class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user belongs_to :story has_many :votes, :dependent => :delete_all attr_accessible :comment attr_accessor :parent_comment_short_id, :current_vote, :previewing, :indent_level before_create :assign_short_id_and_upvote after_create :assign_votes, :mark_submitter after_destroy :unassign_votes MAX_EDIT_MINS = 45 validate do self.comment.to_s.strip == "" && errors.add(:comment, "cannot be blank.") self.user_id.blank? && errors.add(:user_id, "cannot be blank.") self.story_id.blank? && errors.add(:story_id, "cannot be blank.") (m = self.comment.to_s.strip.match(/\A(t)his([\.!])?$\z/i)) && errors.add(:base, (m[1] == "T" ? "N" : "n") + "ope" + m[2].to_s) end def assign_short_id_and_upvote (1...10).each do |tries| if tries == 10 raise "too many hash collisions" end if !Comment.find_by_short_id(self.short_id = Utils.random_str(6)) break end end self.upvotes = 1 end def assign_votes Vote.vote_thusly_on_story_or_comment_for_user_because(1, self.story_id,,, nil, false) self.story.update_comment_count! end def mark_submitter Keystore.increment_value_for("user:#{self.user_id}:comments_posted") end # # def confidence n = (upvotes + downvotes).to_f if n == 0.0 return 0 end z = 1.281551565545 # 80% confidence p = upvotes.to_f / n left = p + (1 / ((2.0 * n) * z * z)) right = z * Math.sqrt((p * ((1.0 - p) / n)) + (z * (z / (4.0 * n * n)))) under = 1.0 + ((1.0 / n) * z * z) return (left - right) / under end def unassign_votes self.story.update_comment_count! end def score self.upvotes - self.downvotes end def linkified_comment, :smart, :autolink, :safelink, :filter_html).to_html end def flag! Story.update_counters, :flaggings => 1 end def has_been_edited? self.updated_at && (self.updated_at - self.created_at > 1.minute) end def self.ordered_for_story_or_thread_for_user(story_id, thread_id, user_id) parents = {} if thread_id cs = [ "thread_id = ?", thread_id ] else cs = [ "story_id = ?", story_id ] end Comment.find(:all, :conditions => cs).sort_by{|c| c.confidence }.each do |c| (parents[c.parent_comment_id.to_i] ||= []).push c end # top-down list of comments, regardless of indent level ordered = [] recursor = lambda{|comment,level| if comment comment.indent_level = level ordered.push comment end # for each comment that is a child of this one, recurse with it (parents[comment ? : 0] || []).each do |child|, level + 1) end }, 0) ordered end def is_editable_by_user?(user) if !user || != self.user_id return false end ( - self.created_at.to_i < (60 * MAX_EDIT_MINS)) end end