Delete minifill.js

This commit is contained in:
thednp 2016-03-15 10:15:50 +02:00
parent 394f03c5f0
commit 77ad033c75

View file

@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
// Document
if (!this.Document){this.Document = this.HTMLDocument; }
// Element
if (!window.HTMLElement) { window.HTMLElement = window.Element; }
if(!{ = function now() { return new Date().getTime(); }; }
if ("performance" in window == false) { window.performance = {}; }
if ("now" in window.performance == false){
var nowOffset =; = function now(){
return - nowOffset;
// Array.prototype.indexOf
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function indexOf(searchElement) {
if (this === undefined || this === null) {
throw new TypeError(this + 'is not an object');
var arraylike = this instanceof String ? this.split('') : this,
length = Math.max(Math.min(arraylike.length, 9007199254740991), 0) || 0,
index = Number(arguments[1]) || 0;
index = (index < 0 ? Math.max(length + index, 0) : index) - 1;
while (++index < length) {
if (index in arraylike && arraylike[index] === searchElement) {
return index;
return -1;
// getComputedStyle
if (!('getComputedStyle' in window)) {
function getComputedStylePixel(element, property, fontSize) {
// Internet Explorer sometimes struggles to read currentStyle until the element's document is accessed.
var value = element.document && element.currentStyle[property].match(/([\d\.]+)(%|cm|em|in|mm|pc|pt|)/) || [0, 0, ''],
size = value[1],
suffix = value[2],
fontSize = !fontSize ? fontSize : /%|em/.test(suffix) && element.parentElement ? getComputedStylePixel(element.parentElement, 'fontSize', null) : 16;
rootSize = property == 'fontSize' ? fontSize : /width/i.test(property) ? element.clientWidth : element.clientHeight;
return suffix == '%' ? size / 100 * rootSize :
suffix == 'cm' ? size * 0.3937 * 96 :
suffix == 'em' ? size * fontSize :
suffix == 'in' ? size * 96 :
suffix == 'mm' ? size * 0.3937 * 96 / 10 :
suffix == 'pc' ? size * 12 * 96 / 72 :
suffix == 'pt' ? size * 96 / 72 :
function setShortStyleProperty(style, property) {
var borderSuffix = property == 'border' ? 'Width' : '',
t = property + 'Top' + borderSuffix,
r = property + 'Right' + borderSuffix,
b = property + 'Bottom' + borderSuffix,
l = property + 'Left' + borderSuffix;
style[property] = (style[t] == style[r] && style[t] == style[b] && style[t] == style[l] ? [ style[t] ] :
style[t] == style[b] && style[l] == style[r] ? [ style[t], style[r] ] :
style[l] == style[r] ? [ style[t], style[r], style[b] ] :
[ style[t], style[r], style[b], style[l] ]).join(' ');
// <CSSStyleDeclaration>
function CSSStyleDeclaration(element) {
var style = this,
currentStyle = element.currentStyle,
fontSize = getComputedStylePixel(element, 'fontSize'),
unCamelCase = function (match) {
return '-' + match.toLowerCase();
for (property in currentStyle) {, property == 'styleFloat' ? 'float' : property.replace(/[A-Z]/, unCamelCase));
if (property == 'width') {
style[property] = element.offsetWidth + 'px';
} else if (property == 'height') {
style[property] = element.offsetHeight + 'px';
} else if (property == 'styleFloat') {
style.float = currentStyle[property];
} else if (/margin.|padding.|border.+W/.test(property) && style[property] != 'auto') {
style[property] = Math.round(getComputedStylePixel(element, property, fontSize)) + 'px';
} else if (/^outline/.test(property)) {
// errors on checking outline
try {
style[property] = currentStyle[property];
} catch (error) {
style.outlineColor = currentStyle.color;
style.outlineStyle = style.outlineStyle || 'none';
style.outlineWidth = style.outlineWidth || '0px';
style.outline = [style.outlineColor, style.outlineWidth, style.outlineStyle].join(' ');
} else {
style[property] = currentStyle[property];
setShortStyleProperty(style, 'margin');
setShortStyleProperty(style, 'padding');
setShortStyleProperty(style, 'border');
style.fontSize = Math.round(fontSize) + 'px';
CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype = {
constructor: CSSStyleDeclaration,
// <CSSStyleDeclaration>.getPropertyPriority
getPropertyPriority: function () {
throw new Error('NotSupportedError: DOM Exception 9');
// <CSSStyleDeclaration>.getPropertyValue
getPropertyValue: function (property) {
return this[property.replace(/-\w/g, function (match) {
return match[1].toUpperCase();
// <CSSStyleDeclaration>.item
item: function (index) {
return this[index];
// <CSSStyleDeclaration>.removeProperty
removeProperty: function () {
throw new Error('NoModificationAllowedError: DOM Exception 7');
// <CSSStyleDeclaration>.setProperty
setProperty: function () {
throw new Error('NoModificationAllowedError: DOM Exception 7');
// <CSSStyleDeclaration>.getPropertyCSSValue
getPropertyCSSValue: function () {
