class Story < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :taggings has_many :comments has_many :tags, :through => :taggings validates_length_of :title, :in => 3..150 validates_length_of :description, :maximum => (64 * 1024) validates_format_of :url, :with => /\Ahttps?:\/\//i, :allow_blank => true validates_presence_of :user_id attr_accessible :url, :title, :description, :story_type, :tags_a # after this many minutes old, a story cannot be edited MAX_EDIT_MINS = 30 attr_accessor :vote, :story_type, :already_posted_story, :fetched_content attr_accessor :new_tags, :tags_to_add, :tags_to_delete after_save :deal_with_tags before_create :assign_short_id validate do if self.url.present? # URI.parse is not very lenient, so we can't use it if self.url.match(/\Ahttps?:\/\/([^\.]+\.)+[a-z]+(\/|\z)/) if (s = Story.find_by_url(self.url)) && ( - s.created_at) < 30.days errors.add(:url, "has already been submitted recently") self.already_posted_story = s end else errors.add(:url, "is not valid") end elsif self.description.to_s.strip == "" errors.add(:description, "must contain text if no URL posted") end if !(self.new_tags || []).reject{|t| t.to_s.strip == "" }.any? errors.add(:base, "Must have at least one tag. If no tags apply to " + "your content, it probably doesn't belong here.") end end def assign_short_id (1...10).each do |tries| if tries == 10 raise "too many hash collisions" end self.short_id = Utils.random_str(6) if !Story.find_by_short_id(self.short_id) break end end end def deal_with_tags (self.tags_to_delete || []).each do |t| if t.is_a?(Tagging) t.destroy elsif t.is_a?(Tag) self.taggings.find_by_tag_id( end end (self.tags_to_add || []).each do |t| if t.is_a?(Tag) tg = tg.tag_id = tg.story_id = end end self.tags_to_delete = [] self.tags_to_add = [] end def comments_url "{self.short_id}/#{self.title_as_url}" end @_comment_count = nil def comment_count @_comment_count ||= Keystore.value_for("story:#{}:comment_count").to_i end def domain if self.url.blank? nil else pu = URI.parse(self.url)^www\d*\./, "") end end def fetched_title(for_remote_ip = nil) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(fetched_content(for_remote_ip).to_s) return doc.at_css("title").text end def fetched_content(for_remote_ip = nil) return @fetched_content if @fetched_content begin s = s.timeout = 3 @fetched_content = s.fetch(self.url, :get, nil, nil, { "User-agent" => "! for #{for_remote_ip}" }, 3) rescue end @fetched_content end def hotness score = upvotes - downvotes order = Math.log([ score.abs, 1 ].max, 10) if score > 0 sign = 1 elsif score < 0 sign = -1 else sign = 0 end seconds = self.created_at.to_i - 398995200 return -(order + (sign * (seconds.to_f / 45000))).round(7) end def linkified_text Markdowner.markdown(self.description) end def tags_a{|t| t.tag } end def tags_a=(new_tags) self.tags_to_delete = [] self.tags_to_add = [] self.new_tags = new_tags self.tags.each do |tag| if !new_tags.include?(tag.tag) self.tags_to_delete.push tag end end new_tags.each do |tag| if tag.to_s != "" && !{|t| t.tag }.include?(tag) if t = Tag.find_by_tag(tag) self.tags_to_add.push t end end end end def title=(t) # change unicode whitespace characters into real spaces self[:title] = t.strip end def title_as_url u = self.title.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9_-]/, "_") while u.match(/__/) u.gsub!("__", "_") end u end def url_or_comments_url self.url.blank? ? self.comments_url : self.url end def is_editable_by_user?(user) if !user || != self.user_id return false end ( - self.created_at.to_i < (60 * MAX_EDIT_MINS)) end def is_undeletable_by_user?(user) if !user || != self.user_id return false end true end def update_comment_count! Keystore.put("story:#{}:comment_count", Comment.where(:story_id => end end