#!/usr/bin/env ruby ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "production" APP_PATH = File.expand_path('../../config/application', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../../config/boot', __FILE__) require APP_PATH Rails.application.require_environment! MIN_STORY_SCORE = 2 Story.where("is_expired = ? AND #{Story.score_sql} > ? AND " << "twitter_id IS NULL AND created_at >= ?", false, MIN_STORY_SCORE, Time.now - 1.days).order(:id).each_with_index do |s,x| if s.tags.map(&:tag).include?("meta") next end if x > 0 sleep 2 end tags = "" s.sorted_taggings.each do |tagging| tags += ' #' + tagging.tag.tag end tco_status = "\n" + (s.url.present?? ("X" * Twitter::TCO_LEN) + "\n" : "") + ("X" * Twitter::TCO_LEN) + tags status = "\n" + (s.url.present?? s.url + "\n" : "") + s.short_id_url + tags left_len = Twitter::MAX_TWEET_LEN - tco_status.length title = s.title if title.match(/^([dm] |@)/i) # prevent these tweets from activating twitter shortcuts # https://dev.twitter.com/docs/faq#tweeting title = "- #{title}" end if title.bytesize > left_len status = title[0, left_len - 3] + "..." + status else status = title + status end res = Twitter.oauth_request("/1.1/statuses/update.json", :post, { "status" => status }) begin if res["id_str"].match(/\d+/) s.update_column("twitter_id", res["id_str"]) else raise end rescue => e puts "failed posting story #{s.id} (#{status.inspect}): #{e.inspect}\n" + "#{res.inspect}" exit end end