throw new Error('NotSupportedError: DOM Exception 9');
// <Global>.getComputedStyle
window.getComputedStyle = function getComputedStyle(element) {
return new CSSStyleDeclaration(element);
// requestAnimationFrame
if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) {
var lT =; // lastTime
window.requestAnimationFrame = function (callback) {
'use strict';
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError(callback + 'is not a function');
var cT =, // currentTime
dl = 16 + lT - cT; // delay
if (dl < 0) { dl = 0; }
lT = cT;
return setTimeout(function () {
lT =;
}, dl);
window.cancelAnimationFrame = function (id) {
// Event
if (!window.Event||!Window.prototype.Event) {
(function (){
window.Event = Window.prototype.Event = Document.prototype.Event = Element.prototype.Event = function Event(t, args) {
if (!t) { throw new Error('Not enough arguments'); } // t is event.type
var ev,
b = args && args.bubbles !== undefined ? args.bubbles : false,
c = args && args.cancelable !== undefined ? args.cancelable : false;
if ( 'createEvent' in document ) {
ev = document.createEvent('Event');
ev.initEvent(t, b, c);
} else {
ev = document.createEventObject();
ev.type = t;
ev.bubbles = b;
ev.cancelable = c;
return ev;
// CustomEvent
if (!('CustomEvent' in window) || !('CustomEvent' in Window.prototype)) {
window.CustomEvent = Window.prototype.CustomEvent = Document.prototype.CustomEvent = Element.prototype.CustomEvent = function CustomEvent(type, args) {
if (!type) {
throw Error('TypeError: Failed to construct "CustomEvent": An event name must be provided.');
var ev = new Event(type, args);
ev.detail = args && args.detail || null;
return ev;
// addEventListener
if (!window.addEventListener||!Window.prototype.addEventListener) {
(function (){
window.addEventListener = Window.prototype.addEventListener = Document.prototype.addEventListener = Element.prototype.addEventListener = function addEventListener() {
var el = this, // element
t = arguments[0], // type
l = arguments[1]; // listener
if (!el._events) { el._events = {}; }
if (!el._events[t]) {
el._events[t] = function (e) {
var ls = el._events[e.type].list, evs = ls.slice(), i = -1, lg = evs.length, eE; // list | events | index | length | eventElement
e.preventDefault = function preventDefault() {
if (e.cancelable !== false) {
e.returnValue = false;
e.stopPropagation = function stopPropagation() {
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.stopImmediatePropagation = function stopImmediatePropagation() {
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.cancelImmediate = true;
e.currentTarget = el;
e.relatedTarget = e.fromElement || null; = || e.srcElement || el;
e.timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
if (e.clientX) {
e.pageX = e.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
e.pageY = e.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
while (++i < lg && !e.cancelImmediate) {
if (i in evs) {
eE = evs[i];
if (ls.indexOf(eE) !== -1 && typeof eE === 'function') {, e);
el._events[t].list = [];
if (el.attachEvent) {
el.attachEvent('on' + t, el._events[t]);
window.removeEventListener = Window.prototype.removeEventListener = Document.prototype.removeEventListener = Element.prototype.removeEventListener = function removeEventListener() {
var el = this, t = arguments[0], l = arguments[1], i; // element // type // listener // index
if (el._events && el._events[t] && el._events[t].list) {
i = el._events[t].list.indexOf(l);
if (i !== -1) {
el._events[t].list.splice(i, 1);
if (!el._events[t].list.length) {
if (el.detachEvent) {
el.detachEvent('on' + t, el._events[t]);
delete el._events[t];
// Event dispatcher / trigger
if (!window.dispatchEvent||!Window.prototype.dispatchEvent||!Document.prototype.dispatchEvent||!Element.prototype.dispatchEvent) {
window.dispatchEvent = Window.prototype.dispatchEvent = Document.prototype.dispatchEvent = Element.prototype.dispatchEvent = function dispatchEvent(e) {
if (!arguments.length) {
throw new Error('Not enough arguments');
if (!e || typeof e.type !== 'string') {
throw new Error('DOM Events Exception 0');
var el = this, t = e.type; // element | event type
try {
if (!e.bubbles) {
e.cancelBubble = true;
var cancelBubbleEvent = function (event) {
event.cancelBubble = true;
(el || window).detachEvent('on' + t, cancelBubbleEvent);
this.attachEvent('on' + t, cancelBubbleEvent);
this.fireEvent('on' + t, e);
} catch (error) { = el;
do {
e.currentTarget = el;
if ('_events' in el && typeof el._events[t] === 'function') {
el._events[t].call(el, e);
if (typeof el['on' + t] === 'function') {
el['on' + t].call(el, e);
el = el.nodeType === 9 ? el.parentWindow : el.parentNode;
} while (el && !e.cancelBubble);
return true;