class Moderation < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :moderator, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "moderator_user_id" belongs_to :story belongs_to :comment belongs_to :user after_create :send_message_to_moderated def send_message_to_moderated m = m.author_user_id = self.moderator_user_id # mark as deleted by author so they don't fill up moderator message boxes m.deleted_by_author = true if self.story m.recipient_user_id = self.story.user_id m.subject = "Your story has been edited by a moderator" m.body = "Your story [#{self.story.title}](" << "#{self.story.comments_url}) has been edited by a moderator with " << "the following changes:\n" << "\n" << "> *#{self.action}*\n" if self.reason.present? m.body << "\n" << "The reason given:\n" << "\n" << "> *#{self.reason}*\n" end elsif self.comment m.recipient_user_id = self.comment.user_id m.subject = "Your comment has been moderated" m.body = "Your comment on [#{self.comment.story.title}](" << "#{self.comment.story.comments_url}) has been moderated:\n" << "\n" << "> *#{self.comment.comment}*\n" if self.reason.present? m.body << "\n" << "The reason given:\n" << "\n" << "> *#{self.reason}*\n" end else # no point in alerting deleted users, they can't login to read it return end m.body << "\n" << "*This is an automated message.*" end end