class Story < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user belongs_to :merged_into_story, :class_name => "Story", :foreign_key => "merged_story_id" has_many :merged_stories, :class_name => "Story", :foreign_key => "merged_story_id" has_many :taggings, :autosave => true has_many :comments, :inverse_of => :story has_many :tags, :through => :taggings has_many :votes, -> { where(:comment_id => nil) } has_many :voters, -> { where('votes.comment_id' => nil) }, :through => :votes, :source => :user scope :unmerged, -> { where(:merged_story_id => nil) } validates_length_of :title, :in => 3..150 validates_length_of :description, :maximum => (64 * 1024) validates_presence_of :user_id DOWNVOTABLE_DAYS = 14 # after this many minutes old, a story cannot be edited MAX_EDIT_MINS = 90 # days a story is considered recent, for resubmitting RECENT_DAYS = 30 attr_accessor :vote, :already_posted_story, :fetched_content, :previewing, :seen_previous attr_accessor :editor, :moderation_reason, :merge_story_short_id before_validation :assign_short_id_and_upvote, :on => :create before_save :log_moderation after_create :mark_submitter, :record_initial_upvote after_save :update_merged_into_story_comments validate do if self.url.present? # URI.parse is not very lenient, so we can't use it if self.url.match(/\Ahttps?:\/\/([^\.]+\.)+[a-z]+(\/|\z)/) if self.new_record? && (s = Story.find_similar_by_url(self.url)) self.already_posted_story = s if s.is_recent? errors.add(:url, "has already been submitted within the past " << "#{RECENT_DAYS} days") end end else errors.add(:url, "is not valid") end elsif self.description.to_s.strip == "" errors.add(:description, "must contain text if no URL posted") end check_tags end def self.find_similar_by_url(url) urls = [ url.to_s ] urls2 = [ url.to_s ] # https urls.each do |u| urls2.push u.gsub(/^http:\/\//i, "https://") urls2.push u.gsub(/^https:\/\//i, "http://") end urls = urls2.clone # trailing slash urls.each do |u| urls2.push u.gsub(/\/+\z/, "") urls2.push (u + "/") end urls = urls2.clone # www prefix urls.each do |u| urls2.push u.gsub(/^(https?:\/\/)www\d*\./i) {|_| $1 } urls2.push u.gsub(/^(https?:\/\/)/i) {|_| "#{$1}www." } end urls = urls2.clone if s = Story.where(:url => urls, :is_expired => false).order("id DESC").first return s end false end def self.recalculate_all_hotnesses! Story.all.order("id DESC").each do |s| s.recalculate_hotness! end true end def self.votes_cast_type Story.connection.adapter_name.match(/mysql/i) ? "signed" : "integer" end def as_json(options = {}) h = super(:only => [ :short_id, :created_at, :title, :url, ]) h[:score] = score h[:comment_count] = comments_count h[:description] = markeddown_description h[:comments_url] = comments_url h[:submitter_user] = user h[:tags] ={|t| t.tag }.sort if options && options[:with_comments] h[:comments] = options[:with_comments] end h end def assign_short_id_and_upvote self.short_id = self.upvotes = 1 end def calculated_hotness base = 0{|t| t.hotness_mod != 0 }.each do |t| base += t.hotness_mod end # give a story's comment votes some weight, but ignore the story # submitter's own comments cpoints = self.comments.where("user_id <> ?", self.user_id). select(:upvotes, :downvotes).map{|c| c.upvotes + 1 - c.downvotes }. inject(&:+).to_i # don't immediately kill stories at 0 by bumping up score by one order = Math.log([ (score + 1).abs + cpoints, 1 ].max, 10) if score > 0 sign = 1 elsif score < 0 sign = -1 else sign = 0 end # TODO: as the site grows, shrink this down to 12 or so. window = 60 * 60 * 24 return -((order * sign) + base + (self.created_at.to_f / window)).round(7) end def can_be_seen_by_user?(user) if is_gone? && !(user && (user.is_moderator? || == self.user_id)) return false end true end # this has to happen just before save rather than in tags_a= because we need # to have a valid user_id def check_tags u = self.editor || self.user self.taggings.each do |t| if !t.tag.valid_for?(u) raise "#{u.username} does not have permission to use privileged " << "tag #{t.tag.tag}" elsif t.tag.inactive? && !t.new_record? # stories can have inactive tags as long as they existed before raise "#{u.username} cannot add inactive tag #{t.tag.tag}" end end if !self.taggings.reject{|t| t.marked_for_destruction? || t.tag.is_media? }.any? errors.add(:base, "Must have at least one non-media (PDF, video) " << "tag. If no tags apply to your content, it probably doesn't " << "belong here.") end end def comments_path "#{short_id_path}/#{self.title_as_url}" end def comments_url "#{short_id_url}/#{self.title_as_url}" end def description=(desc) self[:description] = desc.to_s.rstrip self.markeddown_description = self.generated_markeddown_description end def domain if self.url.blank? nil else # URI.parse is not very lenient, so we can't use it self.url. gsub(/^[^:]+:\/\//, ""). # proto gsub(/\/.*/, ""). # path gsub(/:\d+$/, ""). # possible port gsub(/^www\d*\./, "") # possible "www3." in host end end def fetch_story_cache! if self.url.present? self.story_cache = StoryCacher.get_story_text(self.url) end end def fetched_content(for_remote_ip = nil) return @fetched_content if @fetched_content begin s = s.timeout = 3 @fetched_content = s.fetch(self.url, :get, nil, nil, { "User-agent" => "#{Rails.application.domain} for #{for_remote_ip}" }, 3) rescue end @fetched_content end def fetched_title(for_remote_ip = nil) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(fetched_content(for_remote_ip).to_s) if doc return doc.at_css("title").try(:text) else return "" end end def generated_markeddown_description Markdowner.to_html(self.description, { :allow_images => true }) end def give_upvote_or_downvote_and_recalculate_hotness!(upvote, downvote) self.upvotes += upvote.to_i self.downvotes += downvote.to_i Story.connection.execute("UPDATE #{Story.table_name} SET " << "upvotes = COALESCE(upvotes, 0) + #{upvote.to_i}, " << "downvotes = COALESCE(downvotes, 0) + #{downvote.to_i}, " << "hotness = '#{self.calculated_hotness}' WHERE id = #{}") end def hider_count @hider_count ||= Vote.where(:story_id =>, :comment_id => nil, :vote => 0).count end def is_downvotable? if self.created_at - self.created_at <= DOWNVOTABLE_DAYS.days else false end end def is_editable_by_user?(user) if user && user.is_moderator? return true elsif user && == self.user_id if self.is_moderated? return false else return ( - self.created_at.to_i < (60 * MAX_EDIT_MINS)) end else return false end end def is_gone? is_expired? end def is_recent? self.created_at >= RECENT_DAYS.days.ago end def is_unavailable self.unavailable_at != nil end def is_unavailable=(what) self.unavailable_at = (what.to_i == 1 && !self.is_unavailable ? : nil) end def is_undeletable_by_user?(user) if user && user.is_moderator? return true elsif user && == self.user_id && !self.is_moderated? return true else return false end end def log_moderation if self.new_record? || !self.editor || == self.user_id return end all_changes = self.changes.merge(self.tagging_changes) all_changes.delete("unavailable_at") if !all_changes.any? return end m = m.moderator_user_id = self.editor.try(:id) m.story_id = if all_changes["is_expired"] && self.is_expired? m.action = "deleted story" elsif all_changes["is_expired"] && !self.is_expired? m.action = "undeleted story" else m.action ={|k,v| if k == "merged_story_id" if v[1] "merged into #{self.merged_into_story.short_id} " << "(#{self.merged_into_story.title})" else "unmerged from another story" end else "changed #{k} from #{v[0].inspect} to #{v[1].inspect}" end }.join(", ") end m.reason = self.moderation_reason self.is_moderated = true end def mailing_list_message_id "story.#{short_id}.#{created_at.to_i}@#{Rails.application.domain}" end def mark_submitter Keystore.increment_value_for("user:#{self.user_id}:stories_submitted") end def merge_into_story!(story) self.merged_story_id =! end def merged_comments # TODO: make this a normal has_many? Comment.where(:story_id => where(:merged_story_id => + [ ]) end def merge_story_short_id=(sid) self.merged_story_id = sid.present?? Story.where(:short_id => sid) : nil end def recalculate_hotness! update_column :hotness, calculated_hotness end def record_initial_upvote Vote.vote_thusly_on_story_or_comment_for_user_because(1,, nil, self.user_id, nil, false) end def score upvotes - downvotes end def short_id_path Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.root_path + "s/#{self.short_id}" end def short_id_url Rails.application.root_url + "s/#{self.short_id}" end def sorted_taggings self.taggings.sort_by{|t| t.tag.tag }.sort_by{|t| t.tag.is_media?? -1 : 0 } end def tagging_changes old_tags_a = self.taggings.reject{|tg| tg.new_record? }.map{|tg| tg.tag.tag }.join(" ") new_tags_a = self.taggings.reject{|tg| tg.marked_for_destruction? }.map{|tg| tg.tag.tag }.join(" ") if old_tags_a == new_tags_a {} else { "tags" => [ old_tags_a, new_tags_a ] } end end @_tags_a = [] def tags_a @_tags_a ||={|t| t.tag.tag } end def tags_a=(new_tag_names_a) self.taggings.each do |tagging| if !new_tag_names_a.include?(tagging.tag.tag) tagging.mark_for_destruction end end new_tag_names_a.each do |tag_name| if tag_name.to_s != "" && !self.tags.exists?(:tag => tag_name) if t = => tag_name).first # we can't lookup whether the user is allowed to use this tag yet # because we aren't assured to have a user_id by now; we'll do it in # the validation with check_tags tg = tg.tag_id = end end end end def title=(t) # change unicode whitespace characters into real spaces self[:title] = t.strip end def title_as_url u = self.title.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9_-]/, "_") while u.match(/__/) u.gsub!("__", "_") end u.gsub(/^_+/, "").gsub(/_+$/, "") end def to_param self.short_id end def update_availability if self.is_unavailable && !self.unavailable_at self.unavailable_at = elsif self.unavailable_at && !self.is_unavailable self.unavailable_at = nil end end def update_comments_count! comments = self.merged_comments.arrange_for_user(nil) # calculate count after removing deleted comments and threads self.update_column :comments_count, (self.comments_count = comments.count{|c| !c.is_gone? }) self.recalculate_hotness! end def update_merged_into_story_comments if self.merged_into_story self.merged_into_story.update_comments_count! end end def url=(u) # strip out stupid google analytics parameters if u && (m = u.match(/\A([^\?]+)\?(.+)\z/)) params = m[2].split("&") params.reject!{|p| p.match(/^utm_(source|medium|campaign|term|content)=/) } u = m[1] << (params.any?? "?" << params.join("&") : "") end self[:url] = u.to_s.strip end def url_is_editable_by_user?(user) if self.new_record? true elsif user && user.is_moderator? && self.url.present? true else false end end def url_or_comments_path self.url.blank? ? self.comments_path : self.url end def url_or_comments_url self.url.blank? ? self.comments_url : self.url end def vote_summary_for(user) r_counts = {} r_whos = {} Vote.where(:story_id =>, :comment_id => nil).where("vote != 0").each do |v| r_counts[v.reason.to_s] ||= 0 r_counts[v.reason.to_s] += if user && user.is_moderator? r_whos[v.reason.to_s] ||= [] r_whos[v.reason.to_s].push v.user.username end end{|k| if k == "" "+#{r_counts[k]}" else "#{r_counts[k]} " + (Vote::STORY_REASONS[k] || Vote::OLD_STORY_REASONS[k] || k) + (user && user.is_moderator?? " (#{r_whos[k].join(", ")})" : "") end }.join(", ") end end