class CommentsController < ApplicationController COMMENTS_PER_PAGE = 20 # for rss feeds, load the user's tag filters if a token is passed before_filter :find_user_from_rss_token, :only => [ :index ] before_filter :require_logged_in_user_or_400, :only => [ :create, :preview, :upvote, :downvote, :unvote ] # for rss feeds, load the user's tag filters if a token is passed before_filter :find_user_from_rss_token, :only => [ :index ] def create if !(story = Story.where(:short_id => params[:story_id]).first) || story.is_gone? return render :text => "can't find story", :status => 400 end comment = comment.comment = params[:comment].to_s comment.user = @user if params[:hat_id] && @user.hats.where(:id => params[:hat_id]) comment.hat_id = params[:hat_id] end if params[:parent_comment_short_id].present? if pc = Comment.where(:story_id =>, :short_id => params[:parent_comment_short_id]).first comment.parent_comment = pc else return render :json => { :error => "invalid parent comment", :status => 400 } end end # prevent double-clicks of the post button if params[:preview].blank? && (pc = Comment.where(:story_id =>, :user_id =>, :parent_comment_id => comment.parent_comment_id).first) if ( - pc.created_at) < 5.minutes comment.errors.add(:comment, "^You have already posted a comment " << "here recently.") return render :partial => "commentbox", :layout => false, :content_type => "text/html", :locals => { :comment => comment } end end if comment.valid? && params[:preview].blank? && comment.current_vote = { :vote => 1 } render :partial => "comments/postedreply", :layout => false, :content_type => "text/html", :locals => { :comment => comment } else comment.upvotes = 1 comment.current_vote = { :vote => 1 } preview comment end end def show if !((comment = find_comment) && comment.is_editable_by_user?(@user)) return render :text => "can't find comment", :status => 400 end render :partial => "comment", :layout => false, :content_type => "text/html", :locals => { :comment => comment } end def show_short_id if !(comment = find_comment) return render :text => "can't find comment", :status => 400 end render :json => comment.as_json end def redirect_from_short_id if comment = find_comment return redirect_to comment.url else return render :text => "can't find comment", :status => 400 end end def edit if !((comment = find_comment) && comment.is_editable_by_user?(@user)) return render :text => "can't find comment", :status => 400 end render :partial => "commentbox", :layout => false, :content_type => "text/html", :locals => { :comment => comment } end def reply if !(parent_comment = find_comment) return render :text => "can't find comment", :status => 400 end comment = comment.story = parent_comment.story comment.parent_comment = parent_comment render :partial => "commentbox", :layout => false, :content_type => "text/html", :locals => { :comment => comment } end def delete if !((comment = find_comment) && comment.is_deletable_by_user?(@user)) return render :text => "can't find comment", :status => 400 end comment.delete_for_user(@user, params[:reason]) render :partial => "comment", :layout => false, :content_type => "text/html", :locals => { :comment => comment } end def undelete if !((comment = find_comment) && comment.is_undeletable_by_user?(@user)) return render :text => "can't find comment", :status => 400 end comment.undelete_for_user(@user) render :partial => "comment", :layout => false, :content_type => "text/html", :locals => { :comment => comment } end def update if !((comment = find_comment) && comment.is_editable_by_user?(@user)) return render :text => "can't find comment", :status => 400 end comment.comment = params[:comment] comment.hat_id = nil if params[:hat_id] && @user.hats.where(:id => params[:hat_id]) comment.hat_id = params[:hat_id] end if params[:preview].blank? && votes = Vote.comment_votes_by_user_for_comment_ids_hash(, []) comment.current_vote = votes[] render :partial => "comments/comment", :layout => false, :content_type => "text/html", :locals => { :comment => comment } else comment.current_vote = { :vote => 1 } preview comment end end def unvote if !(comment = find_comment) return render :text => "can't find comment", :status => 400 end Vote.vote_thusly_on_story_or_comment_for_user_because(0, comment.story_id,,, nil) render :text => "ok" end def upvote if !(comment = find_comment) return render :text => "can't find comment", :status => 400 end Vote.vote_thusly_on_story_or_comment_for_user_because(1, comment.story_id,,, params[:reason]) render :text => "ok" end def downvote if !(comment = find_comment) return render :text => "can't find comment", :status => 400 end if !Vote::COMMENT_REASONS[params[:reason]] return render :text => "invalid reason", :status => 400 end if !@user.can_downvote?(comment) return render :text => "not permitted to downvote", :status => 400 end Vote.vote_thusly_on_story_or_comment_for_user_because(-1, comment.story_id,,, params[:reason]) render :text => "ok" end def index @rss_link ||= { :title => "RSS 2.0 - Newest Comments", :href => "/comments.rss#{@user ? "?token=#{@user.rss_token}" : ""}" } @heading = @title = "Newest Comments" @cur_url = "/comments" @page = params[:page].to_i if @page == 0 @page = 1 elsif @page < 0 || @page > (2 ** 32) raise"page out of bounds") end @comments = Comment.where( :is_deleted => false, :is_moderated => false ).order( "created_at DESC" ).offset( (@page - 1) * COMMENTS_PER_PAGE ).limit( COMMENTS_PER_PAGE ).includes( :user, :story ) if @user @comments = @comments.where("story_id NOT IN (SELECT story_id FROM " << "hidden_stories WHERE user_id = ?)", @votes = Vote.comment_votes_by_user_for_comment_ids_hash(,{|c| }) @comments.each do |c| if @votes[] c.current_vote = @votes[] end end end respond_to do |format| format.html { render :action => "index" } format.rss { if @user && params[:token].present? @title = "Private comments feed for #{@user.username}" end render :action => "index.rss", :layout => false } end end def threads if params[:user] @showing_user = User.where(:username => params[:user]).first! @heading = @title = "Threads for #{@showing_user.username}" @cur_url = "/threads/#{@showing_user.username}" elsif !@user # TODO: show all recent threads return redirect_to "/login" else @showing_user = @user @heading = @title = "Your Threads" @cur_url = "/threads" end thread_ids = @showing_user.recent_threads(20, include_submitted_stories = !!(@user && == comments = Comment.where( :thread_id => thread_ids ).includes( :user, :story ).arrange_for_user( @showing_user ) comments_by_thread_id = comments.group_by(&:thread_id) @threads = comments_by_thread_id.values_at(*thread_ids).compact if @user && ( == @votes = Vote.comment_votes_by_user_for_story_hash(, comments.each do |c| if @votes[] c.current_vote = @votes[] end end end # trim each thread to this user's first response # XXX: busted #@threads.each do |th| # th.each do |c| # if c.user_id == # break # else # th.shift # end # end #end end private def preview(comment) comment.previewing = true comment.is_deleted = false # show normal preview for deleted comments render :partial => "comments/commentbox", :layout => false, :content_type => "text/html", :locals => { :comment => comment, :show_comment => comment } end def find_comment comment = Comment.where(:short_id => params[:id]).first if @user && comment comment.current_vote = Vote.where(:user_id =>, :story_id => comment.story_id, :comment_id => end comment end end