import pathToCurve from 'svg-path-commander/src/convert/pathToCurve.js'; import pathToString from 'svg-path-commander/src/convert/pathToString.js'; import normalizePath from 'svg-path-commander/src/process/normalizePath.js'; import splitPath from 'svg-path-commander/src/process/splitPath.js'; import roundPath from 'svg-path-commander/src/process/roundPath.js'; import invalidPathValue from 'svg-path-commander/src/util/invalidPathValue.js'; import getPathLength from 'svg-path-commander/src/util/getPathLength.js'; import getPointAtLength from 'svg-path-commander/src/util/getPointAtLength.js'; import getDrawDirection from 'svg-path-commander/src/util/getDrawDirection.js'; import epsilon from 'svg-path-commander/src/math/epsilon.js'; import midPoint from 'svg-path-commander/src/math/midPoint.js'; import distanceSquareRoot from 'svg-path-commander/src/math/distanceSquareRoot.js'; import { onStartSVGMorph } from './svgMorphBase.js'; import coords from '../interpolation/coords.js'; import defaultOptions from '../objects/defaultOptions.js'; import selector from '../util/selector.js'; /* SVGMorph = { property: 'path', defaultValue: [], interpolators: {numbers,coords}, functions = { prepareStart, prepareProperty, onStart, crossCheck } } */ // Component Interpolation // function function(array1, array2, length, progress) // Component Util // original script flubber // function polygonLength(ring) { return ring.reduce((length, point, i) => (i ? length + distanceSquareRoot(ring[i - 1], point) : 0), 0); } function exactRing(pathArray) { const ring = []; const pathlen = pathArray.length; let segment = []; let pathCommand = ''; let pathLength = 0; if (!pathArray.length || pathArray[0][0] !== 'M') { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < pathlen; i += 1) { segment = pathArray[i]; [pathCommand] = segment; if ((pathCommand === 'M' && i) || pathCommand === 'Z') { break; // !! } else if ('ML'.indexOf(pathCommand) > -1) { ring.push([segment[1], segment[2]]); } else { return false; } } pathLength = polygonLength(ring); return pathlen ? { ring, pathLength } : false; } function approximateRing(parsed, maxSegmentLength) { const ringPath = splitPath(pathToString(parsed))[0]; const curvePath = pathToCurve(ringPath, 4); const pathLength = getPathLength(curvePath); const ring = []; let numPoints = 3; let point; if (maxSegmentLength && !Number.isNaN(maxSegmentLength) && +maxSegmentLength > 0) { numPoints = Math.max(numPoints, Math.ceil(pathLength / maxSegmentLength)); } for (let i = 0; i < numPoints; i += 1) { point = getPointAtLength(curvePath, (pathLength * i) / numPoints); ring.push([point.x, point.y]); } // Make all rings clockwise if (!getDrawDirection(curvePath)) { ring.reverse(); } return { pathLength, ring, skipBisect: true, }; } function pathStringToRing(str, maxSegmentLength) { const parsed = normalizePath(str, 0); return exactRing(parsed) || approximateRing(parsed, maxSegmentLength); } function rotateRing(ring, vs) { const len = ring.length; let min = Infinity; let bestOffset; let sumOfSquares = 0; let spliced; let d; let p; for (let offset = 0; offset < len; offset += 1) { sumOfSquares = 0; // vs.forEach((p, i) => { // const d = distanceSquareRoot(ring[(offset + i) % len], p); // sumOfSquares += d * d; // }); for (let i = 0; i < vs.length; i += 1) { p = vs[i]; d = distanceSquareRoot(ring[(offset + i) % len], p); sumOfSquares += d * d; } if (sumOfSquares < min) { min = sumOfSquares; bestOffset = offset; } } if (bestOffset) { spliced = ring.splice(0, bestOffset); ring.splice(ring.length, 0, ...spliced); } } function addPoints(ring, numPoints) { const desiredLength = ring.length + numPoints; // const step = ring.pathLength / numPoints; const step = polygonLength(ring) / numPoints; let i = 0; let cursor = 0; let insertAt = step / 2; let a; let b; let segment; while (ring.length < desiredLength) { a = ring[i]; b = ring[(i + 1) % ring.length]; segment = distanceSquareRoot(a, b); if (insertAt <= cursor + segment) { ring.splice(i + 1, 0, segment ? midPoint(a, b, (insertAt - cursor) / segment) : a.slice(0)); insertAt += step; } else { cursor += segment; i += 1; } } } function bisect(ring, maxSegmentLength = Infinity) { let a = []; let b = []; for (let i = 0; i < ring.length; i += 1) { a = ring[i]; b = i === ring.length - 1 ? ring[0] : ring[i + 1]; // Could splice the whole set for a segment instead, but a bit messy while (distanceSquareRoot(a, b) > maxSegmentLength) { b = midPoint(a, b, 0.5); ring.splice(i + 1, 0, b); } } } function validRing(ring) { return Array.isArray(ring) && ring.every((point) => Array.isArray(point) && point.length === 2 && !Number.isNaN(point[0]) && !Number.isNaN(point[1])); } function normalizeRing(input, maxSegmentLength) { let skipBisect; let pathLength; let ring = input; if (typeof (ring) === 'string') { const converted = pathStringToRing(ring, maxSegmentLength); ring = converted.ring; skipBisect = converted.skipBisect; pathLength = converted.pathLength; } else if (!Array.isArray(ring)) { throw Error(`${invalidPathValue}: ${ring}`); } const points = ring.slice(0); points.pathLength = pathLength; if (!validRing(points)) { throw Error(`${invalidPathValue}: ${points}`); } // TODO skip this test to avoid scale issues? // Chosen epsilon (1e-6) is problematic for small coordinate range, we now use 1e-9 if (points.length > 1 && distanceSquareRoot(points[0], points[points.length - 1]) < epsilon) { points.pop(); } if (!skipBisect && maxSegmentLength && !Number.isNaN(maxSegmentLength) && (+maxSegmentLength) > 0) { bisect(points, maxSegmentLength); } return points; } function getInterpolationPoints(pathArray1, pathArray2, precision) { const morphPrecision = precision || defaultOptions.morphPrecision; const fromRing = normalizeRing(pathArray1, morphPrecision); const toRing = normalizeRing(pathArray2, morphPrecision); const diff = fromRing.length - toRing.length; addPoints(fromRing, diff < 0 ? diff * -1 : 0); addPoints(toRing, diff > 0 ? diff : 0); rotateRing(fromRing, toRing); return [roundPath(fromRing), roundPath(toRing)]; } // Component functions function getSVGMorph(/* tweenProp */) { return this.element.getAttribute('d'); } function prepareSVGMorph(tweenProp, value) { const pathObject = {}; // remove newlines, they brake JSON strings sometimes const pathReg = new RegExp('\\n', 'ig'); let elem = null; if (value instanceof SVGElement) { elem = value; } else if (/^\.|^#/.test(value)) { elem = selector(value); } // first make sure we return pre-processed values if (typeof (value) === 'object' && value.pathArray) { return value; } if (elem && ['path', 'glyph'].includes(elem.tagName)) { pathObject.original = elem.getAttribute('d').replace(pathReg, ''); // maybe it's a string path already } else if (!elem && typeof (value) === 'string') { pathObject.original = value.replace(pathReg, ''); } return pathObject; } function crossCheckSVGMorph(prop) { if (this.valuesEnd[prop]) { const pathArray1 = this.valuesStart[prop].pathArray; const pathArray2 = this.valuesEnd[prop].pathArray; // skip already processed paths // allow the component to work with pre-processed values if (!pathArray1 || !pathArray2 || (pathArray1 && pathArray2 && pathArray1.length !== pathArray2.length)) { const p1 = this.valuesStart[prop].original; const p2 = this.valuesEnd[prop].original; // process morphPrecision const morphPrecision = this._morphPrecision ? parseInt(this._morphPrecision, 10) : defaultOptions.morphPrecision; const [path1, path2] = getInterpolationPoints(p1, p2, morphPrecision); this.valuesStart[prop].pathArray = path1; this.valuesEnd[prop].pathArray = path2; } } } // All Component Functions const svgMorphFunctions = { prepareStart: getSVGMorph, prepareProperty: prepareSVGMorph, onStart: onStartSVGMorph, crossCheck: crossCheckSVGMorph, }; // Component Full const svgMorph = { component: 'svgMorph', property: 'path', defaultValue: [], Interpolate: coords, defaultOptions: { morphPrecision: 10, morphIndex: 0 }, functions: svgMorphFunctions, // Export utils to global for faster execution Util: { addPoints, bisect, normalizeRing, validRing, // component getInterpolationPoints, pathStringToRing, distanceSquareRoot, midPoint, approximateRing, rotateRing, pathToString, pathToCurve, // svg-path-commander getPathLength, getPointAtLength, getDrawDirection, roundPath, }, }; export default svgMorph;