_list_token}@" << Rails.application.domain IO.popen([ {}, "/usr/sbin/sendmail", "-i", "-f", "nobody@#{domain}", u.email ], "w") do |mail| from = "From: \"#{c.user.username}" if c.hat from << " (#{c.hat.hat})" end from << "\" <#{c.user.username}@#{domain}>" mail.puts from mail.puts "Reply-To: #{list}" mail.puts "To: #{list}" mail.puts "List-Id: #{Rails.application.name} <#{list}>" mail.puts "List-Unsubscribe: <" << "#{Rails.application.root_url}settings>" mail.puts "Precedence: list" mail.puts "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"utf-8\"" mail.puts "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable" mail.puts "Message-ID: <#{c.mailing_list_message_id}>" refs = [ "<#{c.story.mailing_list_message_id}>" ] if c.parent_comment_id mail.puts "In-Reply-To: <#{c.parent_comment.mailing_list_message_id}>" thread = [] indent_level = 0 Comment.where(:thread_id => c.thread_id).arrange_for_user( nil).reverse.each do |cc| if indent_level > 0 && cc.indent_level < indent_level thread.unshift cc indent_level = cc.indent_level elsif cc.id == c.id indent_level = cc.indent_level end end thread.each do |cc| refs.push "<#{cc.mailing_list_message_id}>" end else mail.puts "In-Reply-To: <#{c.story.mailing_list_message_id}>" end mail.print "References:" refs.each do |ref| mail.puts " #{ref}" end mail.puts "Date: " << c.created_at.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z") mail.puts "Subject: " << story_subject(c.story, "Re: ") mail.puts "" body = [] if c.hat body.push "[ Posted while wearing #{c.hat.hat} hat ]" body.push "" end # if the comment has hard line breaks at <80, it likely came from an # email, so don't re-wrap it at something shorter com = c.comment.to_s com_lines = com.split("\n") if com_lines.length > 1 && com_lines.first.length < 80 body.push com.word_wrap(80) else body.push com.word_wrap(EMAIL_WIDTH) end body.push "" body.push "-- " body.push "Vote: #{c.short_id_url}" mail.puts body.join("\n").quoted_printable end end last_comment_id = c.id end Keystore.put(LAST_COMMENT_KEY, last_comment_id)