class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :stories, :include => :user has_many :comments has_many :sent_messages, :class_name => "Message", :foreign_key => "author_user_id" has_many :received_messages, :class_name => "Message", :foreign_key => "recipient_user_id" has_many :tag_filters belongs_to :invited_by_user, :class_name => "User" has_secure_password validates :email, :format => { :with => /\A[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+\.[^@ ]+\Z/ }, :uniqueness => { :case_sensitive => false } validates :password, :presence => true, :on => :create validates :username, :format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_-]*\Z/ }, :uniqueness => { :case_sensitive => false } validates_each :username do |record,attr,value| if BANNED_USERNAMES.include?(value.to_s.downcase) record.errors.add(attr, "is not permitted") end end attr_accessible :username, :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :about, :email_replies, :pushover_replies, :pushover_user_key, :pushover_device, :email_messages, :pushover_messages, :email_mentions, :pushover_mentions, :mailing_list_enabled before_save :check_session_token before_create :create_rss_token, :create_mailing_list_token after_create :create_default_tag_filters BANNED_USERNAMES = [ "admin", "administrator", "hostmaster", "mailer-daemon", "postmaster", "root", "security", "support", "webmaster", ] def as_json(options = {}) h = super(:only => [ :username, :created_at, :is_admin, :is_moderator, ]) h[:avatar_url] = avatar_url h end def avatar_url "" << Digest::MD5.hexdigest( << "?r=pg&d=" << CGI.escape(Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.root_url + "images/1x1t.gif") << "&s=100" end def average_karma if (k = self.karma) == 0 0 else k.to_f / (self.stories_submitted_count + self.comments_posted_count) end end def check_session_token if self.session_token.blank? self.session_token = Utils.random_str(60) end end def create_default_tag_filters Tag.where(:filtered_by_default => true).each do |t| tf = tf.tag_id = tf.user_id = end end def create_mailing_list_token if self.mailing_list_token.blank? self.mailing_list_token = Utils.random_str(10) end end def create_rss_token if self.rss_token.blank? self.rss_token = Utils.random_str(60) end end def comments_posted_count Keystore.value_for("user:#{}:comments_posted").to_i end def initiate_password_reset_for_ip(ip) self.password_reset_token = Utils.random_str(40)! PasswordReset.password_reset_link(self, ip).deliver end def karma Keystore.value_for("user:#{}:karma").to_i end def linkified_about # most users are probably mentioning "@username" to mean a twitter url, not # a link to a profile on this site Markdowner.to_html(self.about, { :disable_profile_links => true }) end def most_common_story_tag tag_id = Tagging.connection.select_one("SELECT tag_id, " << "COUNT( AS tag_count FROM taggings LEFT OUTER JOIN " << "stories ON = taggings.story_id WHERE stories.user_id = " << "#{q(} GROUP BY tag_id ORDER BY tag_count DESC LIMIT 1") if tag_id && tag_id["tag_id"] Tag.where(:id => tag_id["tag_id"]).first else nil end end def recent_threads(amount) Comment.connection.select_all("SELECT DISTINCT " + "thread_id FROM comments WHERE user_id = #{q(} ORDER BY " + "created_at DESC LIMIT #{q(amount)}").map{|r| r.values.first } end def stories_submitted_count Keystore.value_for("user:#{}:stories_submitted").to_i end def undeleted_received_messages received_messages.where(:deleted_by_recipient => false) end def undeleted_sent_messages sent_messages.where(:deleted_by_author => 0) end def unread_message_count Keystore.value_for("user:#{}:unread_messages").to_i end def update_unread_message_count! Keystore.put("user:#{}:unread_messages", Message.where(:recipient_user_id =>, :has_been_read => false).count) end end