class FakeDataGenerator def initialize(users_count, stories_count) @users_count = users_count @stories_count = stories_count end def generate users = 0.upto(@users_count).map do |i| name = password = Faker::Internet.password user_name = Faker::Internet.user_name(name, %w(_)) User.create! email:, password: password, password_confirmation: password, username: user_name end @stories_count.times do user = users[Random.rand(users.length-1)] title = Faker::Lorem.sentence(3) tag = Tag.find_or_create_by! tag: title.split(' ').first.downcase Story.create! user: user, title: title, url: Faker::Internet.url, tags_a: [tag.tag] end end end desc 'Generates fake data for testing purposes' task fake_data: :environment do fail "It's not intended to be run outside development environment" unless Rails.env.development? unless (User.count + Tag.count + Story.count) == 0 fail "Please ensure that you're running it on clean database because it will destroy all data" end User.destroy_all Tag.destroy_all Story.destroy_all, 1_000).generate end