class StoriesController < ApplicationController before_filter :require_logged_in_user_or_400, :only => [ :upvote, :downvote, :unvote, :hide, :unhide, :preview ] before_filter :require_logged_in_user, :only => [ :destroy, :create, :edit, :fetch_url_title, :new ] before_filter :find_user_story, :only => [ :destroy, :edit, :undelete, :update ] def create @title = "Submit Story" @cur_url = "/stories/new" @story = @story.user_id = if @story.valid? && !(@story.already_posted_story && !@story.seen_previous) if Countinual.count!("#{Rails.application.shortname}.stories.submitted", "+1") return redirect_to @story.comments_path end end return render :action => "new" end def destroy if !@story.is_editable_by_user?(@user) flash[:error] = "You cannot edit that story." return redirect_to "/" end @story.is_expired = true @story.editor = @user if params[:reason].present? && @story.user_id != @story.moderation_reason = params[:reason] end => false) redirect_to @story.comments_path end def edit if !@story.is_editable_by_user?(@user) flash[:error] = "You cannot edit that story." return redirect_to "/" end @title = "Edit Story" if @story.merged_into_story @story.merge_story_short_id = @story.merged_into_story.short_id end end def fetch_url_title s = s.url = params[:fetch_url] if (title = s.fetched_title(request.remote_ip)).present? return render :json => { :title => title } else return render :json => "error" end end def new @title = "Submit Story" @cur_url = "/stories/new" @story = if params[:url].present? @story.url = params[:url] if s = Story.find_similar_by_url(@story.url) if s.is_recent? # user won't be able to submit this story as new, so just redirect # them to the previous story flash[:success] = "This URL has already been submitted recently." return redirect_to s.comments_path else # user will see a warning like with preview screen @story.already_posted_story = s end end if params[:title].present? @story.title = params[:title] end end end def preview @story = @story.user_id = @story.previewing = true = 1 @story.upvotes = 1 @story.valid? @story.seen_previous = true return render :action => "new", :layout => false end def show @story = Story.where(:short_id => params[:id]).first! if @story.merged_into_story flash[:success] = "\"#{@story.title}\" has been merged into this story." return redirect_to @story.merged_into_story.comments_path end if @story.can_be_seen_by_user?(@user) @title = @story.title else @title = "[Story removed]" end @short_url = @story.short_id_url @comments = @story.merged_comments.includes(:user, :story, :hat).arrange_for_user(@user) if params[:comment_short_id] @comments.each do |c,x| if c.short_id == params[:comment_short_id] c.highlighted = true break end end end respond_to do |format| format.html { @comment = load_user_votes render :action => "show" } format.json { render :json => @story.as_json(:with_comments => @comments) } end end def undelete if !(@story.is_editable_by_user?(@user) && @story.is_undeletable_by_user?(@user)) flash[:error] = "You cannot edit that story." return redirect_to "/" end @story.is_expired = false @story.editor = @user => false) redirect_to @story.comments_path end def update if !@story.is_editable_by_user?(@user) flash[:error] = "You cannot edit that story." return redirect_to "/" end @story.is_expired = false @story.editor = @user if @story.url_is_editable_by_user?(@user) @story.attributes = story_params else @story.attributes = story_params.except(:url) end if return redirect_to @story.comments_path else return render :action => "edit" end end def unvote if !(story = find_story) return render :text => "can't find story", :status => 400 end Vote.vote_thusly_on_story_or_comment_for_user_because(0,, nil,, nil) render :text => "ok" end def upvote if !(story = find_story) return render :text => "can't find story", :status => 400 end Vote.vote_thusly_on_story_or_comment_for_user_because(1,, nil,, nil) render :text => "ok" end def downvote if !(story = find_story) return render :text => "can't find story", :status => 400 end if !Vote::STORY_REASONS[params[:reason]] return render :text => "invalid reason", :status => 400 end if !@user.can_downvote?(story) return render :text => "not permitted to downvote", :status => 400 end Vote.vote_thusly_on_story_or_comment_for_user_because(-1,, nil,, params[:reason]) render :text => "ok" end def hide if !(story = find_story) return render :text => "can't find story", :status => 400 end Vote.vote_thusly_on_story_or_comment_for_user_because(0,, nil,, "H") render :text => "ok" end def unhide if !(story = find_story) return render :text => "can't find story", :status => 400 end Vote.vote_thusly_on_story_or_comment_for_user_because(0,, nil,, nil) render :text => "ok" end private def story_params p = params.require(:story).permit( :title, :url, :description, :moderation_reason, :seen_previous, :merge_story_short_id, :is_unavailable, :tags_a => [], ) if @user.is_moderator? p else p.except(:moderation_reason, :merge_story_short_id, :is_unavailable) end end def find_story story = Story.where(:short_id => params[:story_id]).first if @user && story = Vote.where(:user_id =>, :story_id =>, :comment_id => nil).first.try(:vote) end story end def find_user_story if @user.is_moderator? @story = Story.where(:short_id => params[:story_id] || params[:id]).first else @story = Story.where(:user_id =>, :short_id => (params[:story_id] || params[:id])).first end if !@story flash[:error] = "Could not find story or you are not authorized " << "to manage it." redirect_to "/" return false end end def load_user_votes if @user if v = Vote.where(:user_id =>, :story_id =>, :comment_id => nil).first = end @votes = Vote.comment_votes_by_user_for_story_hash(, @comments.each do |c| if @votes[] c.current_vote = @votes[] end end end end end