/* KUTE.js - The Light Tweening Engine * package - KUTE.js Text Plugin * desc - adds the tween numbers incremental and cool string writing/scrambling * by dnp_theme & @dalisoft * Licensed under MIT-License */ (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['kute.js'], factory); } else if(typeof module == 'object' && typeof require == 'function') { module.exports = factory(require('kute.js')); } else if ( typeof root.KUTE !== 'undefined' ) { factory(root.KUTE); } else { throw new Error("Text-Plugin require KUTE.js."); } }(this, function (KUTE) { 'use strict'; var g = typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : window, K = KUTE, DOM = g.dom, prepareStart = K.prS, parseProperty = K.pp, number = g.Interpolate.number, _s = String("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz").split(""), // lowercase _S = String("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toUpperCase()).split(""), // uparsePropertyercase _sb = String("~!@#$%^&*()_+{}[];'<>,./?\=-").split(""), // symbols _n = String("0123456789").split(""), // numeric _a = _s.concat(_S,_n), // alpha numeric _all = _a.concat(_sb), // all caracters random = Math.random, floor = Math.floor, min = Math.min; prepareStart['text'] = prepareStart['number'] = function(l,p,v){ return l.innerHTML; } parseProperty['text'] = function(p,v,l) { if ( !( 'text' in DOM ) ) { DOM['text'] = function(l,p,a,b,v,o) { var tp = tp || o.textChars === 'alpha' ? _s // textChars is alpha : o.textChars === 'upper' ? _S // textChars is numeric : o.textChars === 'numeric' ? _n // textChars is numeric : o.textChars === 'alphanumeric' ? _a // textChars is alphanumeric : o.textChars === 'symbols' ? _sb // textChars is symbols : o.textChars ? o.textChars.split('') // textChars is a custom text : _s, ll = tp.length, t = tp[floor((random() * ll))], ix = '', tx = '', fi = a.substring(0), f = b.substring(0); // use string.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, "") to strip HTML tags while animating ? this is definatelly a to do ix = a !== '' ? fi.substring(fi.length,floor(min(v * fi.length, fi.length))) : ''; // initial text, A value tx = f.substring(0,floor(min(v * f.length, f.length))); // end text, B value l.innerHTML = v < 1 ? tx + t + ix : b; } } return v; } parseProperty['number'] = function(p,v,l) { if ( !( 'number' in DOM ) ) { DOM['number'] = function(l,p,a,b,v) { l.innerHTML = parseInt( number(a, b, v)); } } return parseInt(v) || 0; } return this; }));