Invitations are unlimited, but persons you invite will be associated with your account in the user tree and you may be responsible for them if they cause problems. Please use your discretion when inviting persons you don't personally know.

<%= form_tag "/invitations", :method => :post do |f| %> <% if defined?(return_home) && return_home %> <%= hidden_field_tag :return_home, 1 %> <% end %>
<%= label_tag :email, "E-mail Address:", :class => "required" %> <%= text_field_tag :email, "", :size => 30, :autocomplete => "off" %>
<%= label_tag :memo, "Memo to User:", :class => "required" %> <%= text_field_tag :memo, "", :size => 60 %>

<%= submit_tag "Send Invitation" %>
<% end %>