import getStyleForProperty from '../process/getStyleForProperty.js'; import numbers from '../interpolation/numbers.js'; import { onStartDraw } from './svgDrawBase.js'; /* svgDraw = { property: 'draw', defaultValue, Interpolate: {numbers} }, functions = { prepareStart, prepareProperty, onStart } } */ // Component Util function percent(v, l) { return (parseFloat(v) / 100) * l; } // // returns the length of a Rect function getRectLength(el) { const w = el.getAttribute('width'); const h = el.getAttribute('height'); return (w * 2) + (h * 2); } // getPolygonLength / getPolylineLength // returns the length of the Polygon / Polyline function getPolyLength(el) { const points = el.getAttribute('points').split(' '); let len = 0; if (points.length > 1) { const coord = (p) => { const c = p.split(','); if (c.length !== 2) { return 0; } // return undefined if (Number.isNaN(c[0] * 1) || Number.isNaN(c[1] * 1)) { return 0; } return [parseFloat(c[0]), parseFloat(c[1])]; }; const dist = (c1, c2) => { if (c1 !== undefined && c2 !== undefined) { return Math.sqrt((c2[0] - c1[0]) ** 2 + (c2[1] - c1[1]) ** 2); } return 0; }; if (points.length > 2) { for (let i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i += 1) { len += dist(coord(points[i]), coord(points[i + 1])); } } len += el.tagName === 'polygon' ? dist(coord(points[0]), coord(points[points.length - 1])) : 0; } return len; } // return the length of the line function getLineLength(el) { const x1 = el.getAttribute('x1'); const x2 = el.getAttribute('x2'); const y1 = el.getAttribute('y1'); const y2 = el.getAttribute('y2'); return Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2); } // return the length of the circle function getCircleLength(el) { const r = el.getAttribute('r'); return 2 * Math.PI * r; } // returns the length of an ellipse function getEllipseLength(el) { const rx = el.getAttribute('rx'); const ry = el.getAttribute('ry'); const len = 2 * rx; const wid = 2 * ry; return ((Math.sqrt(0.5 * ((len * len) + (wid * wid)))) * (Math.PI * 2)) / 2; } // returns the result of any of the below functions function getTotalLength(el) { if (el.tagName === 'rect') { return getRectLength(el); } if (el.tagName === 'circle') { return getCircleLength(el); } if (el.tagName === 'ellipse') { return getEllipseLength(el); } if (['polygon', 'polyline'].includes(el.tagName)) { return getPolyLength(el); } if (el.tagName === 'line') { return getLineLength(el); } // ESLint return 0; } function getDraw(element, value) { const length = /path|glyph/.test(element.tagName) ? element.getTotalLength() : getTotalLength(element); let start; let end; let dasharray; let offset; if (value instanceof Object) { return value; } if (typeof value === 'string') { const v = value.split(/,|\s/); start = /%/.test(v[0]) ? percent(v[0].trim(), length) : parseFloat(v[0]); end = /%/.test(v[1]) ? percent(v[1].trim(), length) : parseFloat(v[1]); } else if (typeof value === 'undefined') { offset = parseFloat(getStyleForProperty(element, 'stroke-dashoffset')); dasharray = getStyleForProperty(element, 'stroke-dasharray').split(','); start = 0 - offset; end = parseFloat(dasharray[0]) + start || length; } return { s: start, e: end, l: length }; } function resetDraw(elem) { = ''; = ''; } // Component Functions function getDrawValue(/* prop, value */) { return getDraw(this.element); } function prepareDraw(a, o) { return getDraw(this.element, o); } // All Component Functions const svgDrawFunctions = { prepareStart: getDrawValue, prepareProperty: prepareDraw, onStart: onStartDraw, }; // Component Full const svgDraw = { component: 'svgDraw', property: 'draw', defaultValue: '0% 0%', Interpolate: { numbers }, functions: svgDrawFunctions, // Export to global for faster execution Util: { getRectLength, getPolyLength, getLineLength, getCircleLength, getEllipseLength, getTotalLength, resetDraw, getDraw, percent, }, }; export default svgDraw;