class HomeController < ApplicationController STORIES_PER_PAGE = 25 # for rss feeds, load the user's tag filters if a token is passed before_filter :find_user_from_rss_token, :only => [ :index, :newest ] def index @stories = find_stories_for_user_and_tag_and_newest_and_by_user(@user, nil, false, nil) @rss_link ||= "" @heading = @title = "" @cur_url = "/" respond_to do |format| format.html { render :action => "index" } format.rss { if @user && params[:token].present? @title = "Private feed for #{@user.username}" end render :action => "rss", :layout => false } format.json { render :json => @stories } end end def newest @stories = find_stories_for_user_and_tag_and_newest_and_by_user(@user, nil, true, nil) @heading = @title = "Newest Stories" @cur_url = "/newest" @rss_link = "" @newest = true respond_to do |format| format.html { render :action => "index" } format.rss { if @user && params[:token].present? @title += " - Private feed for #{@user.username}" end render :action => "rss", :layout => false } format.json { render :json => @stories } end end def newest_by_user for_user = User.find_by_username!(params[:user]) @stories = find_stories_for_user_and_tag_and_newest_and_by_user(@user, nil, false, @heading = @title = "Newest Stories by #{for_user.username}" @cur_url = "/newest/#{for_user.username}" @newest = true @for_user = for_user.username render :action => "index" end def tagged @tag = Tag.find_by_tag!(params[:tag]) @stories = find_stories_for_user_and_tag_and_newest_and_by_user(@user, @tag, false, nil) @heading = @title = @tag.description.blank?? @tag.tag : @tag.description @cur_url = tag_url(@tag.tag) @rss_link = "" respond_to do |format| format.html { render :action => "index" } format.rss { render :action => "rss", :layout => false } end end private def find_stories_for_user_and_tag_and_newest_and_by_user(user, tag = nil, newest = false, by_user = nil) @page = 1 if params[:page].to_i > 0 @page = params[:page].to_i end # guest views have caching, but don't bother for logged-in users (or dev) if Rails.env == "development" || user stories, @show_more = _find_stories_for_user_and_tag_and_newest_and_by_user(user, tag, newest, by_user) else stories, @show_more = Rails.cache.fetch("stories tag:" << "#{tag ? tag.tag : ""} new:#{newest} page:#{@page.to_i} by:#{by_user}", :expires_in => 45) do _find_stories_for_user_and_tag_and_newest_and_by_user(user, tag, newest, by_user) end end stories end def _find_stories_for_user_and_tag_and_newest_and_by_user(user, tag = nil, newest = false, by_user = nil) conds = [ "is_expired = 0 " ] if user && !(newest || by_user) # exclude downvoted items conds[0] << "AND NOT IN (SELECT story_id FROM votes " << "WHERE user_id = ? AND vote < 0 AND comment_id IS NULL) " conds.push end if tag conds[0] << "AND IN (SELECT taggings.story_id FROM " << "taggings WHERE taggings.tag_id = ?)" conds.push elsif by_user conds[0] << "AND stories.user_id = ?" conds.push by_user elsif user conds[0] += " AND taggings.tag_id NOT IN (SELECT tag_id FROM " << "tag_filters WHERE user_id = ?)" conds.push else # for logged-out users, filter defaults conds[0] += " AND taggings.tag_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM " << "tags WHERE filtered_by_default = ?)" conds.push true end stories = Story.find( :all, :conditions => conds, :include => [ :user, { :taggings => :tag } ], :limit => STORIES_PER_PAGE + 1, :offset => ((@page - 1) * STORIES_PER_PAGE), :order => (newest ? "stories.created_at DESC" : "hotness") ) show_more = false if stories.count > STORIES_PER_PAGE show_more = true stories.pop end # TODO: figure out a better sorting algorithm for newest, including some # older stories that got one or two votes if user votes = Vote.votes_by_user_for_stories_hash(,{|s| }) stories.each do |s| if votes[] = votes[] end end end # eager load comment counts if stories.any? comment_counts = {} Keystore.find(:all, :conditions =>{|s| "`key` = 'story:#{}:comment_count'" }.join(" OR ")).each do |ks| comment_counts[ks.key[/\d+/].to_i] = ks.value end stories.each do |s| s._comment_count = comment_counts[].to_i end end [ stories, show_more ] end def find_user_from_rss_token if !@user && request[:format] == "rss" && params[:token].to_s.present? @user = User.find_by_rss_token(params[:token]) end end